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~*forever_broken*~ 02-06-2008 04:05 PM

*cuddles Katch*
Sorry luv, just woke up, still groggy...and dense tbh lol

Aw sweetie, sounds like you're having a really rough time of it.*snuggles* What's up luv?

blondiebear 02-06-2008 04:13 PM

Cuddles everyone.
I think I've figured out in part what is going on with my teeth. Bits of beef jerkey end up wedged between them! For those of you who aren't familiar with it, beef jerkey is seasoned marinated meat that is cooked or dried until it has very little moisture in it and is hard. It makes great travel food.

My husband wants me to go look at some ghost towns in an area in Colorado he is interested in.

*cuddles all around*

Detour. Derail 02-06-2008 04:28 PM

I'm back...
*collapses in a heap*

MammaMia 02-06-2008 04:54 PM


I can't believe what's happened today hmmm.

~*forever_broken*~ 02-06-2008 05:47 PM

:surprised: There are people in the world that don't know what beef jerky is?!!!
*sits in her corner in stunned silence*

MammaMia 02-06-2008 05:58 PM

I cannot cope.
If it wasn't for exam week, I'd probs go visit that wonderful place tomorrow.

Pomegranate 02-06-2008 06:05 PM

*hugs everyone*

*hugs Katch* You may have had enough of the world, and trust me I understand that but the world, and us, and your loved ones haven't had enough of you. Stay here. Please? How's your mum doing?

Glad your back Alexx *squishes* Hows it going?

*makes Ally a coffee to down with couple of pro plus* You can do it hun, not long and all the working will be done :) Hope you start to feel better a bit soon.

*pokes Helen* I've PM'd you hun, but please stay strong. I am glad it is exam week because I don't want you going to that place.

*squishes anyone has missed*


Got back from A&E, drove to a different one from usual this time. Was ok, apart from apparently there is an new policy whereby they don't stitch self harmers there because it is apparently fairly common for us to unpick the stitches. So instead had two nurses try and pull it closed to steri strip. It is sort of better, only gapes just under 0.5cm now. Great.

MammaMia 02-06-2008 06:07 PM

*pokes Emma* I know you don't sweet. Besides cant die before the party can I ;)

Thanks for the pm hunnie.

Auburn Shadow 02-06-2008 06:24 PM

*hugs everyone*

I'm sorry... I have no words... sorry.

lil-princess 02-06-2008 06:38 PM

*hugs for anyone who wants one*

nd Hells nowon can die before my party and you know nowon can die after my party either :P cause i won't let ya or anyone else.

I've been useless at advice lately sorry everyone :( but i have to go away soon and hopefully i'll be back all refreshed haha yeah right like that's going to happen, i don't even want to go i really don't, i might just hide in here for a week sounds like a good idea :)


MammaMia 02-06-2008 07:00 PM

I know you won't let me.

From 19th June to 27th June is gonna be awesome :)

19th- Pinic in the park with mates.
20th- Your 21st
21st- Your 21st party
22nd- Will still be at yours til we leave :O
23rd-27th = DIVERSITY WEEK :D

zowie 02-06-2008 07:07 PM

*Hugs everyone and sobs*
Beth's really shouting at me. She keeps pulling my fingers away from the keyboard and screaming.
She's being so nasty. Calling me horrible things and threatening to strangle me.

Detour. Derail 02-06-2008 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Pomegranate (Post 813553)
Glad your back Alexx *squishes* Hows it going?

Why did I come back :blink:
Dilusions that she would welcome me with open arms...sit down...have a discussion and meet each other half way.
HA I wish.

The following content has been hidden - Reason : May trigger ED

I'm binge eating.
and then I'll PROBABLY make myself sick.

Because it'll make me feel better...and isnt for attention...as she claims ><

zowie 02-06-2008 07:24 PM

*Hugs Alexx*
I binged yesterday and today's been hell. I know how you feel hun xxx

Detour. Derail 02-06-2008 07:25 PM

NONONO!! **** THIS ><
I'm not going to...
yes I am...
No I'm not....

I dont WANT to hurt myself....
but I'm trying so hard not to show THEM that they hurt me.


Just...not the same as them :(

Pomegranate 02-06-2008 07:25 PM

*hugs Zowie* Beth is a bitch sweetie, I'm sorry but she is. Can you call someone? The crisis team or someone and maybe they can give you something to control her?

*hugs Alexx* Please be careful sweetheart. Do you want to talk about what happened? I will be around on and off for a while xx

dark_light 02-06-2008 07:28 PM

*hugs all round*
they took my laptop but i am back for a bit, but i can hear his voice and it won't stop and i have really had enough now, sorry to be negative but i really feel like there is nothing left worth living for

zowie 02-06-2008 07:28 PM

The crisis team have stopped seeing me, and the person I see from EIP finishes at 5. There's no one I can call, I have emergency medication - olanzapine - to take in situations like this, but she wont let me.

Detour. Derail 02-06-2008 07:29 PM

I dont even know what happened tbh...I came home from a meet. Told my dad I was going out for the night and would probably be staying out. He went "right" and went back to sleep.
I get loads of missed calls, texts and a nasty voicemail at about midnight. Text them and explain AGAIN. then they call me and tell me they are coming to pick me up. But I refused to tell them where i was. Got home yesterday and they told me to get out. So I spent three hours...sat in the rain, trying to find somewhere to stay.
Decided I should come home and get completely ignored or when they DO speak to me....its like they are talking to the dirt on the dirt on the crap on the bottom of their shoe....
I give up.
I'm gonna...try get some money behind me and leave.
I cant take this anymore.

Pomegranate 02-06-2008 07:35 PM

Sounds like maybe you are better off out of there Alexx hun *hugs*. I am sorry they are being like this though. Please PM/text me if I can help at all or if you just want to chat/rant. (Cant text back atm but should be fixed soonish)

Zowie I think you do need to take them. Remember Beth can threaten but she can't physically hurt you. Ultimately you are in control, tell her that. Just take the olanzapine quickly, we won't let her hurt you. *hugs* could you not just call the crisis team even though you aren't under them and ask to talk?

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