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chinahorse 27-09-2019 11:01 AM

Hey lindsay. How're you?

Might paint my nails as I won't want to smudge them by doing silly things. And then I will go to get gran a birthday card and some tweezers to sort the alarming eyebrow situation. Maybe after lunch. It's ment to be drier this afternoon I think?

one_step_closer 27-09-2019 11:42 AM

Those sound like good plans, I hope you manage to do them. Fingers crossed that it's dry this afternoon for you.

I'm not great but have been out and will maybe go out again later.

chinahorse 27-09-2019 11:45 AM

Going anywhere nice?

one_step_closer 27-09-2019 11:47 AM

I have some things to take to a charity shop and will look at the books while I'm there. Unlike you I don't mind the rain so you can pass your rain over here when you want to go out! It is raining here at the moment but I'll take your rain to give you a dry spell.

chinahorse 27-09-2019 12:07 PM

That's kind of you!

What sort of books do you like?

nonperson 27-09-2019 01:10 PM

I have eaten far too much cake already today. Got a takeaway box full from the coffee morning!

chinahorse 27-09-2019 01:43 PM

Jealous np!

Mind I did have a healthy lunch of Nutella on bread and a banna chocolate crisp yoghurt.

one_step_closer 27-09-2019 02:13 PM

I am jealous of you both. Although I do have a huge cookies and cream Twin Peaks bar.

I like lots of different kinds of books Lillie. I got one by Amanda Prowse, and The Baby Laundry For Unmarried Mothers.

Have you managed to get out yet Lillie?

chinahorse 27-09-2019 02:17 PM

Never even heads of a twin peaks bar. It good?

Liking a variety of books is always good.

Yeah. I managed my list and to stay dry.

one_step_closer 27-09-2019 02:19 PM

It's the Poundland version of Toblerone and yep it is very nice.

Well done. Double well done for staying dry. Do you know what you're going to do with the rest of your day?

tamobhuuta 27-09-2019 03:40 PM

Hi everyone! I had a good time with my sister. Then after lunch I waited 45 minutes for my CPN. Tea time now.

one_step_closer 27-09-2019 04:06 PM

I'm glad you had a nice visit. Did you get on ok with your CPN?

chinahorse 27-09-2019 04:35 PM

Hope it went ok with your cpn tamo.

Ooo Toblerone is good lindsay!

I have had another nap. Don't think I can do much else today in honesty other than cook and wash up. Doing laundry and going out are big steps right now.

one_step_closer 27-09-2019 06:05 PM

You don't have to be doing loads, as long as you have things to occupy yourself.

nonperson 27-09-2019 06:39 PM

I've had a white chocolate Twin Peaks bar before! It was tasty. =)

zombiehunter 27-09-2019 06:49 PM

i have white chocolate twix's in my cupboard :-D

chinahorse 27-09-2019 07:05 PM


nonperson 27-09-2019 07:50 PM

Not sure what I think of the idea of white chocolate Twix... o.O

not_so_insig 27-09-2019 09:55 PM

They are yummy I have had them in the past.

nonperson 28-09-2019 06:59 AM

Good early-morning-for-a-Saturday, everyone.

chinahorse 28-09-2019 08:32 AM

Morning np :-)

I don't wanna get pt of bed but bertie is demanding food and I need the loo.

Buttons. 28-09-2019 09:13 AM

Morning all :)

Ha ha that was me earlier Lillie except with Molly.

nonperson 28-09-2019 09:23 AM

Hello Buttons!

So I've just stopped off at the motorway services to buy lunch and while drying my hands in the toilet was looking at the advert above the drier... for fart pants!

tamobhuuta 28-09-2019 09:37 AM

Fart pants???

It was fine with my CPN but stressed me out a bit.

I should get out of bed now, I'm going to see my sister

Buttons. 28-09-2019 09:40 AM

Hello Np :)

Fart pants sounds epic.

Glad it went fine with CPN Tamo understandable it was a tad stressful though. Hope you have a good time with your sister.

one_step_closer 28-09-2019 11:08 AM

Morning everyone. I hope you all have a good day.

chinahorse 28-09-2019 01:44 PM

How's everyone's day going?

one_step_closer 28-09-2019 01:46 PM

A bit blah with me. I did get to Tesco though and they have chocolate apples in so I got one. :-)

How is your day going?

nonperson 28-09-2019 02:19 PM

I'm having lunch watching the rain come over the Malvern hills.

not_so_insig 28-09-2019 02:30 PM

Afternoon all. One of my cats isnt well. He has pooped on the rugs and vomited twice.

nonperson 28-09-2019 02:45 PM

Oh dear. Make sure he's drinking enough water. =(

not_so_insig 28-09-2019 03:01 PM

He doesn't drink much water. He has now been ill again. Looks like I will be taking him to the vet. I lost a cat in June and the symptoms started the same as what he has gone down with so I am worried that I will lose him.

chinahorse 28-09-2019 03:21 PM

Oh gosh that's worrying dawn. Hope it's nothing.

Malvern is really pretty np. What're ypu up to there?

Chocolate apples sound awesome lindsay :-)

Im having a bad fibromyalgia day so have spent a lot of time asleep. Waiting for crisis to come now.

Buttons. 28-09-2019 04:09 PM

Hope your cat recovers Dawn.

Rest sounds like a good idea Lillie, hope crisis goes well.

Jealous Lins, I saw the chocolate apples too but I'm still having to be v careful with my stomach so none for me atm :(

Hope doesn't rain too hard Np.

chinahorse 28-09-2019 04:30 PM

Crisis were nice and helpful. Feeling a bit more positive now.

Munching biscuits.

tamobhuuta 28-09-2019 05:31 PM

Sorry about your cat insig, hope he gets better.

nonperson 28-09-2019 05:34 PM

Glad crisis were helpful and you're feeling positive, Lillie. What kind of biscuits?

I've been at a flower/veg/animal show at the Malvern showground. It is very pretty, the hills have been the backdrop for most of my day! And it only rained when I was having lunch so that was good.

2.5 hour drive home now... I'm shattered already.

chinahorse 28-09-2019 05:56 PM

Aldi chocolate hobnobs

Ah right up your street np! Long drive home thpugh.

one_step_closer 28-09-2019 05:57 PM

I hope your cat is ok Dawn. <3

How are you Buttons?

I'm glad crisis were helpful Lillie. Chocolate hobnobs are yum.

How are you Tamo?

I hope the drive goes ok NP and you can get some rest when you get home.

not_so_insig 28-09-2019 05:58 PM

Thanks everyone for your wishes.

tamobhuuta 28-09-2019 08:30 PM

I'm ok thanks osc, less anxious than yesterday.

What's everyone doing this evening? I'm watching Friends.

nonperson 28-09-2019 08:40 PM

Also watching Friends. =P

nonperson 29-09-2019 09:17 AM

Morning everyone.

tamobhuuta 29-09-2019 09:50 AM

Hi np, how are you?
I'm going to see my sister in a minute. I think I'll have a bonfire latte, the weather's so rubbish.

nonperson 29-09-2019 09:53 AM

Hey, Tamo. I'm very tired... =(

Hope you have a nice time with your sister. How is she doing? Bonfire latte sounds very seasonal!

tamobhuuta 29-09-2019 09:56 AM

Why so tired?
She's still really struggling, I expect it will be at least a couple of weeks before the meds start working.

nonperson 29-09-2019 10:30 AM

Long day out yesterday and disturbed sleep last night.

Give it time, she's in the right hands.

chinahorse 29-09-2019 11:17 AM

Mmmmmmmm bonfire latte.

What np said tamo <3

Sorry to hear that np. Can you have a restful day?

one_step_closer 29-09-2019 11:33 AM

Morning everyone.

I hope you can take it easy today NP and do what you need to do for yourself.

I'm glad your sister is being treated Tamo, look after yourself too.

How are you Lillie?

nonperson 29-09-2019 11:38 AM

Hi Lillie and Lindsay.

I've got to go see my friend's dog a couple of times today, so although that's not too much hard work it does involve going out and getting dressed... which I should probably start doing now.

What's everyone up to?

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