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Kahlia1981 25-05-2013 12:46 PM

*offers hugs, blankets and teddy bears to all in the ward at present*

I'm just going to curl up in the corner and cry for a bit...

LizzieRose 28-05-2013 02:48 PM

I'm so done... I need to either die or get help... I can't live like this...

YodaBearInterrupted 28-05-2013 06:30 PM

*hugs alexiajayy* help is the better option hun... I know its hard but it will def help you feel better when you have someone to help you

LizzieRose 29-05-2013 02:56 PM

I keep trying to do that, but Mom won't believe something is wrong with me, my boyfriend thinks I'm trying to run away from my problems if I come to live with him, and I have a fear of driving.

Kahlia1981 01-06-2013 01:57 AM

*hugs AlexiaJayy* Is there somewhere like Lifeline or The Samaritans that you could talk to in order to get help if those close to you aren't able to help?

*hugs YodaBearInterrupted* You've been very supportive to those in here, how are you going?

I just want to either die or run away from my life right now. My grandparents will be up here by this time next week, and they'll now be here for our wedding, but I know that my grandad will be lucky to live until Christmas. He may not even make the wedding in July.... Although I knew this would happen I don't want to watch my grandpa die, nor to watch my nanna deteriorate and die, especially without him. The real ambivalence... those two conflicting emotions... I love them and I don't want to see them die.... *sigh*

I'm just going to hide in a corner so I can't hurt myself and ruin what could soon be 5 years SI free.

m0nk 02-06-2013 06:28 AM

he said it's only thoughts in your head, only thoughts in your head only thoughts in your head. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoQYw49saqc"]Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood - YouTube[/ame]

escape artist 02-06-2013 08:03 PM

Hi. I think I'd like to stay in here for a while, if that's ok. I'm scared, and I want to go away. I'll be really quiet and sit really still.

YodaBearInterrupted 04-06-2013 03:32 PM

*hugs m0nk*

*hugs nestenheltborte* I hope that is okay... would you like a blanket or some goodies?

*places brownies, cookies, tea and drinks on the table*

*hugs Kahlia* 5 years is a long time and a great achievement. I am sorry to hear abut your grandparents

I am doing okay I guess.. I have my up and down days. Right now its a sucky day with the voices, but I will try to manage at work

escape artist 04-06-2013 09:57 PM

Blanket, please, thank you... Very stressed, too much going on, but I don't have time to think, and that's a good thing... Hope work goes well for you, YodaBearInterrupted, and that your day gets better...

Sisu 07-06-2013 12:55 AM

*takes some tea and a blanket and moves into a corner*
Hope you don't mind one more person around here...

Kahlia1981 08-06-2013 01:17 PM

My grandparents arrived here on thursday and we saw them today. My nanna barely recognised me.... I don't want to watch them die... Please let me die instead

Sisu 08-06-2013 01:58 PM

Kahlia, I'm so sorry about your nanna :( *hugs if you want them*

Kahlia1981 11-06-2013 10:34 AM

Sisu: Thanks

I've hidden a kitchen knife and my fiancee keeps asking for it... I don't even know why I took it. I mean, I'm so close to 5 years free and I can't even control myself enough to not start collecting "dangerous" things. It would be so easy to just go through on my suicide plan...

*offers hugs to all who are in here and then hides in the corner*

YodaBearInterrupted 15-06-2013 07:32 AM

*hugs all in here*

Barely awake right now at 230 am... i am being pulled in every direction and i can't stop or hide... they all need me... this really sucks

yoyogirl 16-06-2013 12:13 AM

Checks back in a while I think I need a few days here to feel better i feel so shitty right now

Kahlia1981 17-06-2013 08:21 AM

Don't mind me, just hiding in the corner....

*offers hugs, blankets and stuffed toys to all*

Gem-Louise 17-06-2013 10:57 AM

Hi ,is it ok if i come in here? i am not feeling very safe around myself ?

Kahlia1981 18-06-2013 09:43 AM

Gem-Louise: Come on in and make yourself at home. *offers blankets, pillows and stuffed animals*

Suicidal and depressed and have to see my pdoc tomorrow. I think I'm going to be heading down for more ECT after my wedding and exam. *screams* Nonononono....

yoyogirl 18-06-2013 10:24 AM

Feeling really shitty I think I need I be here for a long time

ladispute. 18-06-2013 11:29 AM

*Pokes head in from around the corner* Hi.

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