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Frodre 25-01-2014 03:27 AM

Pardon me, I just need to have a minor explosion in the corner and then leave...

I am so damn happy. I'm tired and looking forward to sleep but I can't because I want to run around outside pretending to be some sort of superhero instead, and it's really difficult to stop myself. Eight hours ago I wanted to curl up and die, four hours ago I was pacing around talking with voices telling me things and seeing non-existent blood on my floor, and now I'm just about ready to take on the universe and am almost convinced that if I open my door I'll be emperor of the world in two days flat. I'm desperate to calm dwn and go to bed just because if I go anywhere I risk trying to shag the first person I meet just because I feel like I can, and that'll be frightening for both of us because that is not like me at all. I'm not sure if it was better yesterday when I felt so down that I curled up still and didn't so much as twitch for about two hours. At least self harm or miserableness or whatever is something I know how to deal with. I feel like my chest is going to explode with excitement at nothing at all. I have to tell someone how good I am. But I don't want to because then they'll think I'm a fruitcake. Right I'd better go and lie down and force myself not to move even if it makes my eyes water. Thanks.

YodaBearInterrupted 28-01-2014 06:15 PM

Having a rough morning after an unsafe overnight :(

*hides in the corner*

Serialangel 03-02-2014 02:35 AM

I need somewhere quiet to sleep for a bit. *grabs some duvets and pillows, falls to sleep* thank you

YodaBearInterrupted 03-02-2014 08:15 AM

*hides under the blanket*

Unsafe so I did bad things... sigh... this isn't a good week for me either coming up

m0nk 03-02-2014 04:22 PM

trouble with financial. payment demand notice of debt collection. just cause they post people didnt manage to deliver in time.
i always take good care of my bills. 1 time i had someone cleaning and they got thrown away by mistake cause the envelopes looked empty since i just open them without any letter opener.
2 big days coming up. 2 year aniversary with gf and valentines day. so tired cant sleep during nights.
i just "haaaave to" sit with the computer. even if it staring into the screen or just fidling around with solitaire. getting fiber soon 50\50 mbit
listening to enigma atm. it calms me down...

LizzieRose 04-02-2014 01:55 PM

*locks self away* Nopenopenopenopenope.

m0nk 04-02-2014 06:24 PM

*hugs alexia*

YodaBearInterrupted 05-02-2014 06:22 PM

I am going to hide in here before it gets even worse. I am tired of the betrayals, the lies. They were right once again. Sigh... I just want to go someplace and disappear forever so I don't have to hurt myself over and over

Frodre 06-02-2014 01:19 AM

Inarticulably miserable. I feel like I'm going away.

LizzieRose 06-02-2014 02:21 PM

I dunno if I'm coping or just bottling it up... Scared I'm bottling it up... Bad things happen when I do...

Kahlia1981 08-02-2014 05:11 AM

I've been pushing current events away from me but now need to come full circle and allow myself to feel. Here I can be safe and let both my feelings and my inners show. And yet, I can't. Right now I'm just going to curl up in the corner with my blankets and pillows and allow the tears to fall.

Frodre 10-02-2014 11:25 PM

Depression is almost physically painful. I can't actually feel anything, but I can barely function for the need to curl up wimpering on the floor or hunch up gasping as though I've been stabbed. I'd give anything to be able to cry right now.

Frodre 10-02-2014 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Frodre (Post 3727597)
I was pacing around talking with voices telling me things and seeing non-existent blood on my floor ... At least self harm or miserableness or whatever is something I know how to deal with.

And I'd give anything to know how I felt on this day. Because now I'm here, I don't know what to do. I'm all alone, and the only blood on my carpet is real.

m0nk 17-02-2014 09:12 PM

my gf lost or misplaced her necklace. im about to implode my brain out of sadness. ;;(

m0nk 19-02-2014 01:58 AM

found it!!!!!! :D:D

m0nk 25-02-2014 05:59 PM

is the wardies doing ok?

BatRachy 25-02-2014 08:50 PM

Haven't been here for a few years. Hope I'm still welcome.

*grabs duvet curls up in corner*

Everything is spinning out of control... all sorts of urges I've not felt like this for a while...

Feeling safer here *whimpers*

shadow13 14-03-2014 04:52 PM

Housemate had a bad night and locked himself out, came home a little while ago, snapped at me, and ...hurt... himself after I went upstairs. We've just had a long chat and I've cleaned him up, but I don't know what to do now?

Kahlia1981 17-03-2014 01:13 PM

Just got back from another two week stint in hospital. Now I just want to curl up into a tight ball and cry myself to sleep.

*curls up in the corner with my teddy bear*

silentgirl 23-03-2014 12:17 PM

'checks in and hides' hope I'm still welcome, haven't been here for a couple of years.

don't feel safe. can't. stop. thinking about cutting.

'hides under blanket'. :crying: :crying: :crying:

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