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lil-princess 27-07-2008 12:15 AM

*hugs for you all*

Sorry i havent really been around, but im not doing so good expecially tonight explains why in my thread well kinda.


Detour. Derail 27-07-2008 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by Bound by Thoughts (Post 955456)
is it possible to feel tired AND sleepy at the same time?
Cuz I think I do...

I think so..I feel like that all the time

Casper_Fading 27-07-2008 04:53 AM

it burns... a lot. am contemplating whether or no to ring the hospital and ask if i could still get it stictched... i dunno... argh. i don't think they can. edges and sof and yucke.d oh dar.

Kahlia1981 27-07-2008 05:01 AM

I slipped big time. This afternoon I get to go and explain to my friend what happened ..... this particular friend has put me in the local psych ward before so I'm a little nervous. I know that what I did was .... wrong (I guess that's the word) ... I didn't want to do it. But what's done is done.

Does anyone mind if I just sit in the corner and cry for a bit?? I need to regain a little strength *before* I go and "let the cat out of the bag". Please ??

effervescence 27-07-2008 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by <alive> (Post 953795)
i giggled... :P

yay!! how's it going today?

Casper_Fading 27-07-2008 05:27 AM

it's all good.

how u?

blondiebear 27-07-2008 05:29 AM

I'm gone for 15 hours and all this happens?

To me tired is whole body and brain. Or sometimes one and not the other. Tired is my system saying go to sleep.

Jeff, if you are my daughter's uncle, does that make you my brother? At 5'3" (and if you want to know how many pounds, send a PM,) I may be a short stuff, but honest my shoulders are broad and strong. Do me a favor, and don't pound on my shoulders, but if you need a shoulder to cry on, your big sis is here.

I had a bit of a screaming fit up in the dirt road among the sequoia trees. Exhaustion. My frustration with my hearing problem, which is right in the range of human voices. Besides, trying to get my husband to remember to do the few things that will help me. Get my attention first, face towards me. Enunciate a bit. I don't want to miss what people are saying or have to ask them to repeat it.

And more memories, but those will go in my other thread.

The sequoias are beautiful. The mountains and cliffs and canyons are awesome. Driving through the crop lands is nice too, pistachios, oranges, cherries, olives, corn, and cotton that we recognized.

If a cow is hamburger on the hoof, cotton is a t-shirt on the vine. No, this is not a new thought.

effervescence 27-07-2008 05:29 AM

*wonders whether or not to believe jess*

me? tired. fed up. want to see my psych so i can just collapse somewhere and not have to pretend. just for that one hour a week i can be myself and be safe.

Casper_Fading 27-07-2008 05:35 AM

i'm fine. really. onest. yeah.

blondiebear 27-07-2008 05:37 AM

*cuddles everyone*

*goes to nest to guess what, sleep*

BoundNoMore 27-07-2008 08:08 AM

I really should be asleep...

BoundNoMore 27-07-2008 08:12 AM

*hugs her RYL daddy*
good to see you too
are you feeling better than last night?

BoundNoMore 27-07-2008 08:18 AM

Awww Daddy...
*hugs again*

BoundNoMore 27-07-2008 08:25 AM

I wish I could encourage you, but I don't wanna BE either
*runs flat side of shiny metal thing up and down her wrist*

BoundNoMore 27-07-2008 08:32 AM

no...can't be weak... must be strong
*bangs head*
snap out of it... damnit

BoundNoMore 27-07-2008 08:40 AM


I really wish I could snap out of it
I wasn't telling you to snap out of it... I was telling myself to

Casper_Fading 27-07-2008 10:07 AM

we will know anyways. it will grieve us more to have nothing fo ou left. don't do it. it's better to be ehre.

i am fine. deleted my post cause it was taking up space.

*goes back to cupboard and curls up in the dark*

wake me when the pain stops.

Jetforce 27-07-2008 10:34 AM

*find and cuddles jess*

Hope ur ok there, take care of urself there :-) xx

effervescence 27-07-2008 10:47 AM

*wakes up jess and carries her into vets general to remind her of the good times*

Casper_Fading 27-07-2008 10:53 AM

tghanks for tyring guys. but i'm nto really fleeling all that great. hurting inside and out. nothing is really funny. i'm tyringt hough. really am.

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