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Doikers 18-05-2010 08:37 PM

* Make room for mark to huggle April too *

katnovia 18-05-2010 08:41 PM

*shuffles up and makes room for mark* in you come

MammaMia 18-05-2010 08:44 PM

*cuddles everyone lots and lots*

Sorry for my mistake Mark :(

PoisonedApple 18-05-2010 08:46 PM

*sits on the ceiling*
there. I'll cuddle April from here now there's more room.

katnovia 18-05-2010 08:46 PM

*cuddles helen back*

hmm, the forum menu says mark posted last......and in here I have helen...which one is lying I would like to know.

MammaMia 18-05-2010 08:47 PM

Crimson, how can you be sitting on the ceiling :S :P

*cuddles Kat* Maybe you checked it before my post came through, if that makes sense???

Doikers 18-05-2010 08:47 PM

It's ok Helen. I probably could have typed it out to make it clearer at my end :)

katnovia 18-05-2010 08:47 PM

ah ha, the menu lies. *looks up at crimson* impressive trick. what you using to stay up there? helium? or a magic sticky mat?

MammaMia 18-05-2010 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Doikers (Post 2303830)
It's ok Helen. I probably could have typed it out to make it clearer at my end :)

Ah well, least we've cleared it up quickly :)


Originally Posted by katnovia (Post 2303831)
ah ha, the menu lies. *looks up at crimson* impressive trick. what you using to stay up there? helium? or a magic sticky mat?

Ahaha indeed :P I want to know how Crimson's up there too :o

katnovia 18-05-2010 08:49 PM

yeek it moved on quickly again. I checked after i posted about letting mark in on the cuddle and it said mark was last, but yet you'd posted helen. and now there's more posts snuck in *types ultra quick so the ward doesn't move on while she's typing*

PoisonedApple 18-05-2010 08:49 PM

totally a sticky mat. think of it like a fly paper like yoga mat. :D

MammaMia 18-05-2010 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by katnovia (Post 2303836)
yeek it moved on quickly again. I checked after i posted about letting mark in on the cuddle and it said mark was last, but yet you'd posted helen. and now there's more posts snuck in *types ultra quick so the ward doesn't move on while she's typing*

We're all just posting super fast :thumbup: But it does get overwhelming :/

MammaMia 18-05-2010 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by angelic_monster (Post 2303837)
totally a sticky mat. think of it like a fly paper like yoga mat. :D

Sounds awesome :D

katnovia 18-05-2010 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by angelic_monster (Post 2303837)
totally a sticky mat. think of it like a fly paper like yoga mat. :D

hee. I want to invent one of those! any particular reason for your choice of seating position? and arn't you getting a massive rush of blood to the head up there?? I know i'm getting a crick in the neck :P

katnovia 18-05-2010 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by MammaMia (Post 2303839)
We're all just posting super fast :thumbup: But it does get overwhelming :/

doesn't it just!? it's alright when it's like this, but when there are real issues being discussed then it's really quite straining on the mind. if you get what i mean.

EDIT: *breathes*

MammaMia 18-05-2010 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by katnovia (Post 2303846)
doesn't it just!? it's alright when it's like this, but when there are real issues being discussed then it's really quite straining on the mind. if you get what i mean.

I do darling, I really do. Makes you forget things..

PoisonedApple 18-05-2010 08:54 PM

lol I always preferred to be either upside down or in strange places. back in my military days i'd sit atop my book case in the lotus position and eat cola gummies *shrug* I'm just odd like that.... but you shoulda seen my room mate scream when she realized I was up there lol/rofl

katnovia 18-05-2010 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by MammaMia (Post 2303847)
I do darling, I really do. Makes you forget things..

Yeah, I noticed that I'm absorbing about as much information as a brick right now. I'm still struggling with names I've probably asked about dozens of times. and reading back is just as confusing!!!

katnovia 18-05-2010 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by angelic_monster (Post 2303848)
lol I always preferred to be either upside down or in strange places. back in my military days i'd sit atop my book case in the lotus position and eat cola gummies *shrug* I'm just odd like that.... but you shoulda seen my room mate scream when she realized I was up there lol/rofl

lol, sounds like absolute fun. I dont think i can hold the lotus position anymore..!

PoisonedApple 18-05-2010 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by katnovia (Post 2303853)
lol, sounds like absolute fun. I dont think i can hold the lotus position anymore..!

oh it was priceless.
i can do half lotus any time i want but only full lotus when i stretch my IT band out enough these days.

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