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SparkleKitten 16-01-2011 08:39 PM

Oh but you're not Felicia, you're wonderful *cuddles*

PsychoKitty2010 16-01-2011 08:54 PM

-hugs everyone then curls up with lots of blankets-

Doikers 16-01-2011 08:55 PM

*Hugs Kitty* You okay?

PsychoKitty2010 16-01-2011 09:00 PM

-hugs mark- Not really. And I'm cold. Like freezing. Don't know why. How are you?

Doikers 16-01-2011 09:01 PM

Can you put the heating up? Kitty

PsychoKitty2010 16-01-2011 09:05 PM

Nah, that raises the electric bill and electricity is pretty expensive here. Plus my husband isn't that cold. So he would just get up and turn it back down right away. -shrugs- You didn't answer me, though..

PsychoKitty2010 16-01-2011 09:13 PM


Doikers 16-01-2011 09:15 PM

I'm ..........not exactly sober but not yet drunk , .Stupid suggestion put on another top?

PsychoKitty2010 16-01-2011 09:16 PM

-hugs mark- You can have some of my soberness? I'm 100% sober.

Doikers 16-01-2011 09:22 PM

Heh thanks Kitty :P

PsychoKitty2010 16-01-2011 09:23 PM

-curls up and hides-

SparkleKitten 16-01-2011 09:24 PM

*cuddles Kitty to give warmth* sorry you're so cold

*cuddles Mark* stay safe please x

Doikers 16-01-2011 09:27 PM

I'm being safe Sarah , Not doing the whole Bottle of vodka thing , just quite a few beers........ I'm not drinking all of next week , I really mean that , although I mean it every single time.........

PsychoKitty2010 16-01-2011 09:28 PM

-hugs sarah-

SparkleKitten 16-01-2011 09:31 PM

*snuggles Mark* good. Hope you're alright. I'm here for you if you need me

*cuddles Kitty*

ˈsäləˌterē 16-01-2011 09:31 PM

How bout some hot chocolate kitty? I'll have some with ya.

PsychoKitty2010 16-01-2011 09:33 PM

Ooooo ok -scoots closer to solo-

I feel like I have so much to say to the ward, but don't really know how to and think I should wait until the day gets closer..

MammaMia 16-01-2011 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Ribenalion (Post 2659964)
Yeah I always get hungry after a stir fry *cuddles Helen*

*cuddles* It sucks :(


Originally Posted by nicole94 (Post 2659966)
*Cuddles Helen*
Thanks, I think it's just gonna be part time jobs doing whatever I can get at the moment though....
And yeah, stirfrys aren't really that filling, but then my mum did like pile my plate up, so i'm pretty full (although still want chocolate lol

Good luck :) I can only do part time too because of college & placement.Glad it made you pretty full. My dinner tonight did too :D


Originally Posted by Doikers (Post 2659984)
Helen , What are Nando's?

Nandos is a restaurant that specialises in chicken dishes from portgual http://www.nandos.co.uk/index.cfm

Doikers 16-01-2011 09:37 PM

plaese tell us Kitty hun :S

shadowedsoul 16-01-2011 09:39 PM

hugs everbody. erm here i go again. im drinking once again. i know bad idea. just dont want to deal with this crap anymore.

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