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MammaMia 05-12-2010 02:01 PM

*hugs everybody*

I didn't sleep too well last night. Went to bed after 1am. Then my best friend texted me at 5.40am and thankfully I was awake. So we texted for about an hour & then chatted online til 8.30am. We both went back to bed as we were falling asleep again lol.

I have a migraine AGAIN & I'm seriously not impressed. Just what I need to add to my cold, cough & feeling very bad =/

Doikers 05-12-2010 02:11 PM

*Hugs Lia* I know what it's like to be tired a lot , I take Olanzapine at night and am still sedated from it in the morning :S

*Hugs Nicole*

*Hugs Helen* Your poor head :(

*Hugs Sam* My name is Mark :)

nicole94 05-12-2010 02:14 PM

*hugs mark, lia and helen*
lia-I tried telling her i didn't want any and she said i have to eat it :( eugh. it's ok. I will just go for a run or something after....

Doikers 05-12-2010 02:18 PM

I am one week Self Injury free today :) ! I know it's not a massive milestone but still it's something , My best this year was 9 days on my own and 12 days but I was in a Psych ward and coulden't so that kind of counts less .

MammaMia 05-12-2010 02:18 PM

Nicole - I don't think it's wise to be running in the dark honey. Plus don't want you to start getting obsessed with this diet. Particularly when we have Sunday roasts, I always want a small portion and always get a much bigger one than my Mum. Ugh =/

Mark - indeed :'(

MammaMia 05-12-2010 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Doikers (Post 2594388)
I am one week Self Injury free today :) ! I know it's not a massive milestone but still it's something , My best this year was 9 days on my own and 12 days but I was in a Psych ward and coulden't so that kind of counts less .

It still is massive. Congratulations Mark. Every single time you don't cut, whether it's for 2 days or 9 weeks, still counts, even if you slip up & start counting again, they STILL count :)

nicole94 05-12-2010 02:23 PM

*hugs helen* Don't worry, we have a lot of well-lit running paths around here. And i am being carful on the diet, honestly, in fact, i ate WAY too much yesterday....... :/

Doikers 05-12-2010 02:23 PM

:) Thanks Helen :) Stupid thing is now I've realised it it's all I can think about .......

MammaMia 05-12-2010 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by nicole94 (Post 2594396)
*hugs helen* Don't worry, we have a lot of well-lit running paths around here. And i am being carful on the diet, honestly, in fact, i ate WAY too much yesterday....... :/

I still don't like the thought of you running in the dark on your own :S *hugs Nicole* From what I could gather from your posts last night, sounds like you didn't eat an awful lot :S


Originally Posted by Doikers (Post 2594397)
:) Thanks Helen :) Stupid thing is now I've realised it it's all I can think about .......

It's not stupid :) I promise *hugs*

nicole94 05-12-2010 02:27 PM

I honestly did. Almost x calories :/ And i didn't even purge although i so wanted to :)

FlyingNy 05-12-2010 03:07 PM

x calories isn't a lot, you're meant to have 2000 per day.

nicole94 05-12-2010 03:11 PM

It was a lot. Too much. Anyway, that was yesterday, this is today.
How are you?

FlyingNy 05-12-2010 03:29 PM

Fine. Just bangtidy.

nicole94 05-12-2010 03:31 PM

:/ lia.....whats up?
*spies and hugs april*

Scarletdreamer 05-12-2010 03:32 PM

*glomps everyone*

Lia, how are you?? I got your PM, so sorry I haven't been on in forever. :( As I said in earlier post(s) though, I'm gonna try to be on more frequently now. Bleh. But how have things been?

Mark, those falls sound pretty nasty. :-/ Guess the weather is definitely not so great where you are? Here we just have a dusting of snow but the roads/sidewalks are fine - thankfully. :) And one week SI-free - go go, you!!! <3

Hels, you are too a lovely person. :) *hugs* I'm sorry you're having those bad thoughts - I hope that they go away soon. :( How have things been with you??

Nicole, x calories is not a lot but - per RYL's rules - we probs shouldn't talk about calories in specific amounts. I don't mind personally but it might trigger other people. *squishes* In any case, that really isn't enough for you, not at all... maybe try to fight the urges that say that it's too much and/or that you have to purge??

Hi people I don't know!! ;)

Have Hayley or Crimson been on lately?

Sooo freaking tired. Stayed up til around 11:30pm last night and then woke up at freaking 5:40am today. :( So I'm exhausted... yet still Jarrod persists in wanting us to go to church, even though I'm likely to fall asleep there or start crying or at the very least, not take in the sermon and not do much worshiping. But whatevs. >_<

That's one thing that's not been cool with me - I've been crying a lot. Up and down moods, etc. The whole gambit. I don't think my tegretol is working anymore. >_< Stupidness. And I'm supposed to see my NP on Friday at 6:15pm but I'm also scheduled to work from 1-8pm soooo... I really need to talk with my supervisor. :-/ Not liking how this is going. I really don't want to have to reschedule AGAIN, especially because 1) I really need to talk with her because of my moods, and 2) I'm running out of meds. :-S

*cuddles all*

nicole94 05-12-2010 03:45 PM

*hugs april* heh. Forgot about the rules :/ But i promise you guys, i am being careful with my eating. Because i am determined now. I am gonna quit the self harm, lose weight (cause i really am overweight) finish my college course, get a job, save up, and next year, i'm moving. haven't decided whre yet though :/

Doikers 05-12-2010 03:50 PM

*Hugs April* Hmm you sound busy busy . Hayley isn't too well I think with her M.E. I'm in sporadic touch with her via text and just sent her a Christmas card, Eoghan has been redeployed (Afganistahn I think) So it's just her and Reggie.
Crimson I don't remember talking to for a few days :S hmm
*Is happy to have you back on the ward*

nicole94 05-12-2010 03:54 PM

I saw crimson hanging around the ward yesterday, (i think it was yesterday) but she didn't post.

Doikers 05-12-2010 04:33 PM

I can feel Depression coming on , It's only just twigged that that is what it is , I'm worried :S
EDIT:- I'm going to lie down (3rd time today) 30 minutes only .
EDIT 2 :- 30 minutes later and I'm up again , I don't really want to be though , Evanescence CD on , relating to all the Lyrics heh .

FlyingNy 05-12-2010 05:46 PM

*SUPER GLOMPS APRIL* Looks like I missed you again as I walked off, but glad to hear you're doing well in your new job :) Not so glad to hear about the crying though :/ Glad to have you back on the ward :)

*Hugs Mark* I don't have many words, but I'm thinking of you.

*Hugs Nicole* Sorry about my blunt answer earlier. And good for you that you've decided to do this thing called life and f*ck the sh*t :)

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