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Detour. Derail 18-07-2008 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by blondiebear (Post 930336)
My husband and I agree on a three word answer for the painters; "we have plans" And yeah, about the pattern, i have even found one that I think would be fine for the project.

Any of you ocd people want to come and clean my house? I have a kitchen floor you could eat off of...mostly cat food, maybe the odd raisin. My cd's are in that kind of order but my book cases would drive you nuts. We have 7 bookcases in a 980 square foot/two bedroom flat!

It'll make me feel good :D
And I dont think you offended anyone....we just all went to bed :P (damn time difference :/)

blondiebear 18-07-2008 10:23 PM

Cause i stayed up till 1:30 Monday morning, i've kinda been drag tail tired this week. I usually go to bed around 10 or 11. So diet pepsi is my caffeine of choice.

Got a client coming in about 40 minutes. he says it is an emergency and that he just needs two buttons sewn on. okay. he has the buttons. however, since he is a strange to me man, i'll keep the door between the front room of my house and the rest of it closed, and will tuck a sharp pair of scissors in my pocket.

He may not like what I charge though. Oh well, my needle, my thread, my thread clippers. my expertise.

skipped lunch with my sponsor and the little old ladies today. one of the little old ladies just needs too much care. since that seems to be the underlying issue that caused me to be so obnoxious on tuesday, i just side stepped it for now.

I'm starting to chip away at the mess.

~*forever_broken*~ 18-07-2008 10:59 PM

*sits in her corner, arms wrapped around knees, and rocks back and forth ever so slightly*


*makes a pot of tea and leaves it in the middle of the room for everyone else, then retreats to her corner with her cup of tea and continues to rock*

blondiebear 18-07-2008 11:13 PM

*wraps a blanket around Ally*

Client Canceled. Made an appointment to have my hair trimmed. Am thinking about having two inches chopped off, likely will ask for just one.

Got a bit of housework done. How...weird...unusual. I'm tired of living in a cat barf stained health hazard.

Kuwairo 18-07-2008 11:38 PM

Ooh Susan I'll come do your bookcases =) It'd make me feel a bit better.
Get two, have a change =) Mine needs cutting too, might get mum to trim it cos I'm too lazy/skint to get a real hairdresser to mess with it.
*takes tea*
What's up hun?
I can listen if you need someone...probably won't be good for advice though I'm afraid, mind's a mess tonight...

Detour. Derail 19-07-2008 12:06 AM

please God...don't let me wake up tomorrow...

Please >.<

Kuwairo 19-07-2008 12:09 AM

^ I know that feeling.
what's wrong hun?

effervescence 19-07-2008 12:14 AM

still here.
still alive.
great isn't it.

Kuwairo 19-07-2008 12:15 AM

^ yeah it is. i hope you see that soon hun *hugs*

effervescence 19-07-2008 12:21 AM


Pomegranate 19-07-2008 12:55 AM

*holds chloe whilst she cries*

Pomegranate 19-07-2008 12:55 AM

Whats up Alexx hun? *huggles you*

~*forever_broken*~ 19-07-2008 01:01 AM

Just feeling depressed-awful and then a bad day besides.

Thanks guys.

*makes more tea*

It almost makes things better.

blondiebear 19-07-2008 03:20 AM

Caution: bragging alert
*cuddles chloe*
*cuddles alexx*
*cuddles ally*

Two inches will leave it swinging just above my shoulders I think. A lot of the people I know say that if they had my hair they'd let it grow as long as it would go.

This is where i'm bragging...My hair is my best feature x 2. Thick, fine, looks like spun gold. Gold is heavy! For every inch past my shoulders, it feels five pounds heavier. So likely 1.5 inches anyway, cause it got so beat up on our road trip a few weeks ago.

I'm off to bed soon, even though it is still light out.

zowie 19-07-2008 08:37 AM

Good morning. Feeling alright this morning, stronger.
Wish I didn't wake up so early though >.<

Kahlia1981 19-07-2008 09:33 AM

Hello to all. I haven't been around for a while ...... things have been happening.

I've had 8 treatments of ECT now. Yes, electroconvulsive therapy. It does still exist. Up until today I've been feeling much better. Today I started feeling like I wanted to hurt myself again .... and I don't know why. I'm a bit scared that I'm going to act on the feelings, even though I know there's no real reason for them. I'm not quite sure what to do.

Feeling really bad. Go back in on Wednesday for more ECT. Just want to scream aaghhhhhh. :sad:

effervescence 19-07-2008 09:47 AM

i was just reading up about ECT the other day! i'm glad it's been helping you so far, maybe the urge now are just a bump along the road.

my hair keeps falling out in massive amounts. on top of my trichotillomania, this is getting to be quite a problem. it's really upsetting actually.

i envy you susan.

Casper_Fading 19-07-2008 12:36 PM

had a great day today... now feel rather... ga blah. *chokes* ed issues all day. wanted to cut. almost threw myself in front of a train... shhh... i woul dike to die right now. thank you.

blondiebear 19-07-2008 02:56 PM

Sorry Chloe, then I shouldn't have bragged.

Jess, please don't leave us.

Hugs to everyone.

Zedebee 19-07-2008 03:11 PM

*wanders back in*
*curls up in a corner*
Make it all go away...

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