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BoundNoMore 13-05-2008 01:04 AM


Besides, posting in those threads does not mean you're crazy.
Have you read them? Read them and you'll see. Yes I am crazy... and a pathetic excuse of a human being!!!!!!! *cries*

MammaMia 13-05-2008 01:04 AM

*runs into a dusty old corner and stares....*

Seraphsigh 13-05-2008 01:39 AM

I stopped taking half of my medication and I'm not going back on it so I'm pretending that this is one of those psych wards in which they don't give a crap whether or not your taking your meds and let you run around and do stupid **** like hook up with married men...right, blame it on the meds and not on what a stupid amoral f**k you are.

~*forever_broken*~ 13-05-2008 04:09 AM

No, Amanda, you are not crazy and you are not a pathetic excuse for a human being. Sweetie, you're struggling, we all go through it. We all have times where we feel we're nuts, times when we feel pathetic and useless... But that's the illness talking hun. Please, take care. *hugs*

Katey, sweetie, please be careful. We love you too much to lose you.

Katch, *hugs* I don't know what to say to you sweetie, but please remember we love you.

Helen, what's up sweetie?

Monarkh, whyd you stop taking your meds hun? Have you told your psych/doc? Please hunni, take care.

*hugs everyone*

Me? I'm on my way through the first of two bottles of wine. I'm exhausted, I feel crap, I desperately want to cut... This f**king sucks:crying:

blondiebear 13-05-2008 04:10 AM


Yeah, no wheezing and coughing today. :hop: Fumigant must be mostly out of the house.

Three shirts cut out.

Husband replaced the battery in our SUV today so I can drive it tomorrow. Tonight he is at the photo lab so I can cook what I want to for dinner without him complaining about the smell! :hazard: Bring on the bean soup.:-)

~*forever_broken*~ 13-05-2008 05:24 AM

Hmmm... Two bottles of wine (equivalent of 6 glasses) in just a little over an hour. I feel like I'm going to be sick but I won't let myself... That's a waste of alcohol...

I can't wait to cut, to bleed, to hurt...

effervescence 13-05-2008 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Pomegranate (Post 757927)
Chloe abandoned us btw? *shouts for Chloe to get her arse back in here* *sprinkles more hugs and blue smarties* xxxxxxxxxx

ahem. time differences emma, time differences....i hav an exam in an hr :S so will get back to y'all later xxx

Jetforce 13-05-2008 08:11 AM

Goooood luck chloe!!! xxxx

All the best for ur exam :-)

zowie 13-05-2008 08:35 AM

Hi everyone, hope you're all doing okay this morning <3
I start my new job today. I'm very nervous but a bit excited!

Jetforce 13-05-2008 09:29 AM

Good luck in ur new job arwen :)

Hope u have a good day and an enjoyable one too!

MammaMia 13-05-2008 10:03 AM

Good Luck Chloe & Zowie <3

I still feel like utter ****. Well empty. I feel pretty crap about myself and still want to cut. Joyous days. I don't like college but I have 5 more college days left of lessons.....so might aswell hang on cus I have most of thursday off as it is...

effervescence 13-05-2008 11:23 AM

well my exam would have been better if hadn't had physics questions in it.......

MammaMia 13-05-2008 11:44 AM

I'm sure it went okay hunni *hugs*

I better go to college now >.<

~*forever_broken*~ 13-05-2008 12:57 PM

*is feeling slightly ignored*
Thankfully though, I am not hung over (wonder of wonders... And a lot of water before bed). I cut pretty deep on my wrist though and since I'm right handed I'm noticing it a lot *ouch*. *rolls eyes at herself* Duh.

Anyway, on to more important things lol

Cloe sorry your exam had physics questions on it:pinch: blech. How do you feel about it otherwise?

Helen, I'm sorry you're feeling so crap luv. Please don't cut, it's not worth it.*snuggles*

*hugs Jeremy, Cloe, Helen, and anyone else that should want/need it*

*yawn* Think I'm going to try and catch a few more hours sleep before I need to get ready for uni.

dark_light 13-05-2008 01:28 PM

Hugs ((((everyone))))
Hope people are feeling better
Good luck in your new job zowie!

I'm ill :( got some horrible sicky thing just to make me feel even worse

~*forever_broken*~ 13-05-2008 04:22 PM

*hugs Jo* I'm sorry to hear you're sick Jo :-( I hope you feel better soon hun.

MammaMia 13-05-2008 04:55 PM

*hugs everybody*

Hope you're feeling better soon Jo :)

Ally, I hope you got some sleep sweetheart xx

Ugh. I feel better, Jane made me laugh. We were having a giggle and she was telling about pud (the baby) wriggling and kicking. Cuuuuute. At the same time though, I still feel crappy. Haven't cut (yet?).....and yeah feeling bit empty. Scared aswell :(

dark_light 13-05-2008 06:02 PM

I do feel a bit better now, think it was one of those 24 hr things

Hey helen try to hold on to the happy stuff, sounds like you had a good time, those feelings are annoying how they always creep in but keep trying hon.

I'm a bit messed up on meds so just going to hide over in the corner, yell if you need anything xx

MammaMia 13-05-2008 06:16 PM

I need to try and hold onto the good stuff. I'm just bit jealous of my friend lol, well her grade....we were on the same team for one unit and she got an A :( I got a ****ing D. Tho....I was having a pretty rough time whilst doing the coursework. It's not fair. I dont wanna be jealous.

zowie 13-05-2008 07:11 PM

Helen, being jealous is natural hun *Hugs* Don't stress yourself too much over it.
Jo, hope you're feeling a bit better now x

My first day of work went okay. I had to take all of my piercings out which was a serious inconvinience (there are a lot of them!) And I was standing working for six hours with just a 15 minute break.
Dunno how long I'll be able to stick with it, feel like a bit of a failure for finding it so tricky when other people manage work so well.

Love you all xxx

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