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m0nk 10-12-2011 11:52 PM

it helps you focus

caiden 11-12-2011 01:49 AM

still out of control, but not as bad. just checking in, and offering hugs to all

hannahs04 11-12-2011 01:54 AM

Hugs to all. Been dealing with headaches and a cold so i've been out for a bit. Hope everyone is well. And for those struggling, i'm sorry that things are rough!

Batmansx_xTeddy 11-12-2011 02:36 AM

Hugs for everyone who needs them.

My day has been rather horrid and I feel myself slipping into my depression again. I am having to deal with alot of changes happening in my life and I am not handling them well at all. I just kinda have that hopeless feeling sinking into me and I just hate everyone and everything at the moment. It sucks but none of my family or friends even care that I am having a hard time. I have been so triggered today with everything that is going on and I can't cope with it. I just want to disappear at the moment. Blah sorry I am being such a downer today but yeah just thought I would give yall a update.

Doikers 11-12-2011 10:17 AM

*Hugs Atomic Rocket*

*Hugs Caiden*

*Hugs Hannah*

*Hugs Monk*

caiden 12-12-2011 08:03 PM

hugs to everyone. hope you all are at least having a decent manageable day. im having a really shitty day personally. severely manic, agitated, irritable, about to lose my power which means im about to lose my home, paranoia through the roof, bad voices, and honestly thinking inpatient wouldnt be such a ba idea right about now just to be able to get a little break from all the stress and crap going on in my life. i know i complain on here a lot, but i really have NOBODY else to talk to. especially nobody who understands even a fraction of what im going through in life right now so i hope you guys can all fid a way to forgive me? i wish you all the best for havng a good day. i will be around most of the day, so if anyboy needs to, feel free to pm me. i will set aside my issues and help whoever and wherever is in need. take care and stay safe

frenchhorn 12-12-2011 09:47 PM

*hugs to all*
Hi I'm Oliver to all the new people, I used to come in here all the time, but have been distant for the last few weeks, but shall hopefully be coming back in a bit more regularly now.

hannahs04 12-12-2011 09:57 PM

Hi y'all. Hope you are doing well today. ((hugs)) for all who need them.

I'm struggling a bit, just found out i'm pregnant again after a rather traumatic miscarriage in August. I have two other little girls, and i'm highly emotional which isn't good for anyone :/ I am also rather triggered, being stressed out about this pregnancy ending poorly and it being Winter time (which is triggering for me) but trying to keep it all together for my family and my unborn baby. I feel like i'm slipping through the cracks and falling to pieces.

caiden 12-12-2011 10:30 PM

*hugs hannahs* and hugs also for anybody else who needs them. feel like im falling apart, but trying to hang in there to make this a good holiday for my 8 year old grandson. wish me luck!

Cazki 13-12-2011 01:36 AM

Hi everyone, hi newbies im Ian :)

*Hugs Hannah*

*Hugs Charlie*

*Hugs Feli*

*Hugs Atomic Rocket*

*Hugs Caiden*

*Hugs Mark*

*Hugs Oliver*

*Hugs Monk*

caiden 13-12-2011 03:57 AM

hi, for those of you who dont recognize me, i have been around the site for years, but have been pretty much gone most of the last two. its probably easiest sticking with either calling me caiden or betty. a few too many personalities to try to correctly guess which one of us is posting and when. anyways, hugs to all! take care and try your best to stay safe!

Doikers 13-12-2011 11:13 AM

*hugs Ian*

*Hugs Caiden*

Feel so numb

caiden 13-12-2011 03:52 PM

*hugs doikers* is there anything any of us could do to help you besides just being here for you? i hope you feel better soon! hugs for everybody else also

Doikers 13-12-2011 04:28 PM

I got denied a Visa to visit my Fiance in the States yesterday :( :(

hannahs04 13-12-2011 04:30 PM

Oh no! I'm so sorry!

Louise 13-12-2011 05:19 PM

*hugs mark* I am so sorry that has happened.

PoisonedApple 13-12-2011 05:52 PM

*hugs Mark* did they tell you why?

*waves to everyone new* I'm Crimson. I've not been in much in a while and mostly lurking when I've been in... Been hard to find time I can be in here the last few months.

*hugs everyone*

hannahs04 13-12-2011 07:25 PM

*waves to poisonedapple* how are you today? Welcome :)

caiden 13-12-2011 08:23 PM

ok, i need advice. my daughter asked how i was doing and feeling today. i said i wasnt sure yet, (as it was still early in the day) instead of telling her the truth because im scared of her reaction. was that wrong? what should do?

Doikers 13-12-2011 08:58 PM

Thanks guys.
Crimson I said why on the fb vpw, Basically I don't have ties outside of the U.S. , No job or morgage , I'm not loving america right now , but I love my amercan friends.

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