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Eir 26-07-2016 02:49 PM

the ward is quiet. how are you mark?
i'm... surviving. dont know how else to qualify it.

Doikers 27-07-2016 04:21 PM

I am Eggshell Okay , Annie , Okay , Like Okay but won't take much to break me.

Kathryn_Anna 27-07-2016 10:15 PM

Sorry to be away for so long. Life is just crazy. I've been sick for 3 weeks. It feels like there's no end in sight. I'm always so tired. I want to sleep for at least a week straight. And I'm so overwhelmed.

Doikers 27-07-2016 10:48 PM

*Glomps you all *

Eir 28-07-2016 03:29 AM

*safe hugs for all*
Horrid night last night. Couldn't sleep. Now I got to work :-(

Doikers 28-07-2016 09:45 AM

I hope your day is going okay , Annie , Hun *Glomps*

Eir 29-07-2016 12:01 PM

Having a bad day. Had a mentor who makes me feel like am idiot as opposed to a student. Between a stuff up on my part, and her impatience and a dislike of a computer program, I'm left feeling like I'm going to fail my placement.
I've got 4 more weeks of this. So I feel really crappy. It's just one thing after another. I hate this. Why do I bother.
How's everyone else?

Kathryn_Anna 29-07-2016 01:29 PM

*safe hugs* Annie.

I'm doing kinda crappy. Broke a toe and so now my entire foot hurts. Appointments are overwhelming me. I'm ready for a break.

Doikers 29-07-2016 01:33 PM

*Safe Hugs Annie* I hope things improve .

*Safe Hugs Kathryn* I hate overwhelmingnous.

Anxiety and Depression . . . . Fab :/

Kathryn_Anna 29-07-2016 01:48 PM

Anyone journal? I've tried in the past and journal a little on here but I'm wondering if I should start. I meant to do it at night to help calm my mind but I never remember. I'm too exhausted.

Eir 29-07-2016 09:39 PM

I used to have a live journal. Don't know that it helped me much, but then, I used it irregularly, I'm not great with remembering to do daily things, like eating regularly, taking pills, applying moisturiser or journalling. Broken toe sucks, did they give you something for pain? Pain will make everything else worse, so I can't say I'm surprised that you're overwhelmed.
Mark, anxiety sucks. Im trying magnesium supplements cos none of the other natural stuffs safe in Bipolar or is incompatible with my meds.
Thanks for the hugs guys, my confidence is still fragile but i don't have to deal with that mentor today. So I'll cope.

Kathryn_Anna 30-07-2016 01:34 PM

You can do it Annie *hugs* having a bad mentor sucks, I've been there.

I haven't gotten the toe looked at. I know there's not much they could do. Taking headache medicine for pain and it helps some. I was overwhelmed before the broken toe but it's not surprising everything seems worse since the toe.

It's just been a rough few weeks. Lost a friend and it's shaken me up a bit. :(

Doikers 30-07-2016 04:01 PM

I don't have words atm.

*Hugs Annie*

*Hugs Kathryn*

*Leaves a Jar of Hugs out*

Kathryn_Anna 31-07-2016 05:31 AM

Just another one of those days. *sigh*

Thanks for the hug Mark. *Hugs*

Doikers 01-08-2016 10:57 AM

How are we all Today?

Kathryn_Anna 01-08-2016 05:07 PM

Exhausted. How are you Mark?

Doikers 02-08-2016 10:54 AM

I hope you got some rest , Kathryn .

How are we all today?

I am getting more and more anxious . Also Fed Up of being dicked about by the CMHT.

Kahlia1981 03-08-2016 06:21 AM

Sorry to hear the CMHT is screwing you around Mark. I have issues with using the telephone as well and am constantly being given phone numbers to call. Man, I struggle just to call my husband on a good day, how do you expect me to call a stranger on a bad (or normal) day? *hugs*

I hope you managed to get some rest, or at least are not so exhausted, Kathryn.

Sorry to hear you are having a rough time with that mentor Annie. I hope you have had a few good days/shifts and are feeling a bit more confident. You are a student and you are a person, both mean that you can get confused or make mistakes - even someone well trained can make mistakes - and if the mentor cannot handle that they really shouldn't be a mentor. *safe hugs*

Things have been absolutely crazy here between medical appointments, university and attempting to have a social life. Trying to find a respite carer so my husband can take a break has been especially difficult. Meh...

Doikers 03-08-2016 09:17 AM

*Glomps Kahlia*

I don't have a social life since my friend moved away.

Eir 04-08-2016 08:47 AM

Kahlia, have you tried contacting the community care access point? I know phones are difficult, maybe your hubby or social worker(if you have one) can make contact for you?
Im all in a flapp about this grad position thing. I neeed either my passport or birth certificate, and my partner cannot find them. I've had a couple of days with a nice mentor, and I basically handled our allocation today. leaves me feeling more postive about the whole thing. it also probably helps that i am keeping up with my meds
*safe hugsfor all*

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