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Sugar and Spice 30-04-2008 12:13 PM

Chloe, can you not study with someone else? It may help by ensuring you keep at it.

Maybe not doing too well actually...

zowie 30-04-2008 12:32 PM

The hospital was okay, I feel better than I did on Thursday when I was admitted. It was only a short admission but it helped.
Four times I've been in psych hospitals, it seems unreal.
Voices are very bad today but I'm coping. The crisis team are coming over later.

My cat keeps rubbing herself against the keyboard. It's awkward.
Love you all loads xxx

dark_light 30-04-2008 12:34 PM

I want to cut so so much
And being in a real psych ward does not seem to be helping right now, think i'd rather hide in here

MammaMia 30-04-2008 12:56 PM

Carole, it's good to hear from you hun. *hugs*

Chloe, I think I will do that actually and pray that he gets it. Because if I ever try to email my tutor, it never works. Yet I can email Jane & Jess fine from that email, oh well. I just have a bad feeling he's going to fail it because it's late...but I doubt that.

Zowie, I'm glad you're feeling bit better. Voices suck....they really do :(

Jo, hugs for you hunnie. Come hide with us ^_^

zowie 30-04-2008 03:34 PM

*Hugs Jo* Take care of yourself sweetheart xxx

MammaMia 30-04-2008 04:36 PM

I hate this :(

~*forever_broken*~ 30-04-2008 06:22 PM

*hugs Emma, Helen, Cloe, Carole, Jo, Jeremy, Yellow, and anyone else she may have missed-sorry about that btw-*

I hope everyone is doing a bit better now. I am sorry, I'm not sure how to address all of your posts... I DO hope you are all able to stay safe and feeling a bit better... And I love you all dearly.

I don't know what I am feeling, what's going on... anything... It's rather weird and I hate it:crying: I can't even explain it... but I wish it would go away...

MammaMia 30-04-2008 06:27 PM

I don't want to be safe :(

I meet Emma two weeks tomorrow eeeek =D

zowie 30-04-2008 06:40 PM

Crisis team will be here in a few minutes.

~*forever_broken*~ 30-04-2008 07:09 PM

*hugs Zowie*
Good luck hun

*snuggles Helen*
Hang in there luv, please...

MammaMia 30-04-2008 07:26 PM

Good luck Zowie :)

Meh...I'm trying to hold on :) Dreading tomorrow *sobs*

~*forever_broken*~ 30-04-2008 07:31 PM

I'm sorry hun *snuggles*

G*d I want to OD :crying:

MammaMia 30-04-2008 07:42 PM

Please don't OD hunnie.

*hugs tight*

Detour. Derail 30-04-2008 08:43 PM

*runs in crying her eyes out and hides*
Ally...please dont OD :crying:

raining_inmyhead 30-04-2008 09:12 PM

hugs all... cries as well... gives self a headache... not good

lil-princess 30-04-2008 09:14 PM

*Hugs everyone loads*

I hope everyone is doing ok and staying safe i'm around if anyone wants to talk.

I got a new appointment through to see my physc today but its for the 20th of june and there is no chance in hell i'm going to see him on my 21st birthday so i've gotta cancel it once again and i know there not gonna be happy with me cause i keep cancelling my appointments but oh well.

MammaMia 30-04-2008 10:06 PM

*hugs everyone*

Pomegranate 30-04-2008 10:21 PM

*hugs everyone*

How are you doing now Ally? Please don't OD hun, we would miss you too much! *hugs*

Me? I am about to go and get very drunk. So expect some drunken posts later :P I got ****ing triggered cutting turkey of all things earlier!

* graphic SI warning*

Just cutting it with the knife, watching it split, had this image, flashback. Beautifully separated, everything clear. hmmmm.

MammaMia 30-04-2008 10:36 PM

*hugs Emma*

If you can...call me....I wanna tell you summat over the phone =P

Sugar and Spice 30-04-2008 11:03 PM

Sorry I know I shouldnt really be posting here but...I feel like ****.

I wish I had gone through with it

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