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YodaBearInterrupted 14-10-2012 01:18 AM

Yes, matt is my name :) *huggles* I have been in that exact same boat before and am in the same boat now actually. I can be quite stubborn and want to take care of things myself. It helps to tell someone what's going on, because it makes it easier on you. I understand your fears, I was the same way before and has to get an eval, but nothing bad happened. By keeping it all inside, it just makes it worse for you and harder to open up.

What bad thing do you think will happen if you let someone know?

hellokittymad 14-10-2012 09:58 AM

Im just going to come hide in here for a bit, my heads a mess and i cant think and i've college tomorrow....

sapphire hearts 14-10-2012 03:25 PM

*hugs Matt* the hiding fort is amazing, I'm spending all day here, because the real world sucks. And I have a hangover :( So I'm hiding. And not getting out of my pyjamas.

*cuddles nataleigh* What do you think's gonna happen sweetie?

*cuddles Annie* Come into the hiding fort!!

hellokittymad 14-10-2012 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by sapphire hearts (Post 3387539)
*hugs Matt* the hiding fort is amazing, I'm spending all day here, because the real world sucks. And I have a hangover :( So I'm hiding. And not getting out of my pyjamas.

*cuddles nataleigh* What do you think's gonna happen sweetie?

*cuddles Annie* Come into the hiding fort!!

aha (: ive everyone spelling her name that way now! whoops!
*curls up* bad stress ew not like scared all too much

Kittyenna 14-10-2012 09:57 PM

(Matt and Katie) I scared they'll admit me if they know how bad Im feeling they'll admit me. This morning my crisis team rang an ambulance and the police and paramedics turned up at my door :'( *hides*

hellokittymad 14-10-2012 10:08 PM

attempting to tidy my room as this is one of the reasons im not getting anything done due to the fact its making me stressed, dyed my hair today and now it looks nice, got told i could take my laptop tomorrow so yay (: still stressed as to whats going to happen tomorrow but i guess i'll just have to fight through and see what goes on.


sapphire hearts 15-10-2012 02:00 AM

sleepy - since I'm not sure how your name is spelled, is it ok if I call you Nat? I know this is scary sweetheart. I know. But maybe being admitted would be a good thing, if you feel so unsafe. *safe cuddles* If they think they need to do it, you're obviously not in a safe place right now. Honey, please PM me if you feel bad, ok? I want you to be safe, and since I can't be with you, I need to know if you feel unsafe, ok? xxx

*cuddles Annie* I'm sorry you're so stressed. I wish I had better advice. Please try and stay safe. PM me if you want to talk, ok honey? You don't deserve to feel bad, and if I can help I will. xxx

It's two o'clock in the morning. I... Crap. I just want to not feel anymore.

sapphire hearts 15-10-2012 06:39 AM

Another trip to A&E, a new record number of stitches - ****ing perfect. Hope everyone else is doing better than me.

risenfromperdition 15-10-2012 03:26 PM

sorry you strugglin katie :(

i cut last night :/ not deep but...
2 months down the tube :/
but was only way to ground...

Kittyenna 15-10-2012 10:42 PM

[quote=sapphire hearts;3388173]sleepy - since I'm not sure how your name is spelled, is it ok if I call you Nat? I know this is scary sweetheart. I know. But maybe being admitted would be a good thing, if you feel so unsafe. *safe cuddles* If they think they need to do it, you're obviously not in a safe place right now. Honey, please PM me if you feel bad, ok? I want you to be safe, and since I can't be with you, I need to know if you feel unsafe, ok? xxx[quote]

Nat is fine, most people call me Nat. *curls up and hides*Feel so bad, I need to hurt, but if I do and everyone finds out I won't be able to stay where I'm staying anymore. The urge is getting too strong. OKay, I PM you now if that's okay.. xxx

hellokittymad 15-10-2012 10:44 PM

*curls up in corner next to Nataleigh* myheadsamess

risenfromperdition 16-10-2012 03:16 AM

*sit neks tos*
*hids n shaks*


StardustedSky 16-10-2012 09:21 PM

Curls up in corner with a blanket, otter and my horrible memories and fears, I can't do this anymore everything is cracking, those I confided in don't want anything to do with me and seem to think the only place for me is in a psych hospital but that's just so that they don't have to handle this anymore. I can't do this alone if I loose him I loose everything how can I pretend everything is ok (which is what he needs) when all I can see is how I'll he is. Sorry mind splurg finished :s

sapphire hearts 17-10-2012 03:49 AM

arm swollen, all my fault
uni tomorrow, today, no no no, tutor i blabbed in front of last week and i can't, i don't want to, she knows how bad i am
my head is exploding and i dont want to be this way any more...

risenfromperdition 17-10-2012 04:01 PM

not bad.

sapphire hearts 17-10-2012 05:50 PM

wasnt sposed to tell. told. now she thinks im crazy
knows to much *hides*

risenfromperdition 17-10-2012 06:45 PM

you not crazy sweetie.
you just had lots happen.
good girl for tellin.

Kittyenna 17-10-2012 10:41 PM

Cant do this anymore. have to hide from everyone. then they won't know, won't know I done bad

YodaBearInterrupted 18-10-2012 06:12 AM

Sorry I havent been in here much lately *hugs for all*

*leaves some goodies/treats on the table*

I feel frustrated... and i feel like I keep on failing friends by saying no to things that I should be comfortable saying no to/for... I want to be there for everyone, to help them and make them feel better... but it seems the harder I try, the harder I fall or fall apart in the end. I wish it wasnt this way at all... and I am in the familiar boat of not being able to say anything that is going on with me because its not allowed by the Dark Lord... since his army is so close to my castle... I cant risk the information falling into the wrong hands... gah. I am going to hide in the magical fort with everyone else thats in there... perhaps we can all roast marshmallows together and eat s'mores?

sapphire hearts 18-10-2012 05:00 PM

*hugs everyone*

good plan for s'mores *gets fire going in magic fort**takes the calories out of my ones - sorry, bad ED day*

heather, I'm just so scared :( I have to see her every week and she watches me, and I can't stand that she knows. Feel so stupid.

Matt, you can't help everyone lovely, I know it's hard to remember but you can't *holds up hypocrite banner, but I'm still right*

the fort will keep us safe... I like the fort...

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