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Cacoethes 27-02-2021 08:40 PM


What have you had for dinner np?

nonperson 27-02-2021 08:43 PM

I had a vegan Cornish pasty.

Cacoethes 27-02-2021 08:44 PM


nonperson 27-02-2021 08:45 PM

First time I've tried one, was surprisingly good.

Cacoethes 27-02-2021 08:46 PM

Where did you get it from?

nonperson 27-02-2021 08:50 PM

Probably Asda actually. It's a Ginster's one.

Cacoethes 27-02-2021 08:59 PM

I may have to try it!
I quite like vegan food

nonperson 27-02-2021 09:05 PM

I'm trying to make meat free swaps if I can, but I refuse to swap to cheeseless cheese.

Anyhoo, off to Tesco now. =/

Cacoethes 27-02-2021 09:17 PM

Can't be giving up cheese!
Cheese is life

Fun times! Good luck!

nonperson 27-02-2021 10:30 PM

Back! And everyone's gone to bed >.>

But my fridge is happily restocked with cheese =)

Cacoethes 27-02-2021 11:14 PM

I'm not in bed!
I'm shattered but I can't sleep


nonperson 27-02-2021 11:15 PM

Aww. I hate that overtired feeling. People think it just happens to kids but it doesn't!

Not just cheese, I found a selection of frozen chips too which I'm particularly pleased about for some reason.

Cacoethes 27-02-2021 11:20 PM

True dat!

Frozen chips are good too! You can have cheesy chips!

nonperson 27-02-2021 11:24 PM

Not only that, but cheesy chips in a variety of different flavours! =D

Cacoethes 27-02-2021 11:26 PM

What could be better?!

nonperson 27-02-2021 11:33 PM

I was about to say loads! But now can't think of anything.

Cacoethes 27-02-2021 11:38 PM

Haha! :p

nonperson 27-02-2021 11:41 PM

Well that's tomorrow's dinner sorted then.

Cacoethes 27-02-2021 11:49 PM

Awesome! I am jealous!

nonperson 27-02-2021 11:50 PM

I may not have it, we'll see.

I've got hiccups, help!

Cacoethes 27-02-2021 11:59 PM

Eat a yogurt!

nonperson 28-02-2021 12:05 AM

Haha, I forgot about that miracle cure.

I have no yoghurts but they seem to have gone now.

Cacoethes 28-02-2021 12:07 AM

Always keep yogurts handy in case of hiccups!

Oh that's good!

nonperson 28-02-2021 12:08 AM

I haven't had a yoghurt in years... Probably had too many as a child.

Cacoethes 28-02-2021 12:09 AM

Fair enough!
I love a good yogurt!

nonperson 28-02-2021 12:11 AM

They just don't appeal to me any more.

I do sometimes have choc pots or mousses though. Not really yoghurt, but same shaped pot. =P

Cacoethes 28-02-2021 12:13 AM

Haha! That kinda counts :p
I wonder if they'd work for hiccups

nonperson 28-02-2021 12:15 AM

Hmmm I should have tried!

Cacoethes 28-02-2021 12:17 AM

You should have. For science!

nonperson 28-02-2021 12:22 AM

I'll have to remember for the next time.

If I really have to eat chocolate for science then so be it.

Cacoethes 28-02-2021 12:25 AM

We all applaud you for your sacrifice for science :p

nonperson 28-02-2021 12:33 AM

Thank you, thank you.

Your appreciation means a great deal and is spurring on my scientific research for the greater good of suffering hiccupers (?) everywhere!

Cacoethes 28-02-2021 12:35 AM

Haha! :p

I'm glad you are so committed!

Right. I'm going to attempt sleep again.
Good night (hopefully!)

nonperson 28-02-2021 12:43 AM

Sleep well if you can!

Cacoethes 28-02-2021 11:21 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 28-02-2021 11:25 AM

Hi Cacoethes, how are you? I woke up 3 times in the night but I feel ok now, just having coffee.

Cacoethes 28-02-2021 11:41 AM

I'm ok thanks.
Glad you feel OK now.
I've just had a coffee too

tamobhuuta 28-02-2021 11:47 AM

Any plans?

Cacoethes 28-02-2021 11:53 AM

Just tv and doing some washing
Will probably go for a walk or two later

tamobhuuta 28-02-2021 11:57 AM

I've just remembered I put washing on yesterday but didn't put it in the dryer :(

I'm going to see if my dad wants to go for a walk.

Cacoethes 28-02-2021 12:08 PM

Oh no!
This is why having a washer dryer is great. It just does it all!

Sounds good :)

tamobhuuta 28-02-2021 12:11 PM

My brother said he would walk with me :)

I had a lovely dream, I was at a party with Mr Gold from Once Upon a Time.

Cacoethes 28-02-2021 12:12 PM

That's good :)

Aww that's a nice dream!
I cant remember what I dreamt about

tamobhuuta 28-02-2021 12:15 PM

I love it when I remember dreams, I hardly ever remember bad dreams.

Cacoethes 28-02-2021 12:18 PM

That's a good thing then!
I usually have super weird dreams

tamobhuuta 28-02-2021 12:23 PM

I hate when I wake up during or after a dream and I think "I must remember to tell people this in the morning" and then I forget...

Cacoethes 28-02-2021 12:25 PM

Yes me too!
Sometimes I have weird half asleep thoughts at like 3am and post them on Facebook for some reason.
Things like 'fast sock, go and retrieve it' and how Ireland is a scam thought up by pigeons so they can keep pooing on people.

one_step_closer 28-02-2021 12:26 PM

In some of my dreams I write songs and I'm like 'this is good I must remember this' and then it's gone in the morning. My dream me has more talent than the awake me.

Cacoethes 28-02-2021 12:31 PM

I do similar lindsay.
I recently came up with an idea for an app and it was going to make me millions.
Totally forgot it in the morning

tamobhuuta 28-02-2021 12:32 PM

Lol I don't have those dreams.

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