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Detour. Derail 31-07-2008 11:05 PM

I have.....
She said I was ok...
A year of counselling...
I can deal with the negativity and all that other ****...
Theres no explanation for this...
Other than I;m a horrible person

Casper_Fading 31-07-2008 11:07 PM

*sighs* i hate life.

alex, when your'e depressed and everything else gets... on top of you and you just can't deal, there is an anger that manifests. It doesn't have to have a sourse, it doesn't have to have a target, it's part of your emotions, manifesting to say ARGH! *cuddles* you are NOTY a horrible persdon

BoundNoMore 31-07-2008 11:07 PM

*snuggles Alexx* no... you are not a horrible person...
you are a person who needs to find a new doctor.

Detour. Derail 31-07-2008 11:11 PM

Sorry guys...I should be helping you...

BoundNoMore 31-07-2008 11:18 PM

'tis ok Alexx...
there comes a time in everyone's life when they need to help themselves...
your time is now.

*jumps down off soapbox*

Casper_Fading 31-07-2008 11:19 PM

you cant help anyone till you're okay. *nods*

Detour. Derail 31-07-2008 11:19 PM

I just cant help anyone...

Casper_Fading 31-07-2008 11:24 PM

*cuddles alex* dearheart, you help so much.

Automatik Teknicolour 31-07-2008 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Voice Of Reason (Post 970460)
I just cant help anyone...

welcome to my world
Of course you can, you've helped me so many times

BoundNoMore 31-07-2008 11:27 PM

*nods in full agreement with Jess*
just by being you...

Kuwairo 31-07-2008 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Bound by Thoughts (Post 970404)
*snuggles Alexx* no... you are not a horrible person...
you are a person who needs to find a new doctor.


Kuwairo 31-07-2008 11:37 PM

there's a thread on here somewhere, write something good about yourself sorta thing. i even read it to try help me think of something. i couldn't think of a damn thing. because i'm just not good.

yeah, sorry, selfish moment there. *hugs* for all cos i'm being useless on the words front again

Casper_Fading 31-07-2008 11:39 PM

*cdduels ku*

Detour. Derail 31-07-2008 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Kuwairo (Post 970571)
there's a thread on here somewhere, write something good about yourself sorta thing. i even read it to try help me think of something. i couldn't think of a damn thing. because i'm just not good.

yeah, sorry, selfish moment there. *hugs* for all cos i'm being useless on the words front again

I get this :/
"theres loads of good things about you Alexx!"

You arent being selfish hun. *cuddles*

*sigh* I bought a locket the other day...last time I had a locket...it had a pic of my best mate in one side...and my bf in the other....
Now I cant help but think I'm gonna have one empty side....for a long time :/

Kuwairo 31-07-2008 11:43 PM

*cuddles jess & alexx*
but there are about you...

Casper_Fading 31-07-2008 11:44 PM

there are good things abuot both of you. part of being ill is that you can't recognise those things.

BoundNoMore 31-07-2008 11:59 PM

my mind is racing now
make it stop... make it stop...make it stop

hubby usually comes home for lunch around 6:00 (it's almost 7:00) so I texted him and was like "you not coming home?"
He texts back and says, "sorry, busy day and plus I ain't coming back after lunch."
I asked him, "What... coming home for lunch but not going back to work after lunch?" He said, "Yup" I asked, "Why... are you ok?" He goes, "I'll tell ya later..."

Oh for the love all things holy please don't let him be fired!!!!!!!

*is terrified... mind is racing... heart is pounding... palms are sweating*

raining_inmyhead 31-07-2008 11:59 PM

*hugs everyone*

*hides under a blanket... makes self comfy*

Detour. Derail 01-08-2008 12:01 AM

Where does he work?
and why MIGHT they have fired him?
*calming hugs*

Hey Raining inmyhead...*makes sure no one accidentlly stands on you*

Casper_Fading 01-08-2008 12:03 AM

ask him?

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