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flymetothemoon 15-04-2008 12:04 PM

see, I'm not the only one who doesn't like tea...but I do like coffee...and hot chocolate...and I'm just gonna leave the whole living poo thing behind =\ lol.

I'm up, i'm up! as in, i'm awake...nothing else...yeahhhhh.
damn right, its lunch time already...bbbrrrrrrrbbbbbbbbbbb

youngatheart 15-04-2008 12:05 PM

good idea about the notes Ally, if your anything like me I forget anything not written down..im suprised I remember to take all my kids with me when I go out!!!
Hmmm..hot chocolate, I had a mint one last night it was lush!

flymetothemoon 15-04-2008 12:06 PM

arghhhh my CD player just ate my sleeve!

~*forever_broken*~ 15-04-2008 12:06 PM

ROTFL :-D y'all made me smile too

Hey Cloe good to see you again *hugs*

Hmmm. As to the 'cat letter' I think he and I both let it drop. lol though you're right, there are some 'perks' that come with being mental... Then again, the whole wanting to die at just about every turn isn't really worth those 'perks' :pinch: *sigh* goodness I'm depressing

youngatheart 15-04-2008 12:07 PM

oh no darkark..hope your arm isnt still in it..how will you make your lunch? lol

flymetothemoon 15-04-2008 12:10 PM

it was, it was! but I fought it off *nods proudly* (it took me three goes to spell proudly lol)

and then I'll wash my hair coz its icky today...and then I have to go to..THE DENTIST

youngatheart 15-04-2008 12:10 PM

Youre not depressing Ally. Im glad you were in here, or i would have had to watch another episode of the tweenies!

youngatheart 15-04-2008 12:11 PM

wow thats great! I have yet to win a fight with a CD player!!
yuk the dentist! I have to go next week..he always wants to talk when my mouth is wide open and ive got dribble everywhere!

flymetothemoon 15-04-2008 12:13 PM

ha ha! that genuinely made me laugh, thank you =]

~*forever_broken*~ 15-04-2008 12:13 PM

*hugs* Night Cloe
*thinks longingly of sleep*

Lol OK ok, so not everyone likes tea... I still think y'all are a few french fries short of a Happy Meal ;-)... Wait a minute... So am I lol :eye roll: forgot for a second there

Mmmm, hot chocolate. I'm gonna have to make some of that and take it to lecture with me... In about 4 hours lol.

Hehehe, crystalheart, good to know I'm not the only one whod lose their head if it wasn't attached to their body ;-)

flymetothemoon 15-04-2008 12:17 PM

I cant find anything for lunch =[ my house is rubbish, there's never any food. *makes imaginary sandwich*

~*forever_broken*~ 15-04-2008 12:18 PM

lol glad to hear you tamed the wild beast that is your CD player David :-D

Ugh, the dentist :pinch: sorry to hear that.

crystalheart... The tweenies??

youngatheart 15-04-2008 12:21 PM

I hope you manage to get a little sleep Ally, whats your lecture on?
yeah my kids would watch the tweenies all day if I let them.. although its great when I want to do nothing and put it on. :pinch:
sorry theres no food darkart, although at least you wont have to worry about any caught in your teeth for the dentists!!!!:tongue2:

~*forever_broken*~ 15-04-2008 12:21 PM

David you're making me hungry lol and it's only 04:22 here... Too early to be eating yet :-(

youngatheart 15-04-2008 12:23 PM

you probably need the energy! 9good excuse as any to eat!)

flymetothemoon 15-04-2008 12:25 PM

lol sorry, and yeah, good point...I probably shouldn't ahve too much to eat before I see the dentist.

seriously, my CD player has a mind of its own. Its terrifying.

~*forever_broken*~ 15-04-2008 12:26 PM

Ahhh, I see :-) how old are your kids crystalheart?

Yeah, I hope I can sleep too lol. First lecture is on history and systems in psychology, second one is learning and behavior in psychology, and the last one of the day is on sexual behavior... Ironically, I'm a psychology major lol

*passes David an imaginary bag of crisps to go with his sandwich*

flymetothemoon 15-04-2008 12:28 PM

ah thank you =]

*eats noisily* sorry <--with mouth full

yeah I'm disgusting =[

*curls up in corner with teddy and book*

~*forever_broken*~ 15-04-2008 12:30 PM

*pokes Davids CD player with a stick* lol

youngatheart 15-04-2008 12:30 PM

I hope you didnt think it was me that watches tweenies?? lol things havent gotten quite that bad yet:tongue2:
My kids are 6, 3 and 2.. 2 of them have Autism but all 3 are just fab! (well I would say that wouldnt I?Lol)
I am currentyl doing a Child psychology course! Thats great what you are doing! If you want to write me an essay about attachment please feel free:tongue2:

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