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Pomegranate 10-06-2007 06:48 PM

I am signing myself in. *goes to corner and buries head in a bean bag*

Auburn Shadow 10-06-2007 06:53 PM

*checks back in and wanders into a nice padded room for a while*

How is everyone?

Margo 10-06-2007 07:13 PM

Today im awarding myself "Wanker of the week" award!

Go me!! Hurting those i care bout most!

Yay me! Id like to accept this reward and thank all those that helped me become such a selfish wanker!

inkyspider 10-06-2007 07:16 PM

*removes award and puts it in crusher*

Matt is not a wanker!

What's up?

pixie*lyssie 10-06-2007 07:26 PM

*wanders off to padded room* *grins*

Auburn Shadow 10-06-2007 07:29 PM

I think we should ban Wanker of the Week awards, because they're never true.

Queen Crabbit 10-06-2007 07:40 PM

*Sits on Matthew and puts his hair in bunches*
You know where I am. Any time. And you're never a wanker, trust me.

bleedingdragon 10-06-2007 07:56 PM

hello lifeisabitch and hiceskater welcome back

hey Matthew you certainly arnt a selfish wanker mate
throws matthew more fish
please dont be so hard on yourself mate

hugs for everyone
sneaks back to nice little padded room

Ileana 10-06-2007 08:05 PM

Hi all, been a while but I was away so sorry. How's everyone?

Auburn Shadow 10-06-2007 08:34 PM

Hey *waves*

Am not great right now, but I'm hiding in a padded room, and I'll be fine.

How are you?

Margo 10-06-2007 08:42 PM

*Glomps Ileana*

hello! mwah xxx

*makes another wanker badge and super glues it to head*

Ileana 10-06-2007 09:34 PM

Say what? what'd ya' super glue to my head?
I'm sorry about the pointless thread...it goes in general I now assume, I have to get used to these changes.

Margo 10-06-2007 09:49 PM

Ileana the Wanker thing is not for you my dear! Bless!!

Its for me!

*dusts off the spoonatron for you to sit in*

It wasnt a pointless post either! Silly muffin. Was just in the wrong part but seeing as you havent been here you are excused!

*pokes you*

bobidrawpictures 10-06-2007 11:21 PM

sorry not staying, come in with ice cream and warm blankets for all hope your all doing ok?,

sends a hug to matthew hope you willl feel better soon

all feel free to pm me if you need any advice or a ear luke

bleedingdragon 11-06-2007 12:10 AM

Ileana it wasnt a pointless thread
it will take us all a bit of time to get used to where we post n stuff
its great you posted

hey accepts ice cream and warm blankets from Luke
how are you luke please talk to us if you want
thanks for offer of pm you, please know you can pm me
if you want to mate ok look after yourself

hugs everyone and retires to my nice padded room with ice cream
and a lovely warm blanket

Accidentally Abstract 11-06-2007 12:33 AM

*Checks in*
*Sits rocking in the reception area*

Bitter_Angel 11-06-2007 12:35 AM

*comes to check on everyone and tuck people into bed*
*moves Luce out of the reception and into her own comfortable room*

Accidentally Abstract 11-06-2007 12:39 AM

Oh no, alone again.. =[
But thanks for the room.. =]
I was getting some weird stares out there.. =P

Shattered_N_Scared 11-06-2007 01:58 AM

*walks into the ward*

I just need time to clear my head...things have gotten really crazy.

*Cuddles in a corner w/ her comfort food...wheat thins!*

bleedingdragon 11-06-2007 02:11 AM

Waves to luce on her way with kim to luces lovely room welcome to the ward,
Hey you wont feel alone in here we are a caring lot,never mind the stares outside
Please relax and settle in.

Hey hugs you kim
Hope your ok yourself, thanks for the tuck in

Hey welcome in shattered n scared, please relax and let your head clear

sneaks off to my nice little padded room

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