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bleeeeeugh. i feel skank. urgh urgh urgh.
*hugs April* i know i know....but i only took out like...£4 last night. and i still managed to get ****ed because my friend owed me £6....urgh. i hate myself. *goes to hide in the toilet* |
The current suggestion with the book is to have it available on Amazon.com so pretty much anyone can read it ... and then if the government finds a way to ban it, to make it downloadable as a torrent.
*cuddles everyone then crawls into the denial tent so that life can bearable* |
*wanders over to Laura and Khalia and gives gentle cuddles*
<33 |
*cuddles everyone*
Sorry for not writing personal messages, my head is all over the place today. Just wanted to leave a message before I head to the library. Today is a bad day. I woke up at 9 and have only just managed to get myself out of bed, I'm feeling incredibly anxious about being on my own at the moment. I'm heading to the library today so I can sit in a quiet corner and try and make myself work without having to be on my own in my room. I just can't be alone with my thoughts anymore. I'm frightening myself. I'm so sick of this predictable cycle that I'm trapped in. |
Gahhh... I am so frustrated with myself!! I have all of this work to do & no motivation at all to do it... and I have to go in to campus today & it's snowing, and my car only has 2WD... so I'm scared about the traction as I don't think the roads have been taken care of. They tend not to do that around here until it's stopped snowing & it's still snowing sooo... :(
I just want to hide & hide & never come out... :( *cuddles Franz* How're you doing, love? *cuddles Ayla* I'm sorry you're in such a bad place right now... what's making you feel so bad? any idea(s)? I wish I could help you more... I wish I could snap my fingers & make everything better for everyone... that would be awesome. Or hand out magic pills that would make everything better - heh. In any case... feel free to talk about it if you want to... we'll be glad to listen, I'm sure!! :) *huggles LauraStar* How're you doing, sweetie? Missed you the first time 'round but caught you this time!! :D lol. :-/ *cuddles Kahlia* That sounds like a good idea. Do you feel excited about writing it? *pulls LauraFriend out of the toilet & onto a comfy beanbag, cuddles & rocks* Things will be okay, love. I promise. *more hugs & cuddles for everyone* |
*cuddles everyone*
Sorry for going quiet at the moment. Today is probably going to be another quiet day, we shall see. I think I'm angry but holding it in. |
*cuddles Helen* Try to get the anger out constructively if you can... I know it's difficult without turning it on yourself, but I think that you can do it. :) Is it the situation(s) with your friends that is causing you to be angry?
ARGH don't wanna do schoolwork!! *temper tantrum* lol... I'm pitiful I know, but I am so frustrated with my computer with not being able to open certain files because I need to enable cookies on my computer & I have no ****ing clue how to do that... stupid me. :( Computers are mysteries to me as far as how they work & how to operate them even, sometimes. *hides in deep dark corner with a fleece blanket and stuffed dog* |
can't handle replies right now.
ehhh *failAtLife* |
*holds Franz & rocks* No, you're not an fail at life. That's me!! :eek: Heh, just kidding... :) *gently strokes back* You'll be okay, sweetie. What's going on that's making you feel like a failure?
I'm BS'ing a journal/reflection for one of my classes now... it's going to be difficult to write, grrrrr. :( And it's STILL snowing... blah. Am NOT looking forward to driving in it... *sigh* |
Well the anger started off as a angry question for my best friend. Then it's been directed back to my boyfriend, as it so rightfully should be. I can't wait to be free of him :/ We're having a huge argument, or were til he popped out. *rolls eyes*
& we're over.
Sorry for lack of individual replies at the moment. *cuddles* |
*hugs Helen* aww sorry hun :( *cuddles*
*hugs April* hope the snow stops soon. we keep having random bits of snow...weeeird. and you're not stoopid. computers are annoying. get a mac :) lol 's my solution to everything ever. :) *hugs Franz* hiiii :) *waves* *hugs Kahlia* the book sounds really good :) good luck! i feel disgusting. i'm so hungover i just wanna go to bed but i really should do some work but i dunno what the point is really cos it'll just be crap. urgh. i hate myself. i'm such a ****ING IDIOT. *bangs head against wall* *hugs Ayla* hope the library was ok and u feel a bit better *cuddles* |
quiet1 checking in. need support. will check up later today. i asked for help at work. my therapist suggested an intensive outpatient program. i think i will do it. sorry if this is not a good place for this post but i feel like i need someone to be in touch with. *snuggles with giraffe* |
*cuddles quiet1 (sorry can't remember your name!!)* This is a good place for you to post, to check in. :) I'm glad that you're getting the help that you need; that's EXTREMELY important for a full recovery from whatever you're struggling with. Hope it helps a lot... *more cuddles*
*cuddles LauraFriend* I'm sorry that you feel like crap... are you feeling any better now as it's a few hours later? ♥ I'm so tired... but guess what?! My uni is closing at noon!! :eek: :D which means I don't have senior sem, health psych lab, intro to soc, or Women & Spirituality!!!! My worst day made soo much easier. I'm going to finish up the work for senior sem though, so I have it in by 2:30 this afternoon, & then I'm going to RELAX and maybe read with some hot chocolate... or play WoW with some hot cider... or do more uni work, urgh. But still - I am soo happy about that!! lol. It makes my life so much easier, at least for today. >_< Right now I'm reading about positive psychology. It's interesting... and pertinent to what we talk about here on RYL. I might make a post about it as so many of us here are psych majors/minors. *cuddles all* ♥ |
*curls up and hides*
Trying to drag myself to the shower. |
*cuddles April* that sounds good about uni being cancelled, wish my rehearsal was cancelled!! Relaxing sounds like a plan.
*cuddles mammamia* (sorry dont know your name) I'm feeling less tired now, been doing weights and practice which have helped to wake me up a bit. Been talking to my sister and she got the highest mark in her class for her AS level chemistry coursework, 80%, really proud of her. She is coming to visit this weekend, I am in a massive dilema about whether to come out to her or not, both decisions have positives and negatives, meh its tough. |
*cuddles all*
i;m not doing so well but my urge to harm the last couple of days has thrown me into renewed efforts to put together a tattoo design that i want to put on my wrist (the theory here being that i wouldn't want to **** up the tat and that parts of it will remind me why i shouldn't harm...) might post my tenative pic later (when i'm at my own comp not the one at the front desk). The words on it aren't the way i want them but since i'm using ms paint theres only so much you can do with them... anyhow... right now i'm just trying to hold it together minute by minute... the va will get back to me on if/how i can use their mhs at some point by the end of business friday(its wednesday morning)... the waiting game feels like its going to kill me but there's only so much i can do atm... |
omg I'm so jealous of all you that have cancelled things today... we had almost a foot of snow yesterday and class still went on. And they dont plow or salt or sand the streets here at all. It was awful.
*hugs everyone* sorry there have been a lot of posts and I don't want to reply and miss anyone. But i read them all and am thinking of all of u. Didn't study yet for my test today. Couldnt concentrate last night. My bf came over to do laundry since he doesnt have washers and dryers in his building.. still wanted to talk to him but wound up talking about the air force instead... we always wind up talking about the air force since he joined... which is fine heh, but I really should prolly update him about whats going on with me. Part of me doesnt want to but i know that i should.. |
*cuddles Helen (MammaMia)* Trying to do things when you're depressed really is difficult... :( Hope you manage to get to the shower eventually as it will probably make you feel oh so much better!! :)
*cuddles Oliver* I wish that I could give you an answer to whether or not you should come out to your sister, but only you know the pros & cons. Is she older or younger than you are? Is 80% really good? because over here an 80% would be a B and only average. Of course, I don't understand the grading system over there, lol, so I am most likely very confused. >_< Haha. And yeh, it's soo nice to have a day off from uni... needed that break. Today's my especially bad day (going from 12:30-9pm) so yeah. :) *cuddles Crimson* I'm sorry you're feeling the way you are. What is the tattoo design you're thinking of? I'd love to see a pic when you can put one up. :) Just be sure that you're not doing it because you want to feel the pain... but you know that already. :) I hope that the VA gets to you soon... waiting is so freaking difficult for almost everyone, I think, so you're not alone. Please try & take care of yourself. *more cuddles* Played WoW for awhile, which was really nice... then talked to Jarrod, then called my mum (whilst on WoW... lol - I'm good at multitasking at times) just to check up. Now I'm planning on getting something hot to drink (maybe) or some oatmeal or something, and reading. :) I have this book (young adult fiction, but it's still relaxing to read!!) that I really want to finish before Saturday (it's due at the library then & I can't renew it again :o)... so I'll read that. And cuddle Daniel. :) *snuggles everyone then totters off to make a warm drink* |
Oh & Laura, we posted at the same time!! oops, lol. I agree with you, you should update your boyfriend about what's going on with you... communication, as I allllways say :P, is key to a good relationship. Be open with him... he loves you, and if he truly does, he'll care enough to hear about what's going on in your head. *holds you gently* I'm sorry that your uni didn't cancel, that sucks... especially with the rubbishy roads!!!
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