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inkyspider 14-06-2007 12:06 PM

*rocks in corner*

Eep, leaving for exam in 10mins and i'm panicing, no idea why though!

bobidrawpictures 14-06-2007 12:08 PM

try and keep calm with breathing, and dont worry too much you will do fine, good luck

Spacegirlnz 14-06-2007 01:04 PM

Hey everyone. I'm just here for a while. I get my computer for 2 hours then my battery gets charged for 2 hours in my flatmates computer.


Baked Beans - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwww!
Cats - awwwwwh (I do have 6 of them though...)

I'm feeling lazy.
The following content has been hidden - Reason : Rambling about my night out and why I'm feeling lazy...
I went out again last night (no sleeves again... well for part of the night :-D) It was a girls night out. We started with one drink at a bar, then we went bowling (I WON!) and then we went dancing. I got hot so I took off my merino top (It's winter here) and was walking around in just a singlet top. Because it was just us girls after we were dancing for a while we went walking and had a big sit down and pow wow, which we do best when we're drunk. All my friends knew or kinda knew I SI'd, but they were kinda shocked to see my arm cause it made it real for them. My best friend would trace over some of my scars softly then sigh. And she goes "If you ever, ever do it again, you have to tell me okay?" :satisfied: We got some stuff out on the table. We confided in each other. We agreed we need to make this a fortnightly date, cause we're not seeing that much of each other, with like a $15 price limit, since we're all students. Movies, Dinner, bowling, etc.
After our pow wow we kept walking but cause we had stopped and we were talking about **** I was starting to feel pretty down. We'd start walking and they'd stop and I'd just keep walking slowly, then I'd hear yelling like "Emma! Get your fat lazy arse back here!" (Which is a joke, I promise, it's not mean. It's from the last episode of BSG. My friend and I say it to each other jokingly all the time) I eventually started putting cones everywhere. I put one on a cuba street sign. One on a pole thing. One on a telephone box, and one in a tree. :-D It was a pretty good night out, I guess. Oh, but I did loose my hat :crying:)
I got home at like 2 and I slept till 11, got up, showered, went back to sleep at 1.30 - 2 ish, slept more. Was late for work which started at 5, but my boss is awesome. He'd make a cool dad. I wish he was my dad. My dad's a looser. It's not 12 and I'm in bed,and contemplating sleep. But I may just read. Yay for Wicked.

*hugs* to everyone. I hope everyone is okay.

Trucktastic 14-06-2007 02:18 PM

can i come in for a while?

well until i know what to do, that is.
Which may be quite a while!

I have plenty of teddy bears and chocolate to hand round, all in trade for a nice duvet and a quiet corner.


Never_ending_pain 14-06-2007 02:32 PM

hi hun stay as long as you need.....*hugs* just for you...

Mimsy 14-06-2007 03:59 PM

I think I'll take up residence in a corner for a while.

Never_ending_pain 14-06-2007 04:02 PM

gives Mimsy a warm blanket...*hugs* are you ok?

Mimsy 14-06-2007 04:20 PM

Really low..struggling at the moment. Feel really alone. I just dont know how to deal with myself.

Never_ending_pain 14-06-2007 04:27 PM

*give big hug* holds you hand and shares my teddy bear....

bobidrawpictures 14-06-2007 04:32 PM

hey all, im off for a short break not in a good place so im out for a while, take care all be back sometime soon

Never_ending_pain 14-06-2007 04:34 PM

*hugs luke*

Mimsy 14-06-2007 04:42 PM

Thanks :) I'll just be here for a bit. Where its safe and calm.

*lily* 14-06-2007 06:13 PM

*sneaks in under a blanket and curls up by the wall*

Never_ending_pain 14-06-2007 06:33 PM

*hugs lily*

pixie*lyssie 14-06-2007 07:11 PM

I want a baby! :(

*lily* 14-06-2007 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by alyssa.star (Post 68444)
I want a baby! :(

i know the feeling :(

Bitter_Angel 15-06-2007 12:27 AM

*hides in corner*
Sorry i not been around much recnetly everyone.
*hands out cookies*
Hope your all ok.

Rainbow-Angel 15-06-2007 02:03 AM

Enters the ward carting a suitcase full of tissues... hey folks, i'm just hiding.

*finds a little black hole to engulf me*

*lily* 15-06-2007 10:30 AM

*takes a cookie and sighs*
i hate arguing, i havent got the strength for it


Trucktastic 15-06-2007 04:36 PM

I want to go home, but I don't know where that is. So I'll stay here for a while, with my teddy bear, duvet and chocolate.

And i haven't got the strength to argue too, or feel very much.

Hugs Lily.
Loz x

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