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Cacoethes 21-10-2023 08:55 AM

I suppose i don't really consider it a lot of things because none of them really take long!
Me and L are going to walk to the mill. It has a nice cafe. Takes about 35 mins to walk there.

That's sensible. Don't push yourself!

Beast is an excellent name!

nonperson 21-10-2023 09:03 AM

That's good they won't take long. I like chores that are quick to tick off, makes you feel like you've achieved a lot =P

Walking to the mill sounds nice! How's the weather for you today?

I think he'll be called Hank though, it's easier to say. =)

Cacoethes 21-10-2023 09:13 AM

It does indeed!

It is rather grey and meant to rain later :ermm:
But not cold

That's a good name too!

long road 21-10-2023 09:22 AM

Hank the Hoover! Classic XD

Cacoethes 21-10-2023 09:26 AM

Gonna give taekwondo a miss this morning.
Suddenly been hit with a dodgy stomach :'(

long road 21-10-2023 09:33 AM

Sad times. Missing things is never fun.
Missing something because of a dodgy stomach is doubly not fun. Hope you feel better soon. Try and drink extra if you can as dodgy stomachs can make you dehydrated.

Cacoethes 21-10-2023 09:37 AM

It is not!

Its calmed down now and i probably would have been fine, but I'm not risking it!

tamobhuuta 21-10-2023 10:00 AM

You don't want to risk a dodgey tummy!

I got a half hour lie in because it's the weekend. There's been a bit of kerfuffle over visits but hopefully it'll work out.

Cacoethes 21-10-2023 10:01 AM


Fingers crossed you get your visit!
I know they're important when you're in hospital!

tamobhuuta 21-10-2023 10:32 AM

So a nurse told me my mum needed to phone the office. When she eventually got through they said there was no problem at all!

Cacoethes 21-10-2023 10:38 AM

Some nurses are just like that

I'm in town
It's my dad's wedding anniversary today and his wife posted something about it. And he died almost a year ago (29th October) so now I'm a crying mess in the middle of town and i still have stuff to do. Told L and she is coming.
Now i will shut up before the sheriff of ryl reports me

tamobhuuta 21-10-2023 11:00 AM

I'm sorry, no words. Would you like a hug?

one_step_closer 21-10-2023 11:37 AM

Beckie <3

Have read everyone's posts. Hope you all have good days.

I had loads of housework to do but got through it quickly.

Cacoethes 21-10-2023 01:27 PM

Thank you both <3

Well done lindsay!

not_so_insig 21-10-2023 01:56 PM

Hello all. I had a good time last night except for being blooming freezing. Did a lot of clapping just to help keep myself warm :laugh: .

tamobhuuta 21-10-2023 02:38 PM

Hi insig, I'm glad you had a good time. Lucky you didn't turn into a little icicle!

long road 21-10-2023 02:45 PM

Hey everyone,

Don't have many words. But I think you are all awesome.

tamobhuuta 21-10-2023 02:49 PM

Hi lr. Love you too.

tamobhuuta 21-10-2023 02:56 PM

I think I've identified the annoying noise. I think it's the staff crocs.

long road 21-10-2023 02:56 PM

Thanks Tamo means a lot.

long road 21-10-2023 02:56 PM

Lol at the creaky crocs

tamobhuuta 21-10-2023 03:13 PM

I don't know why so many of them wear them, they don't look very practical for running in emergencies.

one_step_closer 21-10-2023 03:18 PM

Imagine if they were all running so fast and there were crocs flying everywhere!

long road 21-10-2023 03:19 PM

After having many conversations with healthcare professionals recently it's because they are very comfy. And when you are on your feet all day, comfy well cushioned feet are very important. Although a few of the doctors seem to prefer running shoes, not for emergencies specifically just because they were again the comfiest shoes.

one_step_closer 21-10-2023 03:28 PM

If I worked in healthcare I'd get myself an electric wheelchair. I'd be moaning all the time about my sore feet and sore back!

tamobhuuta 21-10-2023 03:35 PM

I'd go for trainers. Wheelchair in my case would be a little extreme.

one_step_closer 21-10-2023 03:44 PM

It is a bit extreme! Maybe rollerblades would be fun.

tamobhuuta 21-10-2023 03:51 PM

Can I have the skates with wheels in a square rather than a line? Never mastered the balance needed.

Cacoethes 21-10-2023 03:53 PM

I wore trainers when i was a care assistant.
After 12 hours running around, no shoe in the world will make your feet not hurt!

one_step_closer 21-10-2023 04:28 PM

You can have roller-skates of course, Tamo.

There are lots of ads on Fb that claim to sell the most comfiest shoes!

Cacoethes 21-10-2023 04:38 PM

Health care workers testing all these shoes should definitely be a thing!
Or hospitality actually.
12 hour shifts non stop are also a thing in this line of work.
Not for me, with my cushy 5-6 hour shifts though XD

long road 21-10-2023 05:02 PM

Ooh I want heeleys! Those trainers that have built in roller skates. I would be a disaster on them but it would be fun until I crashed! XD

Maybe we could do a paid survey? Ask healthcare workers what shoes they wear on shift and how they would rate them on comfyness etc? They get a small monetary reward and we set up a website with shoe recommendations based on our survey?? Affiliate links to said shoes so we get a cut of the money?

Probably too much work though

Cacoethes 21-10-2023 05:18 PM

Think sketchers are generally the favourite

long road 21-10-2023 05:22 PM

One I saw the other day had a brand called HOKA which were apparently very comfortable. They also had cool colours

tamobhuuta 21-10-2023 05:44 PM

I I had red sketchers as a teenager, they rocked.

one_step_closer 21-10-2023 05:52 PM

I mostly wore skate shoes as a teenager. Red Sketchers sound cool.

long road 21-10-2023 05:59 PM

I had Etnies as a teenager that I never actually did the laces up properly on because it wouldn't look cool and some van wannabe shoes that I bought from shoe zone XD

Oh and some soft grey trainers with rainbow stripes that I once lost one of at a gig and then managed to miraculously find again when I used the fact I had lost my shoe to get away from a creepy guy

But I also spent a lot of time in hiking boots and hiking sandals.

nonperson 21-10-2023 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by long road (Post 4367335)
Don't have many words. But I think you are all awesome.

You're awesome too Jen <3

I'm back from the pub and am a little.bit worse for wear

tamobhuuta 21-10-2023 08:14 PM

Early night np? Or something to eat first?

nonperson 21-10-2023 08:19 PM

I've had something to eat. Definitely an early night!

Cacoethes 22-10-2023 03:00 AM

Early night who??
3am XD

long road 22-10-2023 05:11 AM


I just got home from A&E hit my head having a seizure around 7:30pm. Partner called 111 cos he was concerned, 111 called ambulance. Ambulance were like it might be your FND but you meet some of head injury criteria and you do have some swelling so we will take you in just in case, Did like 6 hours of observation in a bay in A&E and three types of painkillers, things still hurt but I am in less pain and a lot more with it plus neuro obs are ok so I got to come home.

And now I am going to try and sleep again

Cacoethes 22-10-2023 08:24 AM


Sorry to hear that
Sleep is a good idea

I drank a rather large amount of raspberry crush vodka and am probably still drunk, which is better than hungover tbh XD

tamobhuuta 22-10-2023 09:49 AM

Sorry to hear that lr. I hope you feel better soon.

Cacoethes, enjoy the drunk!

one_step_closer 22-10-2023 10:08 AM

Beckie, you are terrible! Did you have a nice night?

Sounds like a horrible night, Jen. Hope you are resting now and aren't in too much pain.

How are you, Tamo?

long road 22-10-2023 10:25 AM

Got a bit of sleep. Painkillers help make pain lots less. My Brain is tripping though. Goin got eat breakfast then low down again I think

tamobhuuta 22-10-2023 12:17 PM

I'm ok. Had a nice time with my mum. She brought me Costa and my Vogue that came in the post. One of the male nurses hadn't come across it before and was intrigued and asked to borrow it! I just tried to shower but it's running cold.

tamobhuuta 22-10-2023 12:43 PM

I spoke to the facilities lady who was doing her rounds. Apparently the electricity went off in the night and turned off all the boilers!

long road 22-10-2023 01:16 PM

Oh dear I hope the boilers are running fine now Tamo! Cold showers are not a vibe.

tamobhuuta 22-10-2023 01:34 PM

Luckily I'd brought baby wipes in case I was too lazy to shower, so I'm not as dirty as I could be.

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