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Mors Certa 17-08-2008 07:02 PM

Appreciate the hugs and snuggles, skip the food, ugh.

Takes a minute to spray another coat of varnish on door, turning out quite mediocre if I do say so myself.

Hells - thank you for kind words, skip the judgement, I know me much better, but will let it drop in the interest of Ward Peace. *hugs*

*closes and locks door so cannot be seen, heard or found*

CrazyHayley 17-08-2008 08:28 PM

*goes looking for Jeff is very determind to find him just for a snuggle*

*aha!!! In here?......nope.......*

*wonders around somemore*

blondiebear 17-08-2008 08:33 PM

*Reads Bro's mind to find where he is hiding and blows a couple of sister-kisses to him. Crawls in long enough to give him a hug and beg for one back.*

*hugs everyone*

*sits and leans protectively against a bit of the wall that might be a bit tacky with varnish and tries to decide if it would be best to make a prayer shawl, work on squares for the ryl blanket or to do some mending for a friend*

~*forever_broken*~ 17-08-2008 08:36 PM

*finds Jeff and gives him some massive hugs*

*sigh* I have no idea how I'm doing tbh... Yay for me :s if I read my charts again I'll be able to tell you, I'm sure and it won't be good :s

blondiebear 17-08-2008 08:45 PM

*cuddles daughter Ally*

CrazyHayley 17-08-2008 08:54 PM

*sobs* can't believe I can't find Jeff and others can.....maybe I should wear my glasses?!
*snuggles Ally* hope you feel bit better soon
*snuggles susan* you're making a RYL blanket?! How exciting!

1ofmany 17-08-2008 09:22 PM

*makes tea (the drink not the meal) for all and leaves a tray of biscuits*

MammaMia 17-08-2008 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyHayley (Post 1007984)
Hells, I'm gutted that you feel so bad right now and are thinking about checking yourself out. I'm pretty sure whenever I see you I send you hugs. You were one of the first people to welcome me to the ward. Please don't leave. *special snuggles just for helen* I'm gonna go check out your thread and see if theres anything I can help you with.

I probs won't leave...I dunno...awww thanks for my special snuggles *gives special snuggles back*

*hugs susan* Hope your day will be good :)


Originally Posted by HorseRidinBbe07 (Post 1008139)
im glad you got some rest helen :)

Thanks sweet. I still feel so tired.


Originally Posted by CrazyHayley (Post 1008255)
My friend thats been in hospital for 16months is being discharged in 2weeks, yay!! I know you don't know her, but it gave me a reason to smile, so wanted to share it with you all.
*snuggles you all before going out to smoking shelter*

Awwwwww yay for you & your friend =]


Originally Posted by Mors Certa (Post 1008439)
Hells - thank you for kind words, skip the judgement, I know me much better, but will let it drop in the interest of Ward Peace. *hugs*

*gives Jeff lots of cuddles*

FFS I'm either having nightly panic attacks every night at the moment or my asthma is returning or something :crying:

CrazyHayley 17-08-2008 10:03 PM

oooh biscuits, yum! Thanks 1ofmany! I'm not a tea drinker myself though so I shall pass, I've been banned from all caffiene and alcohol by my OT. Going cold turkey is not fun. Anyhoo, I know its for the best and just have to hang on in there, so I'm going to hang on in there in that inviting looking space over to the left hand side of the ward near the pot plant. if anyone needs me thats where I shall be, but I've taken my night time meds and am now struggling to type and keep my eyes open, so you may have to poke or shout to get a response. If I'm not needed, nighty night everyone - and goodmorning to those of you in different time zones, lol.
*snuggles everyone she can find*
*goes to the inviting space to the left hand side of the ward by the pot plant*
*waters pot plant before snuggling down for the night*

MammaMia 17-08-2008 10:20 PM

*snuggles Hayley*

Sleep well hun :)

1ofmany 17-08-2008 10:31 PM

wow don't think I would be able to give up tea...Good for you for going through with it! Sleep well.

blondiebear 17-08-2008 10:37 PM

Amaryllis is making an RYL blanket. She's invited all of us to make squares for it, knitted or crocheted, six inches square, any color but orange. Then she will use orange, the color of self injury awareness, to connect all of the squares together.

Yesterday my girlfriend was over. She counted how many I'd made and did some quality control, so I ended up undoing and redoing four of them.

Bro, can you smell anything behind your invisible door? Hope you're ok with the smell of shampoo.

*cuddles everyone*
*goes back to finish bowl of doritos before looking at crochet work.* btw, i'm such a nut about clean hands that I use chopstick to eat greasy salty snack foods. My psych assures me that it is not OCD.

1ofmany 17-08-2008 10:40 PM

wow thats a good idea! I hate getting greasy hands from doritos (love them!).

Mors Certa 17-08-2008 11:26 PM

Nope can't smell a thing, airtight, triple locked, with a decoy door somewhere else. I suspect that you all have been snuggling and hugging a manequin, but if it made you feel better that is fine. Had to put extra work into making a fat, smelly, balding manequin that generates heat, but it has been worth it to avoid leaving the Ward.

blondiebear 18-08-2008 01:06 AM

You haven't had to leave the ward. The smell of your wood varnish has probably overwhelmed you for a bit. Thank you for removing old from your description of yourself, younger brother. ;o) (You just don't want to admit that the smell of your sis's shampoo is comforting.) I am so vain about my hair!

Innovative is just something weird that works, therefore the chop sticks. I learned how by eating popcorn with them.

All I'm Living For 18-08-2008 02:14 AM

*curls up in a cupboard and cries*

zowie 18-08-2008 02:53 AM

Feeling horrible atm, thinking of taking an OD like last time, only this time I wont go to A&E and tell them what I've done. This time I'll let the pills work.
Sorry if that was something that ryl doesnt accept, im just in a really bad place at the moment.

MammaMia 18-08-2008 03:38 AM

*hugs Soph and Zowie*

Please Zowie, don't? :(

All I'm Living For 18-08-2008 03:42 AM

life sucks.

blondiebear 18-08-2008 03:50 AM

*snuggles everyone*

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