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toothpaste 21-06-2007 10:35 PM


what would ya wanna sing?

Bitter_Angel 21-06-2007 10:36 PM

hmm no idea.
But we need munchies as well.

toothpaste 21-06-2007 10:38 PM


Bitter_Angel 21-06-2007 10:39 PM

And hot choccie

toothpaste 21-06-2007 10:41 PM

>.< and popcorn

Bitter_Angel 21-06-2007 10:42 PM

Sounds good to me.

The Hierophant 21-06-2007 10:43 PM

evening all.

toothpaste 21-06-2007 10:58 PM

hiya Aeryn, how ya doing? (this wud have bin sent quicker but the damn computer froze, sorry)

fragiledollface 21-06-2007 11:01 PM

thanks for the welcoming! I forgot to tell you all why I am here. I feel really unsafe and I need loads of help. maybe y'all can help me out a lil. I'm really hoping nothing triggers me to do what I want to do. Yeah, cut and well starve and all that stuff. :( sorry guys.

Ellie <3

Bitter_Angel 21-06-2007 11:09 PM

*waves* How are you Aeryn

My comp also frozee.

toothpaste 21-06-2007 11:15 PM

*offers fragile a hug*

bobidrawpictures 21-06-2007 11:45 PM

hey all sorry im gonna close my tent up for a night need it all alone hope you are all ok?

Spacegirlnz 22-06-2007 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Rainbow-Angel (Post 92077)
hey everyone, hey brightside... welcome.

Just thought i'd let you know i'm still here x

Playing this waiting game with social services gets stupid. I know sooner or later they are going to section me :(

Hey, this may sound like a really dense question, but what do you mean by "They're going to section me"? I've heard other people say this too, but I don't know what it means... :notsure:


Originally Posted by bright.side.of.life (Post 92265)
thankyou, thats just what i need right now, comfort food, curl up in a corner and hide.

*hugs* Chocolate? Ice cream ? How about some banana pancakes... I'll make them myself :)


Originally Posted by Rainbow-Angel (Post 92793)
No but thank you bright side - i just need hugs... and to hide :(

*brings comfort food for all*

*hugs* You can hide under my blanket for a while with my kitten if you want. I'm about to go for a walk.


Originally Posted by fragiledollface (Post 93423)
thanks for the welcoming! I forgot to tell you all why I am here. I feel really unsafe and I need loads of help. maybe y'all can help me out a lil. I'm really hoping nothing triggers me to do what I want to do. Yeah, cut and well starve and all that stuff. :( sorry guys.

Ellie <3

Awwwh, *hugs* I hope you'll be okay. You can PM me if you wanna talk. :-)

But right now, I'm going for a walk. I find out my marks of the course I was doing last trimester. *iz nervous* If I pass then I can continue my studies next tri. eeeep. I know I didn't get the marks I'm capable of getting, but that's what depression does. Makes me stay in bed all day rather than go to lectures.

*hugs* to all. Wish me good luck please =) I'll be back in 1/2 an hour or so.

Bitter_Angel 22-06-2007 12:04 AM

Lukeeeeeeeee *licks* Im about if you want to chat hunni. You know where I am.

Spacegirl, sorry i forget your name. Good luck.
Sectioning is basically an order they take out if they think you are danger to yourself. If they want you to go as an inpatient but you refuse, they can section you under certain condtions in order to get you the treatment you need.

bobidrawpictures 22-06-2007 12:18 AM

thanks kim i know you and others are but meh im not worth it and meh meh meh sorry im crashing

Bitter_Angel 22-06-2007 12:36 AM

Dont make me come kick you!! coz i will.
Of course your worth it. Your lovley-)
And dont crash. It gets lonley.

Spacegirlnz 22-06-2007 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by bitter_angel (Post 93532)
Lukeeeeeeeee *licks* Im about if you want to chat hunni. You know where I am.

Spacegirl, sorry i forget your name. Good luck.
Sectioning is basically an order they take out if they think you are danger to yourself. If they want you to go as an inpatient but you refuse, they can section you under certain condtions in order to get you the treatment you need.

Ahhhh, okay. Thanks =) And thanks for the luck. I passed :hop: with a C+ 2 A's and a B+.

Originally Posted by bobidrawpictures (Post 93565)
thanks kim i know you and others are but meh im not worth it and meh meh meh sorry im crashing

If you're gonna crash shall we put a big fluffy pillow under you so you have a soft landing? Or a trampoline so you bounce right back up?

Bitter_Angel 22-06-2007 01:01 AM

Ahh well done hun :thumbup:

Casper_Fading 22-06-2007 01:11 AM

In australia it's not called sectioning... you get stuck under the mental health act and basically it's like being arrested but you don't get a criminal record. Suuuuuuuukcs... happened to me once nad they wanted to do it again but i agreed to go so they didn't...

I AM HURTING!!!! :'(

Spacegirlnz 22-06-2007 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by <alive> (Post 93661)
In australia it's not called sectioning... you get stuck under the mental health act and basically it's like being arrested but you don't get a criminal record. Suuuuuuuukcs... happened to me once nad they wanted to do it again but i agreed to go so they didn't...

I AM HURTING!!!! :'(

Awwwh *hugs* Why are you hurting?

I'm in NZ and I don't think it's called sectioning either.

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