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anarchistl0ve 13-10-2012 12:48 AM

thank you for blanket and hugs and tasty goodie

sapphire hearts 13-10-2012 02:04 AM

*hugs sleepy* It's nothing you have to be ashamed about honey. You're not stupid or worthless, you have just been through more than most people.

Kittyenna 13-10-2012 10:45 AM

*curls up* Got taken to A&E last night for an urgent psychiatric assessment, feel so messed up :(

sapphire hearts 13-10-2012 12:58 PM

*curls up next to sleepy and offers safe hugs* It's happened to most of us at one time or another hun, it's happened to me quite a few times. It's okay to need help honey, and it's actually a good thing you went, even if it doesn't feel like it. Reaching out for help is nothing to be ashamed of xxx

Feel icky. And still triggered, grr. Want this to stop.

sapphire hearts 13-10-2012 12:58 PM

P.S. Of course it's ok to rant here kitty :) whatever you need sweetie *offers safe hugs*

hellokittymad 13-10-2012 01:00 PM

there's just a stupid amount of stuff oging on right now but i put most of it in my threaad that the lovely Katy (Buttons) made for me so not to clog up space where someoene lse would need it xxxx

Kittyenna 13-10-2012 01:06 PM

*curls up next to sapphire and hugs* I just feel like I've let everyone down, like I should be able to cope. Wish I'd kept it to myself and they didn't know xxx

sapphire hearts 13-10-2012 01:15 PM

*snuggles nataleigh* you haven't let anyone down honey. You have been through so much, it's no wonder you need some extra help at times. I know it's scary having people know you're struggling, but it's for the best.
*offers chocolate and curls under blankie*

Kittyenna 13-10-2012 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by sapphire hearts (Post 3386582)
*snuggles nataleigh* you haven't let anyone down honey. You have been through so much, it's no wonder you need some extra help at times. I know it's scary having people know you're struggling, but it's for the best.
*offers chocolate and curls under blankie*

*curls up on sapphire if thats okay* (sorry I don't know your name). They won't leave me alone, they've taken all the tablets out of my room, I'm not allowed to do anything :( I wish it would all just go away. *takes chocolate and hides too* xxx

sapphire hearts 13-10-2012 01:26 PM

Of course it's ok honey :) I'm Katie *strokes* I know it's scary they've taken your tablets, but it's probably a good thing, they just don't want you to hurt yourself *builds blanket and pillow fort and invites everyone in for chocolate cake and safe place to hide* xxx

hellokittymad 13-10-2012 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by sapphire hearts (Post 3386597)
Of course it's ok honey :) I'm Katie *strokes* I know it's scary they've taken your tablets, but it's probably a good thing, they just don't want you to hurt yourself *builds blanket and pillow fort and invites everyone in for chocolate cake and safe place to hide* xxx

*crawls in and lays next to Nataleigh and Katy [imayspellthiswrong]* is there a chance i coudl have diary free cake? im allergic to normal cake xxxxxx

sapphire hearts 13-10-2012 01:40 PM

course honey *hands dairy free cake* there is all kinds of cake in the magic hiding fort :) there is everything you could ever want xxxxx

Kittyenna 13-10-2012 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by sapphire hearts (Post 3386597)
Of course it's ok honey :) I'm Katie *strokes* I know it's scary they've taken your tablets, but it's probably a good thing, they just don't want you to hurt yourself *builds blanket and pillow fort and invites everyone in for chocolate cake and safe place to hide* xxx

Hi Katie *curls up inside fort next to Katie and Annie* I just want it all to stop. I only rang the crisis team a few hours ago but I feel like I need to again, I dont want to bother them :( xxx

hellokittymad 13-10-2012 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by SleepyxHead13 (Post 3386625)
Hi Katie *curls up inside fort next to Katie and Annie* I just want it all to stop. I only rang the crisis team a few hours ago but I feel like I need to again, I dont want to bother them :( xxx

you wont be bothering them its there jobs to help people they'd rather you rang them than do something else lovely

sapphire hearts 13-10-2012 02:05 PM

^^ agrees with Annie. They would prefer to be called again now than to find out later that something happened sweetheart. If you feel like you want to call them, call them *cuddles*

Kittyenna 13-10-2012 02:20 PM

I'm scared of what they might say, scared they'll admit me xx

sapphire hearts 13-10-2012 02:27 PM

I know it's a scary thought honey, but they would only admit you if they seriously thought you needed it. Maybe it's what you need right now. It doesn't make you weak or stupid to not be able to cope sweetheart *cuddles* xxx

Kittyenna 13-10-2012 04:33 PM

*curls up on Katie* I can't do it, I need to ring them, the urge to hurt is getting to strong, but I can't xxx

YodaBearInterrupted 13-10-2012 07:02 PM

Magic hiding fort? I like the sound of that Katie lol. Can I hide in there too for now? Just being overwhelmed with everything and really need a break from it all...

*hugs sleepyxhead13* Its always much easier to talk it out then to hold it all up inside... i have been there before and even though its scary, once you start talking it gets easier :)

Kittyenna 13-10-2012 07:29 PM

*hugs (matt?)* I'm just scared that if I let people know how bad I'm really feeling something bad will happen

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