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Doikers 03-09-2010 08:26 PM

April *Hugs* I am so scared.

one_step_closer 03-09-2010 08:31 PM

*hugs everyone* I'm here for you all, if there is anything I can do just let me know. y PM box is always open.

I overdosed today. I took a lot of pills but the doctor said they weren't very dangerous ones. I just had to have a drip to flush them out of my system. The crisis team is coming to see me over the weekend.

PoisonedApple 03-09-2010 08:37 PM

*peeks in* It's moving very fast in here today... or at least it seems like it to me...
*hugs everyone and hides trying to distract myself with puzzles*

Doikers 03-09-2010 08:38 PM

*Hugs Lindsay* I am glad they were not "Dangerous ones" I feel like such a hypocrite but please stay safe hun ( is a guy allowed to call a girl "hun" without coming over as a creep?)

Scarletdreamer 03-09-2010 08:39 PM

Mark *hugs back* Why so scared? Sorry if that's a dense question... is it because you think you'll SI worse this time than others? Please try & stay safe, write in your venting spot if you think that will help, go for a walk if that will help keep you safe, watch TV, something, anything to keep you away from your sharps. :( I'm worried about you, as I said... please keep fighting. Maybe try ripping up some old newspaper to get the feelings out (I've never done it but I've heard that it lets out anger/frustration, lets you vent without having to use words, etc.), or punch a pillow/beanbag/something similar (something SOFT)... I'm here if you need to talk. *cuddles*

Lindsay, SO glad that you are okay. Was I right when I said earlier that OD'ing can be addictive? Sorry, haven't OD'd except very minorly once, so I don't know. Please, try and stay safe as well. :( I'm glad that you are okay, so very glad. And I'm also glad that the crisis team is coming to see you this weekend, maybe they'll be able to help? *cuddles*

Doikers 03-09-2010 08:41 PM

My MP3 player broke today , my sister says I can borrow hers and put my own music on it but I wont get it until Monday , I need music to not focus on the bad thoughts whilst out .

Scarletdreamer 03-09-2010 08:42 PM

Crimson, you're right, it is moving quite fast in here today (or else you & I are on the same page!! heh). How are you doing, love?? *cuddles*

Mark, I'm not sure the answer to that question. I think in here it's okay (? correct me if I'm wrong ?) because we all know you, but if you were a newbie to the VPW/the site etc. then I think it would be a tad creepy. But that's just my take on it, I don't know. And IRL, it would be creepy to me unless I knew the guy pretty/very well. Hope that answers your question. (However, from other girls' perspectives, it may be totally different.)

MammaMia 03-09-2010 08:43 PM

Lindsay, I'm sorry you overdosed babe, glad it wasn't considered a dangerous one. Please try keep safe.

Mark, think you can call females hun without being a creep. Maybe best to do it with those you know well though?? Like us? :) Please stay safe. Maybe go to A&E if you're feeling really unsafe and/or call the smartians, my best friend used them once before when she wanted to cut and stuff & they were really fantastic with her & even called her back a couple days later and stuff

Laura, I'm glad you're existing but sorry you're struggling. Thanks for what you to said to me :)

April, the interview was for my job ^_^

Crimson, seems to be moving fast to me aswell.

Oh..talking of college!! As I couldn't go yesterday (or today - never could, hence yesterday) I'm going tomorrow & my Mum's happy to come ^_^ Really happy about that now. Eeeeeeek!!! I was starting to stress I wouldn't be able to enrol at all or anything ha. I said last week everything would blow up in my face, then been saying, look it did and now....I think maybe I should take it back? :P Still scared it will in the near future :S

Doikers 03-09-2010 08:45 PM

April , it's a load of crap about turning 30 some of it VERY embarassing , I have PM Laura but I might need to e-mail you , but it's VERY personal and I'm not sure I would not regret it whilst drunk. I was SO planning to telling closer to my birthday though

one_step_closer 03-09-2010 08:46 PM

April, I do think that overdosing can become addictive. I'm already planning my next one and I can't wait. I wish I had never started this. How are you?

Mark, do you have a portable CD player?

Doikers 03-09-2010 08:46 PM

Helen , Best of luck at college tomorrow:)

MammaMia 03-09-2010 08:48 PM

Thanks Mark.

I think ODing can become addictive in a way. When I used to OD, I used to keep wanting to do it and stuff.

The One Who 03-09-2010 08:57 PM

*hugs Lindsay* I'm sorry you felt you had to overdose, I really hope the crisis team can help you in some way, and remember we are always here to talk to if you want to.

How are you feeling Crimson? *hugs*

*hugs Mark some more*

misskitty112 03-09-2010 08:57 PM

*hugs everyone*
I'll do individuals later... I promise.
I wanted to say, Mark, stay safe. You can PM, email, facebook me. I'm a good listener.

Right now, I really really want to harm. I just don't know if I can risk it.

RYUU 03-09-2010 09:20 PM

* hugs everyone *
Voices are back there so loud telling me to cut

one_step_closer 03-09-2010 09:28 PM

Keep talking to us, Reaper. You don't have to do anything that the voices say.

MammaMia 03-09-2010 09:41 PM

Lindsay's right...

Bump 03-09-2010 09:47 PM

can i check in?

i feel vulnerable :crying:

PoisonedApple 03-09-2010 09:49 PM

*nods* yep. come on in.

RYUU 03-09-2010 09:51 PM

i dont feel in control

MammaMia 03-09-2010 09:55 PM

Hi PurpleElephant :) *offers cuddles*

Scarletdreamer 03-09-2010 10:12 PM

Welcome to the thread, PurpleElephant!! :) Come on in & make yourself comfortable. I'm April, btw. *hugs if okay?*

I spy... Felicia, Hels, and Shaughnessy!! *glomps all three* :P

one_step_closer 03-09-2010 10:46 PM

Hi PurpleElephant, i'm Lindsay. What's happening?

Reaper, you are in complete control of what you say and do. Show those voices who's boss.

shadowedsoul 03-09-2010 11:31 PM

Cuddles all. Feeling very happy again. Had more drink tonight, not as bad as yesarday. I'm really going to missthese Radom funny moments with my bro. I really havnt laughed so much in my life like this past few days. Hmm .

one_step_closer 03-09-2010 11:37 PM


FlyingNy 03-09-2010 11:47 PM

Em, I know you. I was I'mjustme, but then I changed accounts (author of I'll Heal You) which would explain why I got confused when you checked in and thought 'I swear you already were'. Anyway. How are you right now?

How's everyone?

Been a lot of posts since I was last on a couple of hours ago. Feeling a little better now, but I still think I'm headed for breakdown. Screw it, I already am, but I mean it's going to crash at some point.

Well done again on the job April, I'm really proud of you :)


SoMuchMore 03-09-2010 11:53 PM

welcome purpleephphant! i'm laura. *hugs*

*curls up in the corner* alone, the way its supposed to be i suppose.

Scarletdreamer 04-09-2010 12:00 AM

*cuddles Lia, Laura, Lindsay, Hels, and Jill* (Lots of L's there!!)

Lia, I'm still worried about you... PM me sometime if you want/need to, just reminding you that the offer is still there. And try and head off the breakdown if you can, somehow, I don't really know how. Maybe by talking with the Samaritans, maybe by PMing me or someone else you trust on here, I don't know. Just... don't let it blindside you. Do as much as you can to prepare for it. :(

Laura, I'm sorry that you feel so alone. I wish that I could help you in some way, be there for you more than "just" online. Keep talking with us when you have the time, because maybe we can help you feel less alone? I don't know, sorry if that was a dense suggestion. :-/

Hels, how are you, hon? Sorry about FB chat acting weirdly for you... that sucked. :(

Jill, please try & take care of yourself. I'm worried about the drinking stuff... laughter is good but not when it's caused by being drunk, necessarily. Just don't make a habit of it, if you can help it...

Lindsay, how are you doing this evening?

Oh & Reaper... I agree with Lindsay, show those voices who's in control - that would be you!! You can make it through this safely... I hope you're safe right now. :( I worry about you as well.

SoMuchMore 04-09-2010 12:05 AM

*hugs april* its not a dense suggestion. I just wish i had people IRL that acted like they wanted me around. and there is just a lot of stuff coming up that i'm used to having an automatic group for that I don't have anymore due to various situations, mostly concerning the ex.

MammaMia 04-09-2010 12:08 AM

*cuddles everyone*

SoMuchMore 04-09-2010 12:10 AM

*cuddles helen back*

Scarletdreamer 04-09-2010 12:11 AM

Aw Laura, I'm sorry about the friend stuff. :( Once again, wish I could be there IRL with all of the VPW gang to hang out with you. :) That would be beyond awesome, if a bit awkward at first, haha. *hugs*

*cuddles Hels back*

Oh and I emailed my sister back. I don't know if I'll regret it... but... well, I did it. :-/ I'm still angry with her but hey ho, so it goes. (My new saying, ahahaha...)

Now... off to get those 30 minutes of walking in. :-/

shadowedsoul 04-09-2010 12:15 AM

Hugs April. Don't worry I'm okays. Really Okays.

FlyingNy 04-09-2010 12:23 AM

Jill, one good thing about being a complete liar yourself means you know when other people are and I don't believe you so there :P I'm worried about the drinking, second night in a row now...

You're not meant to be alone Laura. You have us. Is there not anyone IRL who you can talk to? You're always welcome here, as you know. :) *Hugs*

And well done April, it took me weeks to forgive my friend and what she did was on a smaller scale. I'm proud of you for that as well :)

shadowedsoul 04-09-2010 01:05 AM

Huggles lia, okay it's a half truth. The drinking stuff, it's nothing to worry about, I hardly ever drink and that is the truth, after tonight me drinking won't happen. Hmm what's it going to take to stop you and April worrying about me? Not ment in a nasty way, sorry if it sounds it.

FlyingNy 04-09-2010 01:10 AM

We never will ;) Mwahaha! There is no stopping us! I know what you mean though, it's annoying, not in a nasty way, you just hate being the cause of more worry for people. Don't worry about it though (confused yet?) it's ok. *Hugs*


shadowedsoul 04-09-2010 01:27 AM

Huggles lia, lol great =p only teasing. It's not annoying, just think you both are worrying unessarly.hmm I so can't spell. Apart from hmm nevermind doesn't matter.

FlyingNy 04-09-2010 01:59 AM

Apart from what Jill? You don't have to say, but I get the feeling at least a part of you wants to. It does matter. If it's bothering you, it matters. *Hugs*

Scarletdreamer 04-09-2010 02:05 AM

Oh great. More **** hits the fan...


shadowedsoul 04-09-2010 02:13 AM

Cuddles April and lia.
Hmm how much pain I'm I have been in today and tonight. Is hurts, is hurts. Curls up under a blanket and crys. Sorry.

Scarletdreamer 04-09-2010 02:17 AM

*cuddles Jill* What pain, honey?? is there any way I/we can help?

shadowedsoul 04-09-2010 02:25 AM

Hmm keep holding me? Hmm bad place. Jill being a bad girl. sorry no making sence. sucks thumb.

risenfromperdition 04-09-2010 02:37 AM

*sits next to jill and offers hugs if you want* here if wanna talk

Scarletdreamer 04-09-2010 02:39 AM

*keeps cuddling Jill* 'S okay, sweet... I don't always make sense either. Are you staying safe??

*wonders where Lia went & if she's okay*

*offers huggles to Heather* How're you doing, love??

shadowedsoul 04-09-2010 02:50 AM

Clings to April shaking. Hmm kind off,Jill says to much gets trouble,being told I'm a bad girl. *puts head on aprils shoulder*

Kahlia1981 04-09-2010 02:59 AM

*cuddles every wardie*
*waves at new wardies*

Sorry for the lack of individuals but there have been 5 pages of posts since I was last in here. I have been reading but haven't been able to keep up with everything.

I'm losing the plot ... and I don't have the energy to pick it up again. I want to reach out for help, but there's no where to reach out to. My psychiatrist can see things but he doesn't know what he is seeing. My housemate says it's because I'm intelligent.

I just don't know anymore. My life is falling apart and like humpty-dumpty there's no way to put the pieces back together ....

Bump 04-09-2010 07:28 AM

thanks everyone :) just feel overwhelmed with everything thats happening right now.

Doikers 04-09-2010 09:35 AM

Hi Purple Elephant ! I'm Mark :) I really like your avatar:)

Scarletdreamer 04-09-2010 11:42 AM

Good morning all... *cuddles for everyone who wants them*

Hmm, seems to be pretty quiet...

*curls up next to Mark with a book and her journal to dread breakfast time coming*

Oh, & PurpleElephant, if you want to talk about any of what's been going on lately, I know that people wouldn't mind if you typed about it here, PMed someone, or started an r/v thread in the r/v forum for that. Or didn't talk about it at all, if you'd rather not. :) It's really up to you how much you disclose. My PM box is open, though, if you want/need to talk... I'll be around a bit this morning (since I don't believe I have anything else that I need to do). *hugs*

Doikers 04-09-2010 11:47 AM

*Hugs April* Yes I'm still planning on e-mailing you although probably not until closer to my 30th :S

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