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Kittyenna 16-09-2012 10:05 PM

Kahlia - thank you, and for the hugs! I'm not really sure who to talk to, the psychiatrist asks my doctor to prescribe it but I can't get hold of my doctor and I only see the psychiatrist once a month as a I see a counselor in between. But even when I do see her she won't give me a prescription herself. I kind of think well if she thinks it will help it must be right but I'm really really scared

Gem-Louise 17-09-2012 03:18 PM

*curls up * want to cause myself so much hurt right now and take it further than hurting myself -.- so fed up of life and ****

Indigo. 18-09-2012 08:11 PM

I hope it's OK for me to just come here..

I just need some place to hide right now...

*cries and hides in a corner*

Why does she make me feel like this? WHY?? :((

risenfromperdition 18-09-2012 11:44 PM


sapphire hearts 22-09-2012 01:41 PM

*curls up in the corner* I don't want to go to work. I don't want to do anything. I want to hide with my polar bear.

YodaBearInterrupted 22-09-2012 01:56 PM

Blah. I don't feel good at all, and my mom is yelling at me about doing something I don't wat to do at all...

chemistrymonkey 23-09-2012 06:43 AM

checking in and staying put until I can stop randomly crying

StardustedSky 23-09-2012 07:59 PM

Yodabear how are you coping, how are things at work. It's the worst feeling when you have a hard night and have to go into work the next day. Does anyone is your office know that you could maybe confide in, or could you see about getting flexi time?

Sapphirehearts *brings over a blanket and a drink of juice* hugs. What's our polar bears name? I have an otter called seaweed he looks after me when the darkness comes, especially now my fiancée is ill.

I'm a crumbling mess, let down by so many and so alone too scared to say I can't cope for fear of being judged and people deciding I'm not fit to look after my fiancée if I loose him I will have truly lost everything. I can't do it I can't stay strong no monitoring no support no sleep and too much darkness but no strength or will to fight

sapphire hearts 25-09-2012 09:43 PM

StardustedSky: Polar bear's name is leo. He will keep you safe too. I'm so sorry your fiancee's ill, my thoughts are with you. You're going to be ok, I promise. PM me anytime - I know you'll be fine *hugs* xx

caiden 27-09-2012 09:29 PM

hello again everyone. been gone a long time...not doing too good right at the moment...thought i would check in for a little stay here to try to keep what little bit of sanity i actually have left...hugs to all. i hope all are managing to make their way through yet another day.

StardustedSky 30-09-2012 11:46 PM

I can't do this anymore pretending everything is going to be fine and that I'm coping. The one person in my life who makes it worth living is ill and I can't even care for him as much as I want to. Life has become so destructive to just get by but I am paranoid he will find out. Where before I could confide in him with everything's that going on I just can't burden him with that but if he finds out he will be hurt im trapped in this hopeless loop. I haven't slept in over 6 days the only relief I can find is negative I just don't know how much longer I can hold out.

m0nk 02-10-2012 01:01 AM

my anti-psychotics medicine is making me anti-psychotic.
and why does it always go backwards when using medicine?

YodaBearInterrupted 04-10-2012 08:53 PM

*hugs all*

Not in a good place right now

Mihashi 05-10-2012 12:33 AM

So here I come... Checking in... because there's nowhere else to be, at the moment..

m0nk 06-10-2012 07:30 PM

stupid feelings about that my body hates me cause i SI'd before... was up all night went home in the morning puked in the sink headache went to bed. woke up went back and started feeling headache.

Mihashi 08-10-2012 06:35 AM

Feeling a bit better, after last time. I only hope things keep getting better.

Kittyenna 08-10-2012 09:26 PM

Need somewhere to hide, curl up and shrink away from everything that hurts me *curls up*

anarchistl0ve 09-10-2012 03:38 AM

*Flops down into one the empty beanbags curls up under a blanket* Nope I am miles away from being okay.

Kittyenna 09-10-2012 09:20 PM

*curls up and hides* Can't pretend i'm okay anymore, cracks are already showing

Synthetisk 09-10-2012 09:21 PM

Hi everyone. I'm trying to work on a History essay and it's not going very well, because I just feel so down and that my work is terrible.

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