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[Awakening] 21-01-2010 11:31 PM

try to resist sweetie. Weldone for talking to ur friend, communication is so important, we were made to interact and support one another.
I'm so glad ur feeling even a smidgin (sp!) better, try to distract urself hon. stay strong, I know you can x x x

MammaMia 21-01-2010 11:32 PM

I'll try :(

[Awakening] 21-01-2010 11:40 PM

*Hugs Vicki* Welcome home hon! I hope ur ok.

*Hugs Helen (is it?)* Good girl, good luck sweetie. All my best happy thoughts and wishes coming your way


MammaMia 22-01-2010 12:14 AM

Thanks and yeah it is Helen =)

Scarletdreamer 22-01-2010 12:16 AM

I really want to cut/purge too, Helen. *cuddles* I'm sorry you feel that way... we just went out for pizza & while it was good I feel like I ate too much. Of course. So yeah... but we don't NEED to do it... either of those things... we can make it. *hugs tight*

I feel like **** tonight. Today, really. It's been a pretty rough day, as I've said. I have a thread in the main (Vet's support) forum, you can check it out if you want... no pressure... :-/ Sorry for being annoying!!! :crying:

[Awakening] 22-01-2010 12:22 AM

Oh April! You're not being annoying. You are amazing and you are strong. I believe you can resist these urges.

I'm sorry that you're feeling like this, are u able to talk to your hubby about it? ask him for a cuddle or something? *cuddles* x x x

*trots of to main vet's support to read April's thread :-) *

Scarletdreamer 22-01-2010 12:29 AM

I don't know if I can resist the SI urges... I really don't want to either. I know, rubbish and I'm supposed to be recovering & all, but I don't have any motivation not to cut. I NEED to cut... :( that sounds stupid and all... I know... but... :(

I'm really rubbish at life. I just need to quit it. :(

MammaMia 22-01-2010 12:35 AM

Ugh I had pizza tonight too (plus a second dinner, don't ask, I didn't want either of them!!!) and only ate two slices. Beginning to wish I brought the rest home to pig out on. Good job I didn't though. (Y)

I am soooooooooooooo tired and feel so shitty and ill >_>

Am going to read your thread sweet.

Scarletdreamer 22-01-2010 12:40 AM

Am exhausted too. Went to bed at 9pm last night after a late night class (it got out an hour early or else I'd've gone to bed at 10 instead) and got up at 5:45am... I usually go to bed at 7pm or so... so yeah. :( Tiiiiiiired.

I feel really **** right now... *cuddles Helen because we both need cuddles* What's going on in your head, love?

MammaMia 22-01-2010 12:44 AM

*cuddles April lots*

I'm going to crawl into bed and try sleep soon. Ugh. What's the betting I'll still be awake come 3/4/5am? :(

[Awakening] 22-01-2010 12:55 AM

*cuddles Helen and April*

Don't feel guilty if u can't resist sweetie. We all know that its our coping mechanism. Pretty ****ed up one but still if we haven't addressed the issues and haven't found any decent alternatives then it's normal that we'll stick with what u know.

Try to be safe whatever u do hon.

Weldone hon for not taking it home. eating too much doesnt make anyone (or most people anyway) feel good. I hope u get some decent sleep

x x x

Scarletdreamer 22-01-2010 01:02 AM

Good luck sleeping, Helen. *sleepytime cuddles*

*sigh* Yeh it is pretty ****ed up that we have coping mechanisms like that... :( I wish I could just get over it. But, as we all know, it's not that simple...

I don't have anything else that really and truly works. I feel so desperate I'd do it tonight except Jarrod's home and I feel guilty if I do it when he's around.


[Awakening] 22-01-2010 01:11 AM

Oh im so sorry sweetie. I feel the same when my gf is home. It's tough hon. I just want to let u know that i know how hard it is *hugs* x x x

Scarletdreamer 22-01-2010 01:16 AM

*hugs back* Thanks love... nice to know someone understands - or a lot of people rather - since I know there are others on this site... but I'm sorry that you understand, too... :( no one deserves this pain except for me. :(

Gonna go do my workout, then soak in the tub for a bit, then bed I think...


[Awakening] 22-01-2010 01:31 AM

Thats a good plan hon. Hope it goes well...

P.s u don't deserve it either! x

Kahlia1981 22-01-2010 01:39 AM

*hugs everyone*

Sorry no individual replies, I have been reading but don't feel like I'm in a position to comment. :(

It's been a busy morning so far and it's just after 10:30 am. I decided to have a shower before waking up my housemate, and he woke himself up. We talked a bit and I got a text from my tdoc with an alternative email address on it, so I resent my email to his other address. Then I rang my employment counsellor to let her know what was going on. She suggested ringing the crisis team, so I did and now I feel even worse than before. To give you some kind of idea of how the conversation went I ended it with "if I'm ever feeling fine and want to feel suicidal I'll give you a call". Pretentious pricks they all are. Now I just have to wait to hear back from my tdoc ... and if he doesn't reply in time, it will mean a hospital visit. My housemate has said that he won't come with me this time because of how much responsibility they shrugged off onto his shoulders.

Personally I just want it all to stop.

*sneaks into the denial tent so all the crap isn't happening*

SoMuchMore 22-01-2010 01:39 AM

wow there have been a lot of posts... *cuddles everyone* sorry that some of you had such a bad day.

day 3 of classes was a bit better for me. Got a headache right now though. I'll reply to u guys later maybe if my head stops killing me.

MammaMia 22-01-2010 02:49 AM

*sends cuddles for all*

Kahlia1981 22-01-2010 04:06 AM

*cuddles everyone*

I had a call from the crisis team saying they had spoken to my tdoc. My housemate and I actually believe that my tdoc rang them and told them to pull their fingers out ... but I guess we'll wait and see. They have arranged with me to do a home visit at 1:30 pm - which is less than 30 minutes away now. I'm going to record the conversation, which I'm sure that they won't be happy about but I have been misquoted, misdiagnosed and mistreated so many times that I need to have a record of what they are saying. I do realise that I have to inform them first of what I am going to do.

My housemate and I have talked about things, and we are trying to set things up so that those higher up (and out of the boys club that forms our city health service district and hospital) are aware of the situation.

My housemate floated the idea of moving south because the health care is better there ... and I seriously agree with him. I don't know whether he wants me to move with him if he goes, and if I decide to go, but right now I really have to think about what is best for me, and if moving is the best option, then move I shall.

If anything my situation is getting worse as the day progresses. I'm just so sick of all of this.

MammaMia 22-01-2010 04:12 AM

Glad they're finally sorta helping you Kahlia :(

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