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one_step_closer 18-04-2022 02:39 PM

Where's the place where you get most from, or do they make sure it's different every time?

I'm not too good Beckie.

How is everyones day going?

Cacoethes 18-04-2022 02:42 PM

Sorry to hear that lindsay
Here if you need me!

My day could be going better tbh!
Having some issues with my mum but it'll be fine

one_step_closer 18-04-2022 02:44 PM


I hope you get things sorted with your Mum.

Cacoethes 18-04-2022 02:47 PM

It'll be fine. I've done a lot of stupid sh*t in my life and she always forgives me eventually!

not_so_insig 18-04-2022 04:04 PM

The most received and sent country is Germany which isn't surprising as they have the most registered users. My county is twinned with an area in Germany so I am always glad to get German users because I can mention it. My town has links with the USA so I am glad to get them too as it's another thing I can mention. It's completely random which countries you get though it's optional to have within your own country so I have only had 1 UK member.

Cacoethes 18-04-2022 04:10 PM

I have purchased a new sofa and a new bed!

one_step_closer 18-04-2022 04:52 PM

Sounds good Dawn. You must get some nice postcards.

Yay for sensible new stuff! When are they arriving? Is it a flatpack bed? (Please say no!).

Cacoethes 18-04-2022 04:53 PM

Bed in 3 weeks and sofa in 11 weeks!
The bed requires some assembly but not flatpack! And i chose for it to be assembled for me because i am terrible at stuff like that!

one_step_closer 18-04-2022 04:57 PM

That's quite a wait, but not as long as you've been in your current sofa/mattress situation so maybe you can be patient. I'm glad you're getting your bed assembled for you, I'm rubbish at that too. I really need new bedroom drawers and I found ones that are already assembled but I need to sort out my bedroom first and make sure I have enough space but that's not fun and I keep putting it off. I'll either not bother getting it or by the time I'm ready they'll have sold out.

Cacoethes 18-04-2022 05:01 PM

Indeed! I can be patient! Sometimes lol
I am very excited though!

Ah yeah that's effort!
I'd find it hard too!
Though I'm going to have to do similar by getting rid of existing bed frame and sofa! It'll mean i actually have to message people and choose someone (out of many!) To take them away and also have to make sure they have a licence so they don't just fly tip it!

one_step_closer 18-04-2022 05:06 PM

I'd be excited too. And you've got a long time to be excited! Does your council not do bulky uplifts?

nonperson 18-04-2022 05:13 PM

I didn't think you had an existing bed, Beckie?!

I made mine from flat pack, on my own. I'd like to say it was a doddle but it really wasn't. It's damn sturdy though!

After my earlier message I started doing some washing up, decided to check my phone because I hadn't heard anything from my friend but turns out Messenger was being an arse as usual and not telling me I had messages. And he was due to turn up in 15 minutes but then got delayed so I actually had time to have a shower. Ended up being too panicked and rushed to be anxious any more though, lol. Had a nice day though. I feel a bit tingly warm from the sun, hopefully I'm not sunburnt...

Cacoethes 18-04-2022 05:14 PM

It's just the bottom of the bed frame which i still have for some reason!

That's impressive np!

I'm glad you had a nice time!
Fingers crossed for no sunburn!

one_step_closer 18-04-2022 05:18 PM

I'm glad you had a good day NP. Did you not use sunscreen?

nonperson 18-04-2022 05:39 PM

I had my usual face moisturiser on that has some SPF in it but not any normal sunscreen for my neck. Didn't think I was going to be out so long! And didn't realise how sunny it was outside.

Cacoethes 18-04-2022 05:48 PM

My best friend is albino so he burns quickly and he burns bad! Like going to A&E bad!!

nonperson 18-04-2022 05:57 PM

Eek! I don't think I'd be able to do my job if I burnt really easily.

Cacoethes 18-04-2022 06:07 PM

Oh yeah! That would definitely be an issue lol!

Zurg 18-04-2022 06:50 PM

I look ridiculous when i burn (and it happens every summer!!!) because my skin mostly consists of scar tissue and some of the scars stay white and i end up looking very strange o_o

Also, i get a huge amount of freckles on my upper lip if i am out in the Sun for too long and then i look like i have a moustache…. :-(

Cacoethes 18-04-2022 06:56 PM

That sounds difficult zurg!

I have never had sunburn i don't think!
Mum was EXTREMELY strict on using sun cream when we were kids!
I haven't used sun cream in adulthood but i don't think i spend long enough in the sun to get burned lol

not_so_insig 18-04-2022 06:57 PM

That sounds very unfortunate indeed Kat. I burn easily due to my meds causing my skin to become sensitive to sunlight. I have white scars too on my lower left arm.

nonperson 18-04-2022 07:37 PM

Embrace the freckles, Zurg.

Weirdly the very few arm scars I have don't seem to show too badly despite my arms going really brown. There's even a few freckles that appear over the top of some of them which is odd.

That's amazing you've never been burnt, Beckie!

I don't think I've ever had really bad sunburn. I'm usually really strict with suncream too especially nowadays and I buy really expensive stuff because it's so important especially with what I do, it's absolutely worth the cost. If I get caught out it's always my lower back that ends up getting caught and that is really irritating and sore because of waistbands and sitting in chairs!

Cacoethes 18-04-2022 07:47 PM

I'm very lucky i think!

You are very sensible np!
The lower back burn sounds incredibly uncomfortable though! I guess it's pretty difficult to put sun cream on your own back!!!

nonperson 18-04-2022 07:49 PM

It's quite easy really, just gotta let it dry before pulling trousers/underwear up all the way! Mostly my back is covered by a t-shirt but if I end up bent over weeding then it rides up without me noticing.

Cacoethes 18-04-2022 07:59 PM

That makes sense!

What's everyone up to?
I'm watching johnny english strikes again!
But think it might be bedtime soon.
They came to do my meds quite early today

nonperson 18-04-2022 09:32 PM

Hopefully you're in bed and asleep by now!

I've had awesome homemade korma and am watching Rogue One again cos I fell asleep watching it yesterday.

Cacoethes 18-04-2022 09:49 PM

I wish!
In bed, trying to get to sleep but it's just not happening!

Oooh nice!

nonperson 18-04-2022 10:10 PM

Boo. Keep trying. I've been playing HP background sounds while trying to sleep recently. "Waking up in Shell Cottage" is one of my favs, works for falling asleep as well as waking up! And the Hogwarts library. And the herbology greenhouses of course =) and Gryffindor common room... etc etc.



Cacoethes 18-04-2022 11:33 PM

Thank you!
What a good idea!

Cacoethes 19-04-2022 08:28 AM

Morning everyone!

tamobhuuta 19-04-2022 10:08 AM

Hiya, how are you?

Cacoethes 19-04-2022 10:32 AM

I'm ok thanks!
Terrible nights sleep due to being unwell (bad cold like symptoms and possible migraine, or at least the beginning of one) but after lemsip and paracetamol I feel much better!

How are you?

tamobhuuta 19-04-2022 10:42 AM

I'm ok. Trying to talk to the clozapine clinic.

Cacoethes 19-04-2022 10:52 AM

Fun times!
Is it your blood test today?

Zurg 19-04-2022 11:38 AM

Hi everyone.

Hope you'll continue to feel okay Beckie. Being trolled by your body is always inconvenient.
Hope you'll get through to someone Tamo!!!

I've just had a two hour nap…. My head was on the egde of a hysteric ragefit so i decided that a nap was probably the best Way to handle that…!!!

Cacoethes 19-04-2022 12:44 PM

Thank you Zurg!
I am feeling better now *touch wood!*
My body is a complete troll in general anyway!

How do you feel after your nap?

Zurg 19-04-2022 02:19 PM

I felt okay right after the nap. Now i'm back to want to smash everything in sight again….. maybe i need another nap??

Cacoethes 19-04-2022 03:40 PM

Oh no :(
Another nap might be good!

one_step_closer 19-04-2022 04:31 PM

Hi everyone. I've only just got online, had a busy day with the gym group and buses taking ages to come. A woman stopped and spoke to me for about half an hour, I don't even know her. I felt like I was going to cry! Another person I need to try and avoid.

Cacoethes 19-04-2022 04:39 PM

Hey lindsay!
Sounds like it's been pretty full on today!

one_step_closer 19-04-2022 04:46 PM

Yeah, feels like a bit much. I'm getting a takeaway because I'm too stressed to cook and I don't want to just have salad. What an excuse! I shouldn't be getting things like takeaways while I'm waiting to hear how much money I owe the ESA people.

How are you getting on now Beckie?

tamobhuuta 19-04-2022 05:07 PM

Yeah, it was a blood test. Subsequent tests will be in my home town, yippee!

Cuddles for all.

Cacoethes 19-04-2022 05:11 PM

I'm ok thanks lindsay!
Been out quite a bit today to get some stuff done and then went into work to say hi and have a drink. Then had an amazon delivery.
I am also considering getting takeaway because my body wants something that isn't soup lol!

That's good tamo!

Cacoethes 20-04-2022 09:23 AM

Morning everyone!

Cacoethes 20-04-2022 11:46 AM

Where is everyone?!

not_so_insig 20-04-2022 12:47 PM

I am here Beckie. I had 5 postcards arrive today via postcrossing. Most I ever had in one day. It took ages to register them all and read them.

Cacoethes 20-04-2022 12:58 PM

Oh wow!
I told my best friend about post crossing. He has a thing for postcards lol!

not_so_insig 20-04-2022 01:20 PM

It's all Jenna's fault as she mentioned it here which is how come I joined.

*considers reporting mod*

Cacoethes 20-04-2022 01:26 PM


I'm at the hairdressers!
The bleach is burning slightly but that is normal!

one_step_closer 20-04-2022 02:06 PM

Afternoon everyone.

That's a lot of postcards Dawn.

Are you getting your hair a cool colour Beckie?

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