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one_step_closer 13-01-2012 11:33 AM

Yay! When is your appointment?

hidingme 13-01-2012 12:08 PM

today was better i think.. lol wasnt struggling so much witrh depression and anxiety but felt really dissociated and " zombied out" (as one of us likes to call it) i was really confused with dates and times today.. like at work i went out on cig break came back looked at the clock and was like "oh i was only gone 5 minutes?"
it seemed longer.. much longer.. alsmost like skipping between different dreams// does that make semse? lol

anthow its 5 am (fri mornig now) amd i have not neem to sleep yet so i better do that i guess haha

Doikers 14-01-2012 11:34 AM

*Hugs Lindsay*

*Hugs Hiding*

one_step_closer 14-01-2012 12:18 PM

Morning all.

Laura2.0 14-01-2012 01:28 PM

*hugs Mark* I'm not feeling stable lately.
*hugs Lindsay* a year and 4 months is great. Slipping after a long time like that must feel bad, please don't think about it as a relapse.
*hugs Hiding* I get the thing with the dates sometimes too. Sometimes I'm so sure that it is wednesday, but when I read the newspaper I realize that it is already thursday or friday.

styled_wrong 14-01-2012 06:52 PM

just checking in again, hi everyone

IamNOTok-listen2me 14-01-2012 08:08 PM

Don't mind me just going to check in for a little.
*sits in the corner with pillow*

hidingme 14-01-2012 08:24 PM

yeah its really odd. L ( the teal typing) has been having anxiety alot lately over the past few times weve fallen asleep at night becuse usually we feel sleepy first and sorta remember going to sleep.. but the last few times we've slept its been like wwe are awake watching tv and then boom.. were asleep.. she thinks it is like we pass out or something and ittrips her out.. anxiety affects us all but with L it is just more irrational and out in left feild.. lol she needs to just chill and go with it.. but she says she cant stop it..*shrug*

we are glad the confusion is less now.. it bothered us alot..

Laura2.0 15-01-2012 12:55 AM

*hugs styled wrong*
*hugs IamNOTok - listen2me*
*hugs hiding*

Pretty.Reckless 15-01-2012 01:10 AM

Ermm hey....I haven't been in here before....I just wanted somewhere safeish to go...would anyone mind if I just hid in a corner with my blanket?

risenfromperdition 15-01-2012 01:49 AM

love!!!!!!!!!!!!! =] nope we dont mind. [fb me if you want hmm? <3]

coursework is stoopid.
not being able to focus is stoopider :(

Synthetisk 15-01-2012 01:53 AM

Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been around in a while. I feel drained today, because I'm part of an LGBT domestic abuse information project and we've been writing filming material today. It'd be nice to be reminded that there's plenty good in the world.

Positive news to report though- I got a place on a German course at college, and I start in less than a fortnight!

Doikers 15-01-2012 12:13 PM

*Hugs Pretty Reckless , Heather and Feli*

Laura2.0 15-01-2012 01:12 PM

*hugs Pretty.Reckless* how are you?
*hugs Heather*
*hugs Feli* if you ever need anyone to proof read something for your course feel free to pm me... I'm a native speaker.
*hugs Mark*

Louise 15-01-2012 06:39 PM

hugs everyone

Laura2.0 15-01-2012 08:57 PM

*hugs Louise* how are you?

Doikers 15-01-2012 11:19 PM

*Night time Hugs my Wardies*

one_step_closer 16-01-2012 12:30 PM

Hope everyone has a good day.

Laura2.0 16-01-2012 05:05 PM

*hugs Mark*
*hugs Lindsay*
*spots Feli*

I just came home from therapy. Something went wrong today

Pretty.Reckless 16-01-2012 06:07 PM

Thanks for the hugs guys..

Mute.Scream: I've been better thanks. I hope youre ok. What went wrong if you dont mind me asking? *hugsss*

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