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Doikers 11-12-2010 06:13 PM

Awh *Hugs Lia Tons* I could use some Christmas spirit if you find any spare :P I've been presant buying since like September and it all seems so anti-climatic , Still 14 Days to get in the spirit eh .

Cazki 11-12-2010 06:17 PM

Hey everyone. I hope next year is better than this year i really do. This year has been quite crap to be honest.

*Hugs Mark*

*Hugs Helen*

*Hugs Lia*

Doikers 11-12-2010 06:22 PM

*Hugs Ian* If I make it to the end of Febuary I'll have been out of Pysch Hospital for a whole year . I ran into the weekly town Hospital outing and recognised Hilary , a patient I knew . It's sad that she's back in there .:(

FlyingNy 11-12-2010 06:25 PM

*Hugs Ian*

Yeah, one of my new year's resolutions is going to be to get over all this. Which reminds me, I have something to tell you all that I can't go to anyone else about. The other day, I was with my friends at lunch time and one of them mentioned teen depression. I got bored that same lunch time and googled it on my phone. Looking at the symptoms, I realised I have every single one, and another thing it said was that with teen depression, they are not necessarily sad and upset all the time, but more irritable and grumpy and that was one of the main reasons I ruled out depression in the first place, because I am not always low. IDK...I just have no one else to go to about this.

one_step_closer 11-12-2010 06:26 PM

*hugs everyone*

It was a year in November since I was last in hospital, well as a psychiatric inpatient anyway. I found it quite upsetting to be honest because I want to go back there and be looked after.

I'm feeling very low and suicidal today and people keep telling me to stop focusing on suicide but it's not that easy. I managed to go and do some food shopping without making a detour to the train station so that's good.

Cazki 11-12-2010 06:32 PM

*Hugs Mark Lia and Lindsay* I seriously dont know how i managed. Still there we go, thats life for you. I'v had other things iv struggled with to which i havent spoke about on here. I find it difficult. It was difficult when i realised, it was even more difficult when i realised il always be a loner :( probably makes no sense sorry.

Doikers 11-12-2010 06:37 PM

Lindsay Said

I found it quite upsetting to be honest because I want to go back there and be looked after.

Makes perfect sense Lindsay *Hugs* I want the safe feeling it gave me :S

Ian Said

it was even more difficult when i realised il always be a loner :( probably makes no sense sorry.
That makes sense to me too , I find it very hard to connect with people , I really cherish My Best friend , For years and years I had no friends , I actually met my Best Friend in Hospital last summer :)

Cazki 11-12-2010 06:43 PM

Thanks Mark :)

I realised something quite a while back and its been hard. But then i kept questioning it because i guess i didnt like the truth, but oh i dont know

Doikers 11-12-2010 06:46 PM

What did you realise Ian? Sorry it's okay if you don't want to say.

FlyingNy 11-12-2010 06:57 PM

I guess I can't come here either. Never mind. I'll talk to...well there's not actually an end to that sentence.

Really must dash, I'm being yelled at to hurry up, visiting family. Bye for now.

Doikers 11-12-2010 07:01 PM

*Hugs Lia*Sorry I didn't mean to ignore you , I thought that you were addressing only Ian , Whats your resalution? To get over Teen Depression? I wish you the best of luck , I have Chronic Depression myself so know how hard that can be , Should you perhaps go and get an official Diagnoses ? A Dr may well be able to offer you help with getting over this . Sorry if you felt ignored :(

misskitty112 11-12-2010 07:28 PM

Hey everyone,
*hugs* My mind can't process words right now apparently. I read the whole page and can't remember anything. Sorry.

*sits in the corner until she becomes useful*

Doikers 11-12-2010 07:29 PM

*Spots and squishes Felicia* How are you today?
Edit:-^^^Oh oops Typing at the same time^^^

misskitty112 11-12-2010 07:33 PM

I'm pretty blah today. Nothing's sticking in my mind (yeah, try studying for finals like this... it's a mess)
I really want to cut today, too. Music's on, trying to distract me.

FlyingNy 11-12-2010 07:39 PM

*hugs Felicia*

It's fine Mark :) I should be being sociable right now but internet phones distract me.

Doikers 11-12-2010 07:39 PM

Music Is the singular best thing to distract me :)
I'm sorry you're Blah :( *Hugs*

I just want to sleep, Up at 10 am , bed from1pm -3pm , it's now 6.37pm and I just am struggling to know how to cope . I Hate having Depression :S What's the point of going to bed only to feel crap tomorrow *sigh* sorry to be so negative today ....well most days recently.

misskitty112 11-12-2010 07:50 PM

*Hugs Lia* I should be somewhat sociable too. But... I have the internet, so not now. lol
*hugs Mark* I'm sorry you're struggling. I don't have words, but I sincerely hope it gets better.

Doikers 11-12-2010 07:54 PM

*Hugs Felicia* I hope it gets better too , for both of us , for all of us .

misskitty112 11-12-2010 08:10 PM

Me too.
I really need motivation to get out of bed, and get ready for the Secret Sister dinner with my sorority tonight. *sigh*

one_step_closer 11-12-2010 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Doikers (Post 2604811)
I just want to sleep, Up at 10 am , bed from1pm -3pm , it's now 6.37pm and I just am struggling to know how to cope . I Hate having Depression :S What's the point of going to bed only to feel crap tomorrow

I could have said that myself. I really hate depression. I got up at 1 today in the hope that it would make the pain last for a shorter period of time but it just seems more intense. I can't wait to be sleeping again.

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