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blue_cloud 26-07-2008 10:09 PM

oh so sorry you have had a bad day and your feeling so bad i hope the lorazapine helps some *hugs*

BoundNoMore 26-07-2008 10:56 PM

*hugs zowie*
sorry you are having a rough day...
I am kinda having one too... I have only been outta bed like a hour
(it's almost 6:00 pm)... and I have already SHed...let's just say... more
than a few times :-/

CrazyHayley 26-07-2008 11:01 PM

Oh amanda, sorry you're having a crummy start to the day *snuggles*
*snuggles zowie* I've not been active smae time as you for a few days, but I always read through to see what I've missed, shame things have been tough for you too.
*snuggles all around* seems like a lot of people have been having a really hard time of it last night/today(my time) I'm sorry i wasn't online to offer support or encouragement but things went a bit hetic in real life. I'm going to bed shortly but just needed my quick fix of the psych ward to chill me out before bed.
Oh and I must say I'm sooo excited that susan's making a purple shirt for you Jeff!! Purple is my favourite colour!! But hopefully I won't soak the shirt with as many tears as I did the other night, I hope to do better, but its good to know you're there just incase.

BoundNoMore 26-07-2008 11:07 PM

Thanks for the snuggles Hayley... snuggles are always comforting
*suddenly pulls away from Hayley* but I don't wanna bleed on you...

blue_cloud 26-07-2008 11:11 PM

*hugs bound*
sorry to hear you have already had a bad time today please try and stay safe now

blue_cloud 26-07-2008 11:12 PM

sleep well hayley xx

CrazyHayley 26-07-2008 11:12 PM

well if you're still bleeding do I need to help you administer first aid? Do you need to get yourself checked? *grabs amanda back to safety of snuggles*

CrazyHayley 26-07-2008 11:15 PM

oh hi LJ, I didn't see you there at first, silly me not refreshing page....see meds kicking in and getting fuzzy eyed and sleepy!! I will take myslef off to bed very shortly.....How are you doing today? Any improvement on last night? *snuggles*
Amanda, you ok?

blue_cloud 26-07-2008 11:18 PM

still struggling but managed to stay SI free so far just 40 more mins and i managed a day!

BoundNoMore 26-07-2008 11:20 PM

I gots a random question (sorry)...
how come at the bottom of the screen where it says currently active members viewing this thread:
sometimes there's like only one member and a lot of guests viewing it and other times it's like all members? And sometimes I am the only one (makes me lonely *sniffle*)

Am I making any sense or am I just rambling on and on and on and on and...
*retreats to her corner*

Detour. Derail 26-07-2008 11:21 PM

Lonely...and lousey...
maybe I WONT be getting my skates this time...

blue_cloud 26-07-2008 11:22 PM

think it just says amount of guests as they don't have 'proper' names?

Detour. Derail 26-07-2008 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Bound by Thoughts (Post 955262)
I gots a random question (sorry)...
how come at the bottom of the screen where it says currently active members viewing this thread:
sometimes there's like only one member and a lot of guests viewing it and other times it's like all members? And sometimes I am the only one (makes me lonely *sniffle*)

Am I making any sense or am I just rambling on and on and on and on and...
*retreats to her corner*

Sometimes members pop out of the thread, or refresh it...
the guests might be search engines or lurkers on the site.

CrazyHayley 26-07-2008 11:25 PM

Good going LJ, just take things one day at a time.

Amanda, the same often baffles me too, I think sometimes our names don't pop up if we're going out and coming back in before that wonderful F5 tip was shared, and maybe people pop out to read other threads....I dunno, and guests, well I was a guest before I joined, so sometimes they look at whats going on first, and sometimes if members are on a diff computer and not logged in they show up as guests.

Alexx, you were getting skates, as in roller skates?!

BoundNoMore 26-07-2008 11:26 PM

Has my "RYL daddy" (Jeff) been in today?

Kuwairo 26-07-2008 11:27 PM


CrazyHayley 26-07-2008 11:28 PM

when I read through whats been going on since I 've been away and on his thread, looks like he was last active about 5am UK time. Is it dinner time for him now? Cos he's been online at 9/10pm ish a lot when I'm normally on and he's at work then. So maybe he'll be on later. Don't know cos its a saturday, he might do things with kids? I hope he's ok though.

BoundNoMore 26-07-2008 11:29 PM

Hi Kuwairo

CrazyHayley 26-07-2008 11:29 PM

Hi Ku, how's you today? *snuggle*

Detour. Derail 26-07-2008 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyHayley (Post 955287)
Good going LJ, just take things one day at a time.

Amanda, the same often baffles me too, I think sometimes our names don't pop up if we're going out and coming back in before that wonderful F5 tip was shared, and maybe people pop out to read other threads....I dunno, and guests, well I was a guest before I joined, so sometimes they look at whats going on first, and sometimes if members are on a diff computer and not logged in they show up as guests.

Alexx, you were getting skates, as in roller skates?!

Inline skates yeh :]
But only if I get to 8 months SI free :/

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