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FlyingNy 26-08-2010 09:54 PM

Night Mark, and I don't take meds,so I don't have a clue.

Scarletdreamer 26-08-2010 10:04 PM

Urf so exhausted, but...

...the interview went well!! I was the first one that they interviewed (dunno what that means? good or bad or neither?) and after the (one and a half hour long) interview, the woman in charge of the program in which I'm trying to get a job told me that I did "very well" or something along those lines (was too frazzled to remember much of anything that was said word for word!!). It sounds like a challenging but good program. I would definitely grow during it, as it practically REQUIRES growth. And recovery. So yeah. I'm a bit hesitant about it but I think that I would be/do okay. I don't know though... They (there were 2 women interviewing me at the same time) told me that I ought to know by the end of next week whether or not I've got the job, if they don't call me I call them. So yeah.

*deep sigh* SO freaking glad that's over though!!!

Also... thanks for all of the good luck wishes you guys!! <3 means a lot.

*cuddles all* Will try & do individuals later, I know I always say that but I do try!!! :-/

Kahlia1981 26-08-2010 10:38 PM

*waves @ Becci, Reaper and Claire & any newbies I might have missed* I'm Kahlia.

*huggles everyone on the ward*

Sorry for the lack of individual replies but there were four (4) pages of posts since I was last in here!!

Sorry to hear that we all are struggling so much, but I'm glad to hear that we are able to share our good moments too.
Our internet is supposed to swap providers (hopefully) today in approximately an hour when "business hours" start so if you don't see me around, that's why.

*leaves huggles and safe love and care packages for all on the table then goes to play with Puppy SinClair in the garden*

RYUU 26-08-2010 10:42 PM

Am off to bed night everyone * hugs everyone *

nicole94 26-08-2010 10:55 PM

*hugs everyone and waves at all the new people*
im scared. what if i cant handle college?

FlyingNy 26-08-2010 11:02 PM

You'll be fine Nicole, there's plenty of help in college. What are you doing there? It might be an oppertunity for a new start, as cheesy as that sounds. I'm scared too. Things are gonna be so differnet now and not in a good way, the one thing I constantly lived for has been taken from me, but at the same time, it's given me my freedom. Are you still moving out?


nicole94 26-08-2010 11:11 PM

*hugs lia* im doing health and social care hun, what subjects are you taking for sixth form?
at the moment no im not moving out, things are going ok with my family and i thought i might give it a try.
i know its so scary! i just dont know if its too much for me at the moment, i can feel myself getting worse again (mentally) and im worried its pushing it too far :(

risenfromperdition 26-08-2010 11:35 PM

*squishes everyone*
mark- you're NOT a failure
felicia- good luck with your creative writing assignment
hels- hope you have a better day tomorrow. sorry for the useless comment
laura- sorry you're still triggered :( wish had advice

*hugs to everyone else*

im stuck home with nothing to do all night... goody :/

FlyingNy 26-08-2010 11:39 PM

I'm doing English Literature, philosophy, psycology, theatre studies and sociology. I got decent marks in the onces I did for GCSE (English, drama and soc) so I should be OK.

You can always drop out and go back later in life if it gets too much and it might be a good distraction anyhow. I'm scared too.

Hey Heather. How are you?


nicole94 26-08-2010 11:41 PM

ah cool, i took sociology as a GCSE, loved it. i suppose i could, idk, im just scared.
im so triggerd right now, lots of things going on in my mind and my mums not helping

time to change 26-08-2010 11:50 PM

wow, 5 pages!!! things are moving so quick!

hey to all the newbies, i'm steph :) !

well had my college interview today, was at 1 pm. i set my alarm for 9 am, so i would have enough time to do everything, but didnt manage to get out of bed til 11:30 am! i am now in love with who ever created dry shampoo!!! so i think i did alright on the written part, couldnt think of all the right words, but didmy best. i know i rushed the practical, which was demonstrating how to wash your hands properly. when it came to my 1:1 interview, the head of health and social was the one interviewing me, "because she knew me". i tried to explain to her all the differences between how my life is now and how it was in october, when i got kicked out for being off sick. i hope i convinced her.
she told me that they were going to start ringing people at 4pm. my support worker met me afterwards, and we went for a brew etc. and she stayed with me til 5pm, but by 6pm i still hadnt heard anything. i think it was unfair for them not to ring me, when they said they would, cant believe i have to wait til tomorrow morning. if i get in, i start on wednesday... thats 5 days away... crap!

sorry for lack of individuals, i am thinking of you all, and have read every post, just cant keep up with everything/everyone, and dont want to miss a lot of people out, or say the wrong thing to the wrong person.

*leaves safe care packages and snuggles everyone*

Scarletdreamer 27-08-2010 12:17 AM

I know that this is unfair, and pissy, and everything... but... it really feels like no one cares about my news. :-/

Sorry. I know I don't deserve the attention or anything. This is April's bitchy side showing. I just hate feeling like I'm being ignored. :'( Too much like IRL...

FlyingNy 27-08-2010 12:21 AM

Sorry April :) Glad the interview went well and I really hope you get the job. You deserve a break. Don't feel bad, I feel like that sometimes too.

It's officially my nana's deathday. How joyful.


Scarletdreamer 27-08-2010 12:22 AM

Aw Lia, thanks - and I'm sorry. *cuddles* How you doing other than that? Also, meant to say that your courses sound really intriguing. You'll have to let me/us know what you learn in your psych course. :)

time to change 27-08-2010 12:23 AM

april, sorry hun, i have read your posts. didnt mean to ignore you *big big hugs* glad the interview went well, and i really hope you get the job. i know what you mean, sometimes i feel ignored, but as we all say, the thread is moving so fast these days. i AM really pleased for you though xx

lia, im sorry that today is such a bad day, but please try and remember all the happy memories, and we are here to support you :) xx

reaper, please try your best not to cut, i know how hard it can be to resist the urges, but as ive already said, we are here for you, stay safe xx

RYUU 27-08-2010 12:23 AM

I couldn't sleep feeling so very numb i need to feel pain need to cut

FlyingNy 27-08-2010 12:25 AM

I'm kinda worried about psyc. The first thing we learn about is memory.

I'm alright thanks April. Not even really feeling that. Maybe the ice queen's not just an act anymore. It's becoming me.


FlyingNy 27-08-2010 12:25 AM

Reaper, are there any distractions you usually use? Please try to stay safe. x

Scarletdreamer 27-08-2010 12:36 AM

Reaper, please try to do something not to cut - like the 15 minute game, or something artsy, or even ripping up newspaper/old telephone directories, to get the energy out. You don't NEED to cut, love. You can get through this. :( And even if you do end up cutting, we're still here for you... just please, take care of the cut(s) if you do. Just try not to.

Lia, I can (try to) help with psych if you find you need help. I love it... :) It was an amazing major for me and not just because I learned about psych disorders (lol). I just liked the people, as well as the content that I learned. Although admittedly the "beginner stuff" is kinda out of my brain right now, sadly...

Steph, thanks. :) Sorry I've been neglecting individuals lately (apology to everyone)... I'm sorry that the college people haven't called you back yet, that's kind of ridiculous. :( Especially since they said that they would. Sending hugs your way!! Stay strong, sweetie.

I'm bummed right now because Jarrod refuses to read the parts of my LiveJournal that are about my ED, because he has tried to "help" (by "making" me eat X amount of calories by X time) which has only made me panicky and feel even less in control of my life. My NP talked with him about that last night so now he's not reading the parts of my LJ that deal with that. That hurts. Because he used to be my biggest supporter, the one I could go to to talk about anything. And now, just because I'm not eating "enough," he's not that person anymore?? :crying:

Sorry............. *hides in the warren and cries softly*

risenfromperdition 27-08-2010 12:36 AM

*squishes lia* message me if you want. same with april and steph and anyone else.

im... eh. i'll be fine. *nod*

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