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Shirayuki 16-01-2020 07:50 PM

never had pesto before (don't kill me!) ^-^

nonperson 16-01-2020 07:50 PM

Pesto is yum. Don't pay any attention to the haters.

tamobhuuta 16-01-2020 07:50 PM

L is making me carrot and coriander soup :)

Has anyone seen the new show Picard yet?

Shirayuki 16-01-2020 07:52 PM

k, hey tamo how are you? never heard of that show though

hey c! how are you?

Cacoethes 16-01-2020 07:52 PM

I usually have green pesto but I like both

Sounds nice tamo
No I haven't seen it

Hey shira
I'm ok!

nonperson 16-01-2020 07:53 PM

Tamo, I want to see Picard so badly!! I think it's on Amazon but you have to pay extra or something. Where else is it on?

tamobhuuta 16-01-2020 07:54 PM

I'm ok thanks shira. You still at school?

I haven't seen Picard yet but I quite want to.

Shirayuki 16-01-2020 07:54 PM

hey np? whats it about?

chinahorse 16-01-2020 07:55 PM

Green pesto all the way!

What is Picard?

tamobhuuta 16-01-2020 07:55 PM

I think it's only on Amazon.

Shirayuki 16-01-2020 07:55 PM

yup, second last period now though so almost over

hey china how are you?

tamobhuuta 16-01-2020 07:56 PM

It's a Star Trek spinoff about Captain Jean Luc Picard

nonperson 16-01-2020 07:56 PM

I've met him. =D

Just saying.

Shirayuki 16-01-2020 07:57 PM

oh, don't know what star trek is either but np that seems like an honour!

nonperson 16-01-2020 07:58 PM

Star Trek is life. Just like pesto pasta is life.

It was an expensive honour.

Shirayuki 16-01-2020 08:00 PM

XD ok, whats it about though?

chinahorse 16-01-2020 08:01 PM

Not my kinda show at all :/

tamobhuuta 16-01-2020 08:01 PM

It's people exploring space.

WOW np!

nonperson 16-01-2020 08:02 PM

It's about the adventures of various space ships.

It isn't for everyone, Lillie. In fact it's probably not for a lot of people!

nonperson 16-01-2020 08:03 PM

I don't actually remember much though, Tamo. Think I was too scared/nervous...! Got his autograph though. =D

Shirayuki 16-01-2020 08:04 PM

seems like something i might enjoy, how are you china?

that would be me np! for someone famous or anyone i meet really! ^^

Cacoethes 16-01-2020 08:52 PM

I'm so jealous np!!!

Shirayuki 16-01-2020 08:58 PM

hi c! whats up?

Cacoethes 16-01-2020 09:02 PM

Not much.
Just chilling!

How about you?

not_so_insig 16-01-2020 09:17 PM

I am busy cleaning my flat. Just gotta do the dusting, the hall floor and tidy up the living room. Done everywhere else. Am now having a rest.

Oh and I have washed my hair. Was effort though.

tamobhuuta 16-01-2020 09:42 PM

Busy day insig!

chinahorse 16-01-2020 10:49 PM

Well done Dawn.

I woke up for the loo. Annoying.

Cacoethes 16-01-2020 10:53 PM

That is annoying Lillie
Hope you can get back to sleep quickly

I might go to bed. Earlier than normal so I hope I can actually sleep

chinahorse 16-01-2020 11:30 PM

If you're not tired going to bed may not be the best idea beckie?

Cacoethes 16-01-2020 11:46 PM

I am very tired
Probably because of not sleeping last night
I am in bed now but the heart/chest thing has started up again. I know it's just anxiety but still feels awful

chinahorse 17-01-2020 12:13 AM

That's rubbish beckie. Sadly I can relate.

Does anything help? Soothing music, warm drink, reading etc?

Shirayuki 17-01-2020 02:11 AM

good night ya'll even though i'm not going to bed in 3 hours XD sweet dreams!

tamobhuuta 17-01-2020 09:33 AM

Good morning all. I had lovely sleep, unusual for me. I got to sleep quickly and stayed asleep. I quite fancy going back to bed but I want to go to church more.

Cacoethes 17-01-2020 10:37 AM

Thanks Lillie
I actually got quite a good sleep in the end.
Must have been shattered!

Good morning everyone

Hi tamo
When is church?

chinahorse 17-01-2020 10:57 AM

Yay for good sleeps tamo and beckie :-)

My sleep was ok too. Did wake up twice for a fair while but I feel more refreshed than usual this morning.

Cacoethes 17-01-2020 11:02 AM

That's good Lillie :)
Good sleeps all round!

chinahorse 17-01-2020 11:05 AM

Yay us!

Anyone up to much today?

nonperson 17-01-2020 11:15 AM

Just work, but it's Friiiidaaaaay. At long last.

chinahorse 17-01-2020 11:18 AM

Yay for that no! Do you have the whole weekend off?

nonperson 17-01-2020 11:26 AM

I do! Two days isn't enough though.

What're you up to today? Just resting after yesterday's excursion I hope.

chinahorse 17-01-2020 11:33 AM

Yay! Oh dear, still I hope you can use it well. And get plenty of relaxation in.

I feel more refreshed than I have in months after a decent sleep so plan to do a few things around the house,doing laundry atm and will shower. Then pop to town to get my prescription from boots. It's hard not to like do everything because I feel good but I know if I do it will set me right back.

nonperson 17-01-2020 11:47 AM

It's really good you're feeling refreshed. Maybe that will make the tasks you've got to do easier at least. Make sure you have some rest as well though!

Cacoethes 17-01-2020 11:55 AM

Yay for weekend off np!

That's really good to hear Lillie
Don't overdo it though!

I'm off to Norwich in a bit for a weekend at my nannys
I love Norwich

tamobhuuta 17-01-2020 12:09 PM

Mass was at 10am, last about 40 mins.

Have fun being active china!

I'm having tea but I want a nap.

Cacoethes 17-01-2020 12:23 PM

Do you have anything else to do today?

I'm waiting for my first train

Indigo. 17-01-2020 12:59 PM

Have a safe journey Beckie :)

Hope you have a productive & not tiring day Lillie.

I slept very badly and I'm late for work again. I meant to go in at 12:30 and I still haven't showered.

Cacoethes 17-01-2020 01:09 PM

Thanks :)
Waiting for 2nd train now

Oh no Lucy :(
Sorry to hear that

chinahorse 17-01-2020 01:16 PM

Eeek Lucy. Get a shift on!

Hope you have a fab time beckie and that it's not too cold waiting for trains.

Tea and then nap tamo?

Yep I'm going to be careful not to overdo it. Had a shower and cleaned the bathroom and now am having a second breakfast of tea and chocolate digestives. If the cat will stop mugging me for them.

Cacoethes 17-01-2020 01:21 PM

Thanks Lillie :)
It's not too cold actually!

Well done!
Tea and chocolate digestives are yummy
Naughty Bertie though!

Indigo. 17-01-2020 01:28 PM

At least my working hours are flexible. I'd probably have made it on time if they weren't but would have been a mess.

Well done on getting stuff done Lillie. Naughty Bertie!

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