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OH. And he tried to use MY ****ING EVICTION as an excuse for not telling us all about it
*hugs Dayna* First off, you are NOT stupid and NOT a whore! That is incredibly awful of him!! don't know what to say.. so just sits with you and offers hugs.
i wish I could yell at him and hurt him for hurting you...
*Hugs back tightly*
I told my housemate, as well, 'cause she'd end up finding out sooner or later, and my God. She's normally a wonderful, wonderful woman, but she got so angry, it scared me o_o;. Housemate: How are you? Me: Eh, I'm okay Housemate: Are you sure? You don't seem it Me: It's just problems with [name]. ...He's been stringing all three of us along Housemate: *Angry* ...What? Me: He's been stringing all three of us along Housemate: *Practically explodes and demands to have his email address and saying she's gonna kill him* Me: O_O!!!! We'll manage it ourselves! We've all been talking. Seriously, we're gonna handle it ourselves o____o;;;;; Housemate: *Hugs instead* Scary housemate is scary when angry |
wow! ya, does sound scary!
[and might I add.. your facial expressions in text definitely are awesome!] |
Yeah...and lol, thanks. The stupid thing is, I still feel like I love him x_x. I just want to be comforted by him, even though it's his ****ing fault I'm so hurting in the first place >_<
I don't think that's stupid.. think of it this way.. he's been your support for a while, and when you feel bad you're used to being comforted by him and it helps. Now, you're hurting, and even though it's because of him, your old patterns [i.e. seeking comfort from him] aren't gone to change instantneously [although that would be nice].. so in a way it makes sense that you would want him to comfort you, cuz that's worked in the past.
don't know if that makes sense.. it made more sense in my head.. but ya, feelings don't often change as quickly as we'd like.. :/ |
Yeah, it makes sense. I just hate it. I wondered earlier if finding all this out instantly made me hate him but no, of course not. No, I still have to have feelings for him. And ugh, he was trying to emotionally blackmail us and **** as well.
He was going on about killing himself to one of the other girls. And he said something about he didn't want to hurt anyone, so I laughed myself stupid, told him exactly why I thought that was bullshit, and he gave me a longwinded reply that began with 'then kill me'. I won't tolerate emotional blackmail, especially when said emotional blackmailer is the ****ing one in the wrong in the first place. The only reason I think he didn't try it with me was because when he said that 'then kill my' reply, I retorted with an eye-rolling emote and said something like 'my apologised if I can't sympathise with your 'pity me' **** right now'. URGH |
urgh! emotional blackmail is evil! [imho] Good for you for not taking it from him... i hope your feelings get sorted out sooner rather than later.. from a past relationship, it took me a long time to get it sorted out [but then i don't deal with my problems to begin with] but once i did, it felt so much better.
well... i have to head off to bed or i'll be not able to focus at work tomorrow... *hugs* i hope he stops being so mean soon!.. take care of yourself! I'll try and check-in in the morning. |
Well, when he discovered that I knew about his lies, he eventually IM'd me. We had a rather awkward conversation, and he said he was going to take his leave. He hasn't IM'd be since, and that was several hours ago. I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow.
*Hugs back* Speak to you tomorrow, and sweet dreams |
*Rocks in the corner* It feels like everything's crumbling to pieces >_<
Thanks Shell, will let you know how it goes :-)
*hugs Dayna* sorry to hear he's been such a ****, you have got to give yourself time and don't beat yourself up about it, sorry not more help *offers more hugs* *hugs all round* gotta go though *stokes fire and feeds puppy* anybody any ideas for a name? |
*Hugs Dayna*
Names for a puppy? I like calling my animals SinClair. I had a rabbit called Rabbit SinClair and think that you should call your puppy Puppy SinClair *Nods* Went to an appointment at a day hospital yesterday, it went okay and I've been invited to the art therapy on Tuesday. I spent the rest of the day sleeping. *Leaves hugs for everyone and thinks it's about time for a cigarette* xxx |
Hi all. The mouse is back and online, Yey!
Just checking in hope all are ok and doing well. *Leaves hot chocolate and chocolates for every one. Hugs* |
Hi Nicole! Good to see you again! thanks for the chocolate and hot chocolate. How are you doing?
Arwen - I like Puppy SinClair. :) Glad to hear that yesterday went ok. Art therapy sounds cool... have you been before? Hannah - Hope the interview goes well! Looking forward to an update. Dayna - *cuddles and sits by you* don't have words, but i'll stay by you. *leaves hugs for everyone else* Hope everyone is doing okish.. Have a good day/night. take care. *stokes fire and sets out dog food* |
coming to hide in here for a bit preferable to the real psych ward i am currently residing in! |
*waves back* Hi dark_light; welcome!!
*offers a duvet and a mug of hot chocolate* |
Hi everyone,
sorry I went AWOL for a bit, was in a bit of a dark hole. Dayna, not had the chance to go back and find our what happened but from reading between the lines I think I know your pain. Take care everyone, will try to check in a bit later on when I am home. *leaves hugs and creme eggs* |
Mary Anne: Ugh, I feel sorry for you. It's horrible *hugs* Hey there dark_light *waves back also* *Hugs Ravyn* Wildly: Thanks all the same, tis appreciated. I'm just dreading today now ._.;. 'Cause he's gonna be online later. I doubt he'll talk to me, but...eh. Even though he claimed he was gonna leave RYL, it wouldn't surprise me if he's gonna continue stalking my posts Nicole: Glad to see you back, hope you're not doing too badly *Hugs Zowie* I'm glad to see that your appointment went well, and good luck with the art therapy * * * In a fairly bad way today. Yesterday, when all this **** started up, I went through a wide range of emotions. I started crying, stayed deeply depressed, got angry, hell, even felt okay at one point. Didn't last; I've been more depressed than owt else. But I was stable. Which took me by surprise. Now that unstability has finally hit me. Dark, dark thoughts again. Bad mental images. Last night I could hardly stop crying. Even worse, I have my near full packet of new meds, and packets of painkillers downstairs, so I'm trying to distract myself. And I'm completely alone. There's no one here irl to stop me, should...I get out of hand. My housemate's off to see a judge, I think, which the council advised us to do, to ask for an extention of our eviction deadline. Eviction and realising that I've been lied two for the past ... God knows exactly. Months. Months. Why the ****ing hell should I bother any more? |
I think Puppy SinClair might get fat if everybody keeps feeding him, hell I might get fat if I keep eating all this chocolate..mmm...creme eggs...
Interview went okay, in fact I did my goddamnest best, but unfortunately I don't think it was good enough as at the end he said, don't worry if we don't get hold of you immediately we might be squabbling over someone and if we do ask someone else they may not accept the post ... hmm makes me think they have someone else in mind, no matter I did my best... keep on slogging *gives Dayna a huge hug* keep going hun *hugs mouse, Shell, Zowie, Dark Light and anybody else who pops by and wants one* I'm now off to work but am celebrating tonight - friend's birthday (going to bake ginger cake, will make an extra one for you guys - and the fact that my interview is over and done with - wish me luck alcohol is demonic :P |
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