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Cacoethes 30-10-2021 03:48 PM

I am unable to nap!
TV is making my head go funny though so I've just put some music on

nonperson 30-10-2021 04:06 PM

Whatcha listening to?

Cacoethes 30-10-2021 04:10 PM

Currently: Monster by All Time Low

nonperson 30-10-2021 04:17 PM

Good song. =)

Cacoethes 30-10-2021 04:21 PM

I only discovered it recently and I'm obsessed lol

nonperson 30-10-2021 04:22 PM

I just looked it up and definitely knew the chorus. It is very catchy!

Cacoethes 30-10-2021 04:26 PM

It is!

I'm listening to panic at the disco now

one_step_closer 30-10-2021 04:50 PM

Rewind. Aren't you supposed to be sleeping then? Although that might mess up your sleep tonight.

I rarely listen to music these days.

Cacoethes 30-10-2021 04:57 PM

I probably should but as you said, don't want to mess up tonight's sleep. Plus amazon delivery is coming between 5:45 and 8:45

I only really listen to music when I'm on public transport or in psych hospitals

nonperson 30-10-2021 05:07 PM

Putting on music is the first thing I do in the mornings, on work days anyway.

I'd be lost without it.

Cacoethes 30-10-2021 05:19 PM

I'm the same but with TV
Even though I don't actually really watch it properly

nonperson 30-10-2021 05:54 PM

Yeah it's often just background noise for me. I find it hard to concentrate on.

Cacoethes 30-10-2021 06:03 PM


Harry potter is on in a minute
Something I don't have to concentrate on because I've seen it so many times!

nonperson 30-10-2021 06:18 PM

Ooh I've been watching some of them during the week.

I need to go food shopping >.<

Cacoethes 30-10-2021 06:22 PM

Oh noooo!

nonperson 30-10-2021 06:24 PM

I knowww. D=

I feel kinda weird and sick so I foresee this not going so well.

Cacoethes 30-10-2021 06:25 PM

Can you go tomorrow instead?

nonperson 30-10-2021 06:55 PM

Nah 'cos that means getting up early.

It's ok, I've just parked up. Will try to get it done super quick (which btw was autocorrected to "wucky" wtf?) and buy curry for dinner. =)

Cacoethes 30-10-2021 06:56 PM

Ah yes. That is true

Gotta love autocorrect!
Good luck!

nonperson 30-10-2021 08:39 PM

All done!

nonperson 31-10-2021 09:32 AM

Morning all.

What a grim day it is outside...

Cacoethes 31-10-2021 09:40 AM

It's a perfect day for staying inside under a blanket!

nonperson 31-10-2021 10:11 AM

Agreed. I don't know what to do with myself today so that might be what happens.

How're you, Beckie?

Cacoethes 31-10-2021 10:13 AM

It's a Sunday. That's what Sundays are for!

I'm ok thanks.
Just doing some washing!
How are you?

nonperson 31-10-2021 10:25 AM

True true.

I should probably put some washing on too.

Eh I dunno, I feel odd today. Like there's too much time to fill, especially with the extra hour.

Cacoethes 31-10-2021 10:27 AM

I feel like I'm always doing washing these days!

I get what you mean

tamobhuuta 31-10-2021 11:18 AM

Morning people. It is CHUCKING It down here. Thank goodness we drive to Mass.

Cacoethes 31-10-2021 11:27 AM

Yep same here tamo!

tamobhuuta 31-10-2021 11:31 AM

How goes your washing?

Cacoethes 31-10-2021 11:32 AM

It's still going!
It takes a while because it's a washer dryer

nonperson 31-10-2021 11:57 AM

Ah see I can be washing AND drying two loads separately!

It's super sunny here now.

Cacoethes 31-10-2021 12:07 PM

I never leave my washing long enough to get two loads!
Once the washing basket is full, that's a perfect sized load!
Mainly because I only have 2 work t shirts and they usually end up smelling of beer at the end of a shift lol

Yep sunny here now too

nonperson 31-10-2021 12:16 PM

I seem to have a lot of uniform to wash. Plus towels and bedding.

Cacoethes 31-10-2021 12:20 PM

Towels take up a lot of space in the washing machine
So does bedding
I'm changing my bedding today so I'll wash it all tomorrow

tamobhuuta 31-10-2021 12:30 PM

I really need to clean my bed sheets.

Cacoethes 31-10-2021 12:32 PM

I hate doing it
It's just effort

tamobhuuta 31-10-2021 12:51 PM

Putting the duvet cover on is the hardest bit.

Cacoethes 31-10-2021 12:58 PM

I find putting the sheet on is the worst bit!
Especially when you get to one side and the other side pings off! Grrr

one_step_closer 31-10-2021 01:34 PM

Haha, it's annoying when the sheet does that but your description made me small laugh Beckie!

I have changed my bedding with no pinging and put a wash on. In the process of doing my lateral flow covid test.

Cacoethes 31-10-2021 02:04 PM


Well done lindsay!
I haven't done a lateral flow test in a while
I had a covid test done in hospital though so I know I'm clear!

one_step_closer 31-10-2021 02:56 PM

I do one twice a week just to be on the safe side.

How's your day going?

Cacoethes 31-10-2021 02:59 PM

That's a good idea

Not bad thanks
Washing is done so just need to put it away now
Also I've just ordered costa

one_step_closer 31-10-2021 03:01 PM

What do you mean you've ordered Costa? Do they deliver? I am not in the know.

Cacoethes 31-10-2021 03:05 PM

Yes they do deliver!
Via ubereats

one_step_closer 31-10-2021 03:09 PM

You seem to get all the good deliveries. What did you order? Enjoy.

Cacoethes 31-10-2021 03:12 PM

We do now!
We've taken a while to catch up though
And still don't have deliveroo

I ordered a black forest hot chocolate and some snacks

one_step_closer 31-10-2021 03:18 PM

Black Forest is like dark berries right? I don't think I'd like that.

We only have Just Eat here and McDonalds don't do deliveries to my area.

Cacoethes 31-10-2021 03:35 PM

It is!
I'd never actually tried it before
It was ok

We only got ubereats this year
That's where I get McDonald's from
Hopefully we'll get deliveroo soon because you can get the coop on that!
I'd never need to go to asda again :p

one_step_closer 31-10-2021 05:49 PM

But you love Asda and Asda loves you. You can't break that apart!

Cacoethes 31-10-2021 05:51 PM

Well, yes, that is true!

I got a surprise amazon delivery.
Well, I did order it but it's a day early.
Two packs of 54 washing capsules.
Should last me a while!

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