It was ok. I wasn't very chatty though and was mostly being bossed around by her three year old to help her find monsters in the trees.
Ugh chores
Good luck with them np! Were there any monsters in the trees? |
A few tiny ones that we decided were our friends!
Awww sweet!
My bloody firestick won't connect! It was working fine yesterday! |
Does that keep happening with the same stick?
May have to get a new one |
Just bought a now tv stick as it's half the price, does the same thing and I have an account with them anyway!
Yay! I love nowtv =)
We have now tv but i mostly use Netflix or Amazon.
I just watched a good comedy series called Miracle Workers on Now TV. Very silly and light-hearted. Had Daniel Radcliffe in it too.
I think I'd prefer now tv tbh
Didn't use prime video much at all Ooo Daniel Radcliffe! |
I dont use prime video at all got it for free delivery.
I have now tv but only the entertainment pack. Only watch gold and blockbusters on comedy central. |
It is raining very heavily!
Wouldn't be surprised if we had some thunder soon! |
It's supposed to thunder here but not until 6 pm.
I think rain and thunder are due here this evening. My washing is still on the line so rain is not allowed right now anyway. >.>
You'll enjoy the Syfy channel, Beckie. =) |
It's currently a monsoon out there
So glad I don't have to go out today! Ooo I didn't know you could get the syfy channel on there! |
Yup and they've added quite a few new ones lately like Sky Crime.
Not going to asda Beckie?
Nope I'm not Dawn We have thunder and lightning! |
Thunder bolts and lightning very very frightening me!
Galileo galileo Galileo figaro
Magnifaco ooo
I do love a bit of Queen. I'm in the kitchen and it smells odd because big sister and Mum are dying their hair. |
Me too
Yeah hair dye does smell weird It's stopped raining. Probably good because some parts of the town are legit flooding! |
We've finally got some sun.
Still cloudy here
Lovely Bohemian Rhapsody rendition guys. =P
Cloudy here too. Still no rain or storms. |
You'll probably get the rain soon np as I don't think you're a million miles away from my town
Definitely far away but not far away enough that you wouldn't get a storm we had if you know what I mean! I've put my washing away, changed bedding and showered! Will feel lovely and clean getting into bed tonight! |
I think you're a bit more northerly than me? I mean, like, not north but still. =P
It's come over all blue skies and lovely now so I dunno where your rain went but it aint here! XD I have also just put all my washing away and changed the bed =D *high five us* |
Possibly! All I know is that you're London-ish and I'm only 40 mins by train to London!
Oh. How very strange! Yay us! *high fives back* |
Yup, London-ish... about 30 mins by train to the west. >.>
We're both being very vague XD
Like anyone would want to stalk me anyway. I am very boring :p |
I know. XD Either way, I think we're close ish (especially if we didn't include London and went as the crow flies) but not super close. We often seem to share similar weather!
Ok that was still pretty vague. I'm also very boring! Nothing wrong with that. |
Still pretty vague but slightly less so than before :p
Nah I think we're just fine! :-D |
"Boring" is subjective anyway. And definitions like that suck. >.>
I'm watching Inside Out. What're you up to? |
That is very true!
I'm watching the simpsons movie |
You know I really don't remember if I've ever seen that.
Really? It's on allll the time!
It's good so if you haven't seen it then I would recommend it! |
I haven't watched the Simpsons in forever.
I'm sure I must have watched the movie! Just can't remember. Got to be in the right mood for it, I guess. |
I'm watching Michael McIntyre
Neither have I actually!
Yeah. I've mostly been half watching it and doing random internetting Ninja post tamo: I don't like Michael mcintyre |
I kinda like Michael McIntyre, but find him annoying at the same time. =P
Ah yeah, I'm always random interneting while watching things. Haven't got the concentration to focus on one thing at once. |
Neither have I np!
I read a bit of a book today though which is an achievement! I read a book last week and finished it in 2 days so I can concentrate if something really grips my attention. Not many things do! And I have to have the tv on as background noise when I'm reading |
I'm the same with books. If it really grips me then I don't put it down or I'll go on a series binge.
Although I have to read in dead silence or I can't concentrate at all! Usually before bed or I used to read when I woke up sometimes and didn't need to be anywhere all morning. =) |
I have to have background noise constantly unless I'm sleeping in which case everything MUST be turned off. It took ages for me to be comfortable with the fan on while sleeping! |
Yeah I understand the background noise thing, I usually always have the tv on or music playing. I turn the fan off for sleeping though.
My fan has a mode where it can turn itself off after however long you set it for which is comforting!
On that note, I am off to bed! Nighty night. Sleep well :-D |
Ooh my fan's not as fancy as that.
G'night! =) |
Morning guys :)
Oh dear :/
Oh dear Opiochus.
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