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bright.side.of.life 17-07-2007 02:07 PM

really? dnt think ill go then...it will wear off in a few more hours.......

~KemicalRain~ 17-07-2007 02:11 PM

well hun i would gauge it whats going on and things because it could be really bad plaese be safe and take care

~KemicalRain~ 17-07-2007 02:13 PM

in my honest opinion i would go i am really worried now sorry

~*Rainbow*~ 17-07-2007 02:21 PM

I agree with Steve you really should go hun!
If you wanna talk PM me im always here to help k

~KemicalRain~ 17-07-2007 02:23 PM

same i am here for you too

bright.side.of.life 17-07-2007 02:33 PM

thankyou...ill be ok tho. dont be worried, i had a minor od last night...it was hours ago, it will wear off soon..just feel a bit sick and dizzy and headachy...no worries tho ill be fine
thanks for the concern tho....

~*Rainbow*~ 17-07-2007 02:43 PM

okay well drink some water and you should be okay babe! k

Flush it outta your system with water! but remember that my PM box is always open and if you have msn add me im always here to help okay


bright.side.of.life 17-07-2007 02:45 PM

whats your msn addy hun? thankyou......im light headed and queezy and yet i wish i had more pills.....

~*Rainbow*~ 17-07-2007 02:47 PM

its lil_sixx@hotmail.com

please dont take any more pill hun

~KemicalRain~ 17-07-2007 02:50 PM

feel free to add me to msn as well if you need to talk okay hun my addy is on my profile

bright.side.of.life 17-07-2007 02:58 PM

thnks, steve i cant see it......

l.e.g.o 17-07-2007 04:41 PM

I dont feel good-i want to die-i want to be locked away-how can i get help how

~*forever_broken*~ 17-07-2007 04:48 PM

Ugh...feel like ****...but unlike you newlife I'm scared spitless my counselor will want to lock me up tomorrow (since he threatened me with it yesterday)...it's no big deal, it's totally not necessary...
*sits in the corner, clutches stuffed lamb, and sobs*

shadowedseraph 17-07-2007 08:57 PM

*hugs Ally83 and offers them to any others that want them* why is my area so sh*t for out of hours crisis support - 'i feel suicidal' answer 'take a bath' AGHH!

l.e.g.o 17-07-2007 09:01 PM

how is everyone

*curls up on corner with toy and blanket*

will some one shut me away

sorry ally you ok?

~*forever_broken*~ 17-07-2007 09:12 PM

*hugs shadowedseraph and newlife* sorry everyones feeling crap
I'm not alright but I suppose I will be again...at some point...maybe.
*offers her ever-present pot of tea around, curls up under her blanket in her corner and hides*
Take care all...stay safe.

huggybear 17-07-2007 09:12 PM

*curls up in corner with blanket*

shadowedseraph 17-07-2007 09:44 PM

*takes tea and snuggles under blanket* i feel awful *offers tea around*

l.e.g.o 17-07-2007 09:48 PM


*snuggles under blanket and hides*

*puts up sign sayin "please remove any sharp items before coming near"*

hope everyone ok

The Hierophant 17-07-2007 10:11 PM


*head meets desk*


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