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MammaMia 01-08-2008 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by Bound by Thoughts (Post 969752)
Helen's back yay!!!!


Originally Posted by <alive> (Post 970289)
HELLS! *dashes out of cupboard, glomps firmly*

Thanks you two.

Nice to know some still care.

Have the worst stomach pains and worried that Mand is coming to get me on Sunday cus I cancelled seeing her today at last minute. :crying:

Casper_Fading 01-08-2008 01:27 AM

lsot peopel cre!~ ur woried she wnt come get u/ she wil. be fine!

I can't... cryin work. ****. told 'fren' cant se her tl she sorts self out.c nt lose nther eposn. cnt.

MammaMia 01-08-2008 01:35 AM

*hugs Jess lots*

I'm really stressing about my uni finance application. I'm actually crying. They've sent the evidence back but nothing from them yet. HURRY UP!!! Plus my local something haven't sent my disability student allowance application either.

I'm realllllllllly worried. I'm obviously not gonna get it in time? I really need my loans & dsa more than anything by the time I start or I am going be VERY screwed!!!!

This is all my fault, I should have applied in april but I had no net or anything. *cries* Maybe I should sign onto the website and check to see if the status has changed.

OMG someone who understands me....calm me down?

I need to sleep and my stomach is hurting me soooooooo bad. Plus possible jet lag?

BoundNoMore 01-08-2008 01:37 AM

*snuggles Hells and plays with her hair until she falls asleep*

Casper_Fading 01-08-2008 01:38 AM

rng them and ask? i dun.o. sory *hugs*

MammaMia 01-08-2008 01:41 AM

Awwww thanks Amanda sweetie.

Maybe I will. Gonna check the website later, that would be best I think :

~*forever_broken*~ 01-08-2008 01:55 AM

God, is it too much to ask to just lay down and die?

Casper_Fading 01-08-2008 01:57 AM

dunt go aly. please. :'(

y doe veyone want tog o? why? *cires*

All I'm Living For 01-08-2008 02:02 AM

i have no idea what's going on but *huggles everyone and hands Jess tissues*

~*forever_broken*~ 01-08-2008 02:04 AM

*cuddles Jess and smooths back her hair*
Oh sweetie, I'm not going anywhere... I just feel so awful :-(

All I'm Living For 01-08-2008 02:06 AM

*hugs you*

Casper_Fading 01-08-2008 02:12 AM

*snuggles up to aly and soph8 u gys are frwet.

i kwno u fel bad ally. jsut... dunt go. please.

Casper_Fading 01-08-2008 02:14 AM

thnk u for reaching out past ur own pain to tyr and help. i have to go now. having an emergency catch yp session with somene. thnk u.

blondiebear 01-08-2008 02:19 AM

Am realising all of the things I should be and am not.

All I'm Living For 01-08-2008 02:19 AM

take care Jess *cuddles* i'm thinking of you xx

would anyone else like some hugs? i dont know if i'd be able to give the best advice but i will try and i'm more than willing to listen and give a whole lot of hugs

BoundNoMore 01-08-2008 02:20 AM

*sits and rocks*

All I'm Living For 01-08-2008 02:23 AM

*huggles Manda* i'm here if you want to talk hun *cuddles*

BoundNoMore 01-08-2008 02:25 AM

just feelin kinda... don't know... dissociated maybe? or numb? or... oh hell i don't know what i feel...

All I'm Living For 01-08-2008 02:27 AM

well i'm here if you need me *cuddles more and bear hugs*

blondiebear 01-08-2008 02:27 AM

*folds up blankets and puts them and pillows in a tidy stack*
*sits against the wall in her usual place and prays and listens and waits*

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