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blondiebear 16-08-2008 09:31 PM

Sorry, I still feel like ick. I took the bracelet out of my purse and put it up on the table so i can cut it if i need too. I'm feeling that mad at myself, sorry.

*sets combo of lock to hidey hole to numerical equivalent of "wretch" and curls up to hide until October 20*

BoundNoMore 16-08-2008 10:42 PM


MammaMia 16-08-2008 11:21 PM

Why do I have to remember you....what you did....the things you said...and how u got away with it all scot free and everyone ****ing loves u....bet it's just cus u've got a few physival things wrong with u....wish u'd ****ing die already and then people would be shocked at how I would reeact probs....I wish I could tell someone who should have been told then....what would have been the point yeah? The ONLY adult who knows is my counsellor....oh and Jane knows one thing u did....

I hate the memories....you're still taunting me aren't you? Do you want to keep hurting me? Well you haven't for ages. I will ALWAYS hate you. I may act nice around you but it's all an act so I dont upset anyone else but deep down inside my stomach is turning with sickness...

MammaMia 16-08-2008 11:22 PM


Just why?

Pomegranate 16-08-2008 11:36 PM

Hells are you talking about your Dad hun?

I know you are angry and that he's hurt you and you have every right to feel the way you do. Don't surpress the emotions but try not to dwell on them either. Keep busy so you don't spend all day thinking about it. When do you start Newman?

Also, I am using my mum's old phone with my sim card since the tragic death of my phone. Can you PM me or text me your mob number again hun cos it was on the phone not the sim? Thanks darling

Keep safe *hugs* xxx

Pomegranate 16-08-2008 11:39 PM

What's happened Susan? You are doing so well, be gentle with yourself there.

*sends special soothing hugs to Amanda* here if you want to talk x

Alexx....what was never supposed to go this far?

*hugs Heather*

*leaves bundle of hugs for all who need them*

Ally?? Chloe? Callie? Jess? *pokes around for them*

Bambi 16-08-2008 11:47 PM

Please Help I dont know what to do.(MAY TRIGGER)
:crying: :crying: hi. i thought i might check myself in because iam feeling really unsafe right now. i have been cutting for nearly two hours now and i just cant stop. i just want to be dead i have spent all day looking at suicide websites. iam really scared of what i will do to myself. I need someone to keep me safe because as hard as it is for me to say this iam a real Danger to myself Right now iam so sacred because I know that there is no way that i can keep myself safe right now. But I just dont know what to do where to or who to turn to. i just feel so isolated and alone. I dont even know where to go to get help. and to make things worse it is the weekend and it is out of hours, but iam so scared how do i keep myself safe when its my self i need to be kept safe from? I just dont know what to do. can anybody please give me some advice please?:crying: :crying:
*Squishes for anyone that wants them*

Pomegranate 16-08-2008 11:52 PM

*holds you* Ok firstly hun, I know it is hard and seems impossible but put the blade down. You need to go to A&E and have them assess you. Call them and let them know you are coming and they will be able to help you. You are in pain both emotionally and physically and you need to be taken care of. The staff at A&E will be able to do that and keep you safe.

MammaMia 17-08-2008 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Pomegranate (Post 1006761)
Hells are you talking about your Dad hun?

I know you are angry and that he's hurt you and you have every right to feel the way you do. Don't surpress the emotions but try not to dwell on them either. Keep busy so you don't spend all day thinking about it. When do you start Newman?

Also, I am using my mum's old phone with my sim card since the tragic death of my phone. Can you PM me or text me your mob number again hun cos it was on the phone not the sim? Thanks darling

Keep safe *hugs* xxx

Hey Hun. Nope, not talking about my dad for once ha >.< Was talking about my ex boyfriend...:crying: will explain more in this thread I'm writing (turning out to be soooo long, people shant even read it I'll bet). But what I was talking about...I know I shouldn't supress the emotions as I have for a long time when I can't cope with them. But I don't want to spend all day thinking sbout what he did either. I don't know when I start Newman yet, I need to email them actually so I get the info about registering and whatnot. Plus I need to fill in the forms for my DSA aswell. Stresssss ah :|

I certainly shall pm you my number, RIP em's phone :pinch:

Keep safe. Gwad...I'd love not to. God sake. Why do I have to see it but I know I can't cut. **** **** I hate the 2nd month of recovery. It's always ****, well has been every time I reached it after I gave up ongest recovery so far. It's a curse!!! But I'm gonna break it? I have to. I want to do this. :crying:

*hugs* When do you go away btw?

BoundNoMore 17-08-2008 01:35 AM

*huddles in a corner... alone and scared*
wh... wh... where is everybody????

MammaMia 17-08-2008 01:58 AM

I'm here :) I was just starting the world's longest first post in a new thread for me...

*hugs lots*

BoundNoMore 17-08-2008 02:01 AM

I just read and responded to it... my response is crap though ><

blondiebear 17-08-2008 02:09 AM

Note To Self;

1. It is a full moon tonight
2. It is the 14th anniversary of the night I "hit bottom" as an alcoholic. The time things were at their worst.

and if that isn't bad enough, There is a major slime convention, uh our two presidential candidates are meeting, at a church just four miles from here.

*changes combo on lock to "whine" and crawls back in*

MammaMia 17-08-2008 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by Bound by Thoughts (Post 1007014)
I just read and responded to it... my response is crap though ><

It's not crap hunni xx


Originally Posted by blondiebear (Post 1007026)
Note To Self;

1. It is a full moon tonight
2. It is the 14th anniversary of the night I "hit bottom" as an alcoholic. The time things were at their worst.

and if that isn't bad enough, There is a major slime convention, uh our two presidential candidates are meeting, at a church just four miles from here.

*changes combo on lock to "whine" and crawls back in*

*leaves hugs for you if you want them*

BoundNoMore 17-08-2008 02:24 AM

*huddles and cries in corner*
I am a lot more likely to be unsafe on a full moon night.
I don't know why... maybe I'm just stupid, but my head seems to be a lot more violently loud during full moons...
like telling me to do stuff and stuff...
that can't be... can it? It's all in my head... I am making it up... Goddess I'm so STUPID!!!!!
*rocks self and stares into oblivion*

MammaMia 17-08-2008 02:25 AM

You're not stuipd.
I can tell you that much at least. x

risenfromperdition 17-08-2008 02:56 AM

eww presidential candidates lol
*hugs susan*

*curls up*

MammaMia 17-08-2008 03:11 AM

Nobody cares for me anymore.

I dont get given hugs anymore except for Em & Jess.

Might aswell leave because this ward has changed too much for my liking.

Nobody even pays me attention when things are good, with the exception of me getting into uni.

Actually where is everyone?

Why am I being so harsh?

I understand sometimes people don't know how to help, but hugs are always good for me :)

risenfromperdition 17-08-2008 03:15 AM

*sends hugs*
i swear i wrote that in my other post =\
my computer hates me!

MammaMia 17-08-2008 03:19 AM

*kicks your computer* haha hope that helps

*hugs back*

I gotta stop hittin out

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