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Kahlia1981 19-09-2013 06:59 AM

*offers safe hugs, stuffed animals and tissues to all who want/need them*

So damn tired. Just want to sleep. It's only early afternoon but I just want to crash out right now and not wake up for a week. Meh...

YodaBearInterrupted 19-09-2013 11:03 PM

Thanks to family drama and stuff at home, now I am teetering on being unsafe and doing bad things... I reached out to a friend but no reply yet :(

*sits down and cries*

Kahlia1981 23-09-2013 12:41 PM

Every thing keeps getting worse.... J is screaming in my ear, my mood is dropping quickly, I'm becoming more suicidal every minute and I have everything I need to put my suicide plan into action. The only thing holding me here is that I don't want to put my family and friends through the torture I went through when I found Jem after his suicide. My husband says I should go to hospital but he's not doing so crash hot and there wouldn't be anyone left here to care for him. I don't know what to do... I just want it all to stop. I just want for it all to be over. Help. *crawls under a bed in the corner and starts crying*

yoyogirl 23-09-2013 01:23 PM

Why don't you ask someone to care for him like a neighbour and then go to the hospital

LizzieRose 24-09-2013 05:23 PM

*hides here* Too triggered...

m0nk 26-09-2013 02:25 AM

headaches, downtrodden... ibux wont help. meds makes it worse...

YodaBearInterrupted 26-09-2013 03:24 PM

*plops down on the couch*

So overwhelmed...

tweety pie 84 26-09-2013 07:32 PM

*hides in the corner*

I need protection from myself right now

sapphire hearts 26-09-2013 07:52 PM

Not been here in a while - T cancelled therapy and feeling really overwhelmed right now. *rocks in corner* safe hugs to anyone who wants one

YodaBearInterrupted 05-10-2013 05:18 PM

*hugs sapphire hearts*
*hugs tweety pie 84*

That was a terrible night... the nightmares felt so real and scary :(

DontLookUp 05-10-2013 10:21 PM

*crashes* i need somewhere safe :(

Doikers 06-10-2013 07:11 PM

*Group Hugs*

Kahlia1981 07-10-2013 11:19 AM

Hey big bro. *huggles*

I'm just going to disappear into a corner for a bit. Meh

m0nk 08-10-2013 04:00 PM

illuminates the long hallway with blacklight... unless there is a no blacklight sign somewhere. *goes exploring*

LizzieRose 08-10-2013 04:38 PM

I'm all alone and triggered... *cries and hides*

YodaBearInterrupted 09-10-2013 09:54 PM

*hugs all in here*

Upset at myself for doing what I did... but its too late to fix that. One of my friends who has known for a while about my "stuff" asked if he could have a phone number he could use in case things got bad and I was stubborn/refused etc. a lil while back. Well pas wto nights have been really really bad and I told him what I did and how I was unsafe and the such... now I am worried he will call and I will get in trouble...

*hides in the corner and puts a blanket over so no one sees me*

yoyogirl 09-10-2013 11:51 PM

Feeling really shitty right now had melt down in front of my parents and I really can't cope with all this bs at the moment x #crying

anarchistl0ve 10-10-2013 06:24 AM

~grabs blanket and beanbag curls up~ I haven't been here in forever *sad* I know. I stopped going to therapy again

Doikers 12-10-2013 06:41 PM

I recently lost my therepist too becca.

m0nk 12-10-2013 08:49 PM

is OCD and anxiety the same?

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