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Fallen_Half_Angel 07-06-2007 07:46 PM

yeah u can call me kay! yeah i want a teddy :)
**wraps self up in blanket and smiles at this new friendly person**
so whats this i heard about pizza?


bobidrawpictures 07-06-2007 07:48 PM

im luke, nice to meet you and kim said on an earlier post when she finishes work she is bringing pizza for all, but till she gets here we have ice cream, marshmallow's and anything else you may want, feel free to chat and get things of your chest or feel free to pm me :)

guttergirl 07-06-2007 07:50 PM

hey there Kay...you can this space near me if you like.
i am not sleeping so i can watch over you if you need a nap or anything.
*sings softly*

Fallen_Half_Angel 07-06-2007 07:52 PM

nice to meet u too luke!
i like pizza and ice cream!! ben and jerrys chocolate fudge brownie ice cream anyone??
im rather random and hyper atm! trying to distract myself! how are u luke?

bobidrawpictures 07-06-2007 07:56 PM

oh yes it has to be ben and jerrys woohoo high fives, im ok better than a couple of nights ago, and hyperness is next to greatness :)

Fallen_Half_Angel 07-06-2007 07:58 PM

hi guttergirl! thanks for the space! im not sleeping either! so we can all stay up together!
woo high five! yup, i like hyperness! i think its my new meds mixed with my overactive adrenalin gland! glad u r better ish

guttergirl 07-06-2007 08:00 PM

hyper! =]
everyone seems cheerful
that makes me cheerful
*pulls out a load of spoons*
for the ice cream
i have a thing for spoons
i am strange

bobidrawpictures 07-06-2007 08:01 PM

well im checking myself out of here for a little while, watch the fire and make sure it doesent set fire to you or the tent hehehehehe will check in on you all to see if you are all ok :) take care all gives you all a hug before i leave

Hopeless_little_one 07-06-2007 08:02 PM

Im back! ooh, ice-cream... i hope your keeping it away from the fire, we dont want it melting. Hi Kay, im Jule! Loving the hyperness. Happy happy happy :tongue2: yay!


Hopeless_little_one 07-06-2007 08:04 PM

bye luke, take care


guttergirl 07-06-2007 08:09 PM

byebye Luke xxx

bobidrawpictures 07-06-2007 08:10 PM

wb jule and thanks will see you all soon, i will check in later tonight, but if anyone needs to speak feel free to pm me

Hopeless_little_one 07-06-2007 08:14 PM

its gone really quiet in here... *starts singing camping songs"
join in peeps


Fallen_Half_Angel 07-06-2007 08:15 PM

but if it melts then we can drink it!! spoons?? i like forks better! hi jules! ooo i like the fire pretty fire!
*stares fascinated at the pretty flames*

Hopeless_little_one 07-06-2007 08:17 PM

good idea, choco fudge brownie ice-cream smoothies anyone??


guttergirl 07-06-2007 08:19 PM

camping out
we need some stars
*hangs up pretty stars each contaning a wish!*

Hopeless_little_one 07-06-2007 08:21 PM

*sprinkles glitter around* .... i just like sparkly thigs, there was no reasoning. sorry

Fallen_Half_Angel 07-06-2007 08:30 PM

ooo distracted by the sparkly stars!!
what camp fire songs can we sing? i dont think i know any?
yes id lvoe a smoothie thanks x x

Hopeless_little_one 07-06-2007 08:33 PM

I have no idea.... hmm "thinks"


guttergirl 07-06-2007 09:02 PM

you are my sunshine i kinda good =]
i have to go right now
everyone have a lovely night

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