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nicole94 12-04-2010 08:01 PM

teehee. 'oldies' you're not old. im just very young :/ it's 8pm here

MammaMia 12-04-2010 08:02 PM

*cuddles everyone*

It's only 8pm for us englanders ^_^ So we won't be heading for bed for a while I'm sure.

*high fives Nicole & Mark for not cutting*

Oh & Nicole, I had supernoodles too, but I didn't mine down my bra =P I have two hoodies on lol!!

I feel really lonely :/

PoisonedApple 12-04-2010 08:05 PM

11 am here :)
*huggles everyone*
has the ward finally slowed down? the pages of posts were just flying up earlier.

nicole94 12-04-2010 08:07 PM

*high fives helen* super noodles are awesome :D i get everything in my bra lol. tis interesting to find whats in there at the end of the day XD

Doikers 12-04-2010 08:12 PM

*High fives Helen*

MammaMia 12-04-2010 08:20 PM

=) I think it is slowing down, least for a while anyway.

Nicole, I have that problem too sometimes, it's funny =D

nicole94 12-04-2010 08:24 PM

it is. although theres the fact i also use my boobs as a table :/ never forget watching angus, thongs and perfect snogging at a sleepover, and we decided to try the pencil test. and my sister couldnt hold up a pencil, my friend just about managed to hold up the pencil. i got a whole fricken french dictionary up there :/

MammaMia 12-04-2010 08:30 PM

LOL, sorry, but that's hilarious!!! I love that film =)


nicole94 12-04-2010 08:32 PM

lol. it was hilarious! shouldve seen us! i love that film too

MammaMia 12-04-2010 08:35 PM

I can only imagine my dear :P

frenchhorn 12-04-2010 08:40 PM

*cuddles everyone*

I have a poorly hand, no idea why, just started hurting really badly in rehearsal, then my bump noticed and said your hand is really swollen, so went to see staff, stupid director of nywo said run it under the tap then gave me sellotape to strap my fingers together, when it isnt my fingers, plus i look like an idiot with sellotape wrapped round my fingers.

Doikers 12-04-2010 08:43 PM

*Hugs Oliver* I'm sorry your hand is swollen , perhaps a nights sleeping away from playing your horn will help , sorry I'm not very medically minded

MammaMia 12-04-2010 08:52 PM

Sounds painful :(

Doikers 12-04-2010 09:36 PM

I'm going to toddle off to bed now . 2nd consecutive day without S.I. in ages over :) * high fives group *

MammaMia 12-04-2010 09:46 PM

*high fives Mark* Keep it up sweet. Sleep well *snuggles*

frenchhorn 12-04-2010 09:53 PM

*hugs and high fives mark* well done :)

Scarletdreamer 12-04-2010 11:36 PM

Well done, Mark!! :D And also, Nicole, keep it up... :)

It's only gone on 6:30pm here now... dunno what time it is for you now though, JK. :)

I'm super anxious... well, maybe not "super," but anxious enough not to play WoW and to whimper instead. :( I feel like ****, I really do. :'(

I bandaged the cuts, don't want to know what it'll feel like in a bath with salts in it. Ugh.

Jarrod wants us to go camping, and I don't like camping especially much... it's just frustrating the differences that we have. Talked with my SW about that some this morning, kinda, I don't know. :(

Bedtime... want to go to sleep. :'( But it's only 6:30, can't go to bed yet. BOO HISS!!!

SoMuchMore 12-04-2010 11:38 PM

*high fives mark* great job!

*hugs helen, oliver, nicole, JK, april, hayley, and crimson*

The ward moved so fast today i couldnt keep up with being in and out for classes. Hope everyone is okay though.

Going to a softball game now... a few ppl i know put together an intramural team so i'm going to watch. Not really my kinda game but eh, its something to do i guess. I prolly wont be around much until tomorrow night... I have 40000 things to do btwen now and then.

MammaMia 12-04-2010 11:56 PM

*rocks back and forth* :'(

Scarletdreamer 12-04-2010 11:58 PM

*cuddles Laura* I hope that you get those 40000 things done... I know the feeling!! and it is very stressful. :( How are you doing?? and please don't say "fine" because we all know that that's usually a cover-up. Hehe. *more cuddles*

I just ate supper (soup) and am now too full... feel icky... want to purge. :'( I thought I was over this but no, it's coming back again... am so sick of this cyclical mess that I'm in. Shoot me now, please, someone!!! :'( And then there's the opposite, when I want to binge... and no reasoning can stop the urges. I HATE MYSELF!!!

I don't know. I just want to die. :'( There's so much **** I have to deal with now outside of school and I hate it all so much, including uni stuff. And it feels like death is the only way to make it stop...


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