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one_step_closer 12-02-2012 01:48 PM

Annoyed with myself for getting out of bed late and fed up of 'living' a life i'm not happy with.

How are you, Laura?

Laura2.0 12-02-2012 01:56 PM

*hugs Lindsay*

I got up late myself today, but it's the weekend so I don't feel annoyed about it.
I'm annoyed with myself for being not flexible with food. I know what we usually have at home so I decide that I want to eat something, then I notice that we don't have one of the things that I wanted to eat with it. Instead of improvising and eating something else I end up not eating anything.

Doikers 12-02-2012 05:26 PM

*Hugs Laura*

*Hugs Lindsay*

Billy! 12-02-2012 05:47 PM

*Hugs everyone*
*Curls up*

Laura2.0 12-02-2012 07:19 PM

*hugs Mark*
*hugs RAWWR* if okay

Doikers 13-02-2012 11:54 AM

Morning Wardies *Hugs*

*Leaves tea and Cake*

one_step_closer 13-02-2012 03:01 PM


Doikers 13-02-2012 05:21 PM

*Big Cakey Hugs Lindsay*

Laura2.0 13-02-2012 05:27 PM

*hugs Mark*
*hugs Lindsay*

how's the cake?

one_step_closer 13-02-2012 06:32 PM

I bought some hot caramel cakes today. *shares*

How is everyone? I'm a bit anxious at the moment because of something that my brother is going through. Feel like I need to logically work out some more rituals that need to be in place to protect him. Maybe I need to start self harming again.

risenfromperdition 13-02-2012 10:48 PM

you DONT need to start sh'ing again lindsey <3
that sounds yummy :)
*sits with*

Doikers 14-02-2012 10:37 AM

*Hugs Laura*

*Hugs Lindsay* You Don't need to start harming again , I'm only a text away hun.

*Hugs Heather*

one_step_closer 14-02-2012 12:18 PM

I cut myself. I have to do it to protect my brother. I couldn't do it well enough though because it hurt so much and was making me feel sick. I'm a failure.

How is everyone else?

Zombie.. 14-02-2012 12:46 PM

one_step_closer you are not a failure.*hugs*
you stopped when you needed to and didnt do yourself any more damage

Hi everyone * waves*
how is everyone doing ?

one_step_closer 14-02-2012 04:59 PM

Thanks. How are you?

Laura2.0 14-02-2012 05:40 PM

*hugs Lindsay* how does self harm make your brother safer?
*hugs Mark*
*hugs Heather*
*hugs Alex* if ok

*hides in corner and screams into a pillow*

Zombie.. 14-02-2012 05:48 PM

am ok...just voices are getting to me i have headphones on and am listening to music
you ok mute.scream ?

one_step_closer 14-02-2012 05:52 PM

I hope the voices leave you alone soon.

How are you, Laura?

I just have the emotional feeling that certain things I do help or hinder my brother's well being. One of my previous psychologists said it was OCD but no one can really say that there is definitely no connection between the rituals I do and how well my brother is.

Doikers 14-02-2012 05:52 PM

*Hugs Lindsay* Look after yourself hun.

*Hugs Alex if okay?*

*Hugs Laura* How are you Hun ?

Laura2.0 14-02-2012 05:56 PM

*hugs Alex* I hope the vioces leave you soon.
*hugs Lindsay* ok, I understand that a bit better now. I don't think you need to sh though.
*hugs Mark*

No, I'm not ok.

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