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Well I'm giving up alcohol as of Today ,I finally have a motivating factor that I can really beleive in , Does Anyone have any experience or advice? I'm worried my S.I. will go through the roof. It did the last time I gave it up .
*hugs mark* is there anything else to substitute drinking and SI? I know people who started to eat tons of sunflower seeds when they stopped smoking.
thanks for the hugs and squishes.
I PMed you Mark, it certainly isn't a walk in the park but is a big step you should be proud of and with the right support you'll get there. I'm still getting there, but you know its going to take time so just hang in there and try to feel good about the fact that you're doing it. *gives standing ovation* it is awesome 'K? |
*Hugs Laura*I have Diaz , that's most definatly short term as it is quite addictive , been on it for like 5 years ....
*Hugs JK* I read you PM and replied , I am most grateful :) |
*Hugs everyone*
Good luck Mark, I'm proud of your decision :) |
*hugs everyone* Hi again,sorry for my somewhat rambling post yesterday,not been about for a few months I know but have been thinking of you all.Mark I'm proud of your desision,won't be easy but I'll be worth it in the end.I'm only a PM away xxx Hope everyone else is well and I shall be about a bit more regularly now Iv'e discovered I can get on RYL via my mobile.
*leaves hugs, duvets & comfy things*
Think of you guys lots, just struggle to come online esp via my mobile. Love to you all x |
*Hugs Lia*
*Hugs Claire* *Hugs Mara* Thanks for the encouragment guys n gals :) |
hugs everyone
*Hugs Louise*
*hugs everyone*
*tosses some confetti* HipHipHooray! My SIL isn't living with me anymore! And I'm fully moved. *rubs lotion on eczema breakout* it may not help but its better than scratching at it. How is everyone else doing today? P.S. I have no stupendous advice, Mark, but I know you can do it! Maybe substitute something for drinking? Like pamper yourself, or do something you like? Call or Skype someone? |
I have Been skyping and facebook messaging my friends and Fiance all day , I know some wonderful people
*Hugs Crimson* Yey for being all moved in :) Congratulations ! |
I'm really unsafe and struggling right now.
I took my meds for the first time today. I really tried to keep it in, but failed. *hugs all* sorry I'm not doing individuals. |
*Hugs Crimson*
*Hugs Mark* *Hugs Laura* *Hugs MJ* *Hugs Louise* *Hugs Crimson* *Hugs Mara* *Hugs Lia* *Hugs Claire* *Hugs JK* *Hugs Felicia* *Hugs Rhi* |
Thx Mark!
*hugs Mark, Laura and Ian* |
*Peers in*
Can I come back? I could really do with some support. |
Heya :) *cuddles charlie* of course you can come back, your welcome here anytime. Are you ok?
*Cuddles* Thankyou. I'm alrightish, just having a bit of a hard time. You? |
I'm sorry your having a hard time :( do you want to talk about it? Its ok if you dont but we are here if you do want to talk about it. I'm so so.
*hugs Mark* I have so much faith in you for giving up alcohol. You can do this <3
*Hugs Laura* I'm sorry you're struggling. I'm just a PM away if you need me. *Hugs Louise* *Hugs Lia* *Hugs Mara* *Hugs Claire* *Hugs JK* *Hugs Ian* *Hugs Crimson* Congrats on being moved in! :) *Hugs Charlie* Welcome back! I'm sorry you're having a hard time. *cuddles* *Hugs anyone I missed/anyone who may come in* So... apparently, I have to give my uni rights to talk to my counselor so she can prove I need to be considered independent for financial aid. In between my recent slip up and this... I am not happy. Anyway.... Love you guys :) |
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