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CrazyHayley 26-07-2008 11:29 PM

hang on screaming going on outside my front door
*goes to investigate*

Detour. Derail 26-07-2008 11:30 PM

hi ku ^_^

BoundNoMore 26-07-2008 11:30 PM

I think he's an hour behind me... so it's like 5:30 for him now

blue_cloud 26-07-2008 11:31 PM

hi ku hows you?

CrazyHayley 26-07-2008 11:34 PM

some poor drunk teenager being dumped by her boyfriend for cheating, she's ok, on the phone to her mum

Anyhoo, Alexx - inline skates, gosh that brings back memories of when my legs worked properly, lol How close are you to making the 8month mark? Can you hold on just a little while longer? Remember we're here to listen if you need to talk

Kuwairo 26-07-2008 11:36 PM

i'm not great, but hey.
how's everyone else?
sorry i haven't read through...there's loads!
alexx you can make 8 months...you're doing brilliantly

blue_cloud 26-07-2008 11:38 PM

can i help ku?

dontcare 26-07-2008 11:39 PM

*Just popping my head out of my corner* - only been here a day and its all a bit overwhelming

CrazyHayley 26-07-2008 11:41 PM

Don't apologise for not reading through, I only manage it on days when I've been offline for 24hours or so, anymore than that and I just can't keep up, lol. I'm off on holiday tomorrow so goodness knows what page number we'll be back on by the time I return, lol
I was really bad last two days and SI'd but doing bit better today thanks and actually kinda looking forward about going away, though I am nervous at not having my psych ward to come to on a daily basis to keep me distracted, but hopefully I'll be too busy and then too knackered to get a chance to SI.
Sorry you're not great Ku, hope you start feeling better soon. *snuggle*

Detour. Derail 26-07-2008 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyHayley (Post 955330)
some poor drunk teenager being dumped by her boyfriend for cheating, she's ok, on the phone to her mum

Anyhoo, Alexx - inline skates, gosh that brings back memories of when my legs worked properly, lol How close are you to making the 8month mark? Can you hold on just a little while longer? Remember we're here to listen if you need to talk

Im on 5 months :|
and struggling...
I want to tonight...but..just for the sheer sake of it...
because Im angry...
Im stupid yeah?

Whats up Ku?:(

BoundNoMore 26-07-2008 11:41 PM

*flops down on a over-sized, over squishy bean bag chair with her blankey and teddy and yawns*
I don't know why I am so tired... or sleepy (or whatever I am)... like I said earlier... I've only been outta bed like a hour and a half!!!

CrazyHayley 26-07-2008 11:42 PM

Hi don'tcare, I know its overwhelming at first, I still haven't ventured out of this psych ward too much and I've been here a month now. But all you need to know is that everyone cares a lot about helping others in their fight and road to recovery. We help you and then when you feel strong enough you can help others. *snuggle*

blue_cloud 26-07-2008 11:43 PM

hi dont care come join us
awww hayley hope you enjoy your holiday and we will miss you *hug*

Kuwairo 26-07-2008 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Voice Of Reason (Post 955356)
Im on 5 months :|
and struggling...
I want to tonight...but..just for the sheer sake of it...
because Im angry...
Im stupid yeah?

Whats up Ku?:(

You're not stupid, you're angry.
What's got you angry?

I dunno. Everything and nothing.
I guess I don't know where to start.
Thanks guys *hugs*

blue_cloud 26-07-2008 11:44 PM

*flops on bean bag next to bound*
congrats voice that is fantasic you are doing so well you should be really proud!

Kuwairo 26-07-2008 11:45 PM

Sorry, forgot to say, Hayley have a great holiday! Hopefully you'll be having such a nice time away that you won't need to si.

CrazyHayley 26-07-2008 11:46 PM

right, I'm sorry when I know that some of you need to talk, but it is way way past my bed time, my meds kicked in ages ago and now my eyes really hurt from keeping them open and trying to look at screen, so I'd better take myself off to bed. i don't wanna feel ill for travelling tomorrow, especially as its 19hours on a coach!!! I'm only going to scotland but I'm too scared to fly by myself.
Anyway, I'll try and check in before I go.
*snuggle everyonse ta ta for now*

Detour. Derail 26-07-2008 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by dontcare (Post 955350)
*Just popping my head out of my corner* - only been here a day and its all a bit overwhelming


Originally Posted by CrazyHayley (Post 955361)
Hi don'tcare, I know its overwhelming at first, I still haven't ventured out of this psych ward too much and I've been here a month now. But all you need to know is that everyone cares a lot about helping others in their fight and road to recovery. We help you and then when you feel strong enough you can help others. *snuggle*

I've been here for like...forever O.o
But I like it in here ^_^
I...occasionally venture out...
but I'm abit like a ninja...I'm in and out of here SO fast...you barely knew I was gone...

And I'm barmy...

and I'm Alexx...
I'll be hushing now :]*disappears*

BoundNoMore 26-07-2008 11:46 PM

*squishes Hayley*
we will miss you girl, but have fun on holiday

Detour. Derail 26-07-2008 11:46 PM


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