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Cacoethes 26-02-2024 01:54 PM

Oh no tamo!
That's annoying

tamobhuuta 26-02-2024 02:36 PM

Leaving the house has made me chilly. I've got my oodie on and I'm wrapped in a blanket. I'm hoping my mocha-from-a-sachet will warm me up.

Cacoethes 26-02-2024 02:40 PM

It is rather cold today

tamobhuuta 26-02-2024 02:42 PM

I'm considering putting on gloves.

Cacoethes 26-02-2024 02:45 PM

Don't blame you

tamobhuuta 26-02-2024 04:08 PM

The combination of gloves and hot beverage was a winner. Now I'm trying to order my meds but the online thing is telling me my clinician needs to review. Frustrated face.

long road 26-02-2024 04:39 PM

Eurgh Technology! Hope you can get meds sorted before they run out.

I have been trying to rest/ have a nap but haven't been able to settle.

tamobhuuta 26-02-2024 04:42 PM

Is there a non-exerting activity you can do?

Or would an exerting activity help?

one_step_closer 26-02-2024 05:14 PM

Sorry to hear that, Beckie. Please be gentle and kind with yourself.

That's a shame your appointment wasn't today, Tamo.

one_step_closer 26-02-2024 05:21 PM

Also, Beckie, please post in your support thread if you need some support. You don't have to be alone with how you're feeling.

Cacoethes 26-02-2024 07:56 PM

Thank you

I'm at L's now so i can hopefully chill

Cacoethes 27-02-2024 08:33 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 27-02-2024 09:18 AM

Morning Cacoethes, how are you?

Cacoethes 27-02-2024 09:55 AM

Morning tamo

I'm ok thanks
How are you?

tamobhuuta 27-02-2024 09:59 AM

I'm ok thanks. Off to Mass in a minute, it's a bit earlier today. What are you up to?

Cacoethes 27-02-2024 10:31 AM

Hope you enjoy it

I've just cleaned out the boys. Need to go to asda and aldi in a bit. Nothing exciting

long road 27-02-2024 11:29 AM


I have done breakfast and coffee but am tired so considering going back to bed

Cacoethes 27-02-2024 11:50 AM

Morning jen
Definitely go back to bed if needed!

tamobhuuta 27-02-2024 11:51 AM

I hope your quiet day goes OK Cacoethes.

Sweet dreams if you do go back to bed lr!

Mass was nice :)

Cacoethes 27-02-2024 11:55 AM

Thanks tamo
Just done asda and aldi, don't really have much else going on

Glad mass was nice tamo :)

tamobhuuta 27-02-2024 12:15 PM

I just remembered to talk to the GP surgery about my prescription, they said they would sort it so that's good.

Cacoethes 27-02-2024 12:18 PM

That's good

one_step_closer 27-02-2024 01:32 PM

Afternoon everyone.

Did you have a better sleep at L's, Beckie? Is there something nice you'd like to do with the rest of your day?

I'm glad you enjoyed Mass, Tamo and have got your prescription sorted.

I hope you enjoyed your breakfast and coffee, Jen, and you can get some rest if needed.

My meds were supposed to be at the chemist today but they weren't which I'm not at all surprised about. My GP surgery is absolutely rubbish. I spoke to the receptionist at the GP and they said they were going to be ready on Thursday but of course they don't want me to go without so they changed the task to urgent and said I should phone back after 2pm for an update.

Cacoethes 27-02-2024 01:46 PM

Hey lindsay

Yeah i did.
I'm going to drive to the services when L finishes work and we'll get a starbucks.

How annoying about the meds!
Hopefully they'll be able to sort it

tamobhuuta 27-02-2024 02:09 PM

I hope your meds get sorted osc.

Have fun on your drive Cacoethes.

Cacoethes 27-02-2024 02:18 PM

Drive isn't happening now. A) my brother needed to borrow the car and b) L had to take her son home because he has a temperature

tamobhuuta 27-02-2024 02:34 PM

That's a shame. I hope L's son gets well soon!

Cacoethes 27-02-2024 02:37 PM

It is, but I've driven a lot lately so it's fine.
Thanks, i hope so too

not_so_insig 27-02-2024 03:03 PM

Afternoon all. I have another busy day today. Cpn this afternoon and my parents are visiting later. I have been frantically tidying up.

Cacoethes 27-02-2024 03:09 PM

Don't know how you find the time

not_so_insig 27-02-2024 03:12 PM

Was that aimed at me Beckie?

Cacoethes 27-02-2024 03:23 PM

Yeah. Because you're busy

not_so_insig 27-02-2024 04:40 PM

Not as bad as yesterday. I met my friend for coffee, had amazon, had tesco and then picked up 2 lots of bags from the too good to go app from the city centre.

Cpn has been now. Was quite good.

one_step_closer 27-02-2024 04:55 PM

I eventually got my meds sorted. The GP Surgery had a task on their list to sort it out on Thursday even though they had info from the hospital that it needed to be sorted today.

What are you doing instead of your driving plans, Beckie?

Glad you got on well with your CPN, Dawn.

Cacoethes 27-02-2024 05:00 PM

That's good lindsay. Well done for chasing it up

I'm gonna go and lie down
Feeling very tired and blah

tamobhuuta 27-02-2024 05:07 PM

Well done insig and osc.

I hope the rest helps Cacoethes.

one_step_closer 27-02-2024 05:25 PM

I hope you can nap or at least relax, Beckie.

How are you getting on, Tamo?

not_so_insig 27-02-2024 06:00 PM

Thanks Lindsay and tamobhuuta.

Cacoethes 27-02-2024 06:07 PM

I went to lie down, but my head is too busy.
Thinking that i should have visited grandad more before he died. Feeling the guilt.

one_step_closer 27-02-2024 06:49 PM

I think it's natural to have thoughts like that, Beckie. I'm sure you couldn't have predicted when he was going to die and it sounds like he was happy to see you when he did.

Cacoethes 27-02-2024 06:55 PM

Thank you
He was happy to see us
Me and brother are planning on going to see his wife next week which should be good

one_step_closer 27-02-2024 06:57 PM

I hope it's helpful for you all.

Cacoethes 27-02-2024 07:06 PM

Thank you
I'm sure it will be

How're you doing?

one_step_closer 27-02-2024 07:07 PM

Not great.

Are you going to watch any TV this evening?

Cacoethes 27-02-2024 07:11 PM

Sorry to hear that

I'm just listening to music
Don't really have the energy for watching something

tamobhuuta 27-02-2024 09:30 PM

My day's been ok thanks, I might have finished my painting! Sorry you're having a hard time.

It's good you got to see him when you did Cacoethes.

Hugs all round!

Cacoethes 27-02-2024 09:34 PM

Have you enjoyed doing the painting tamo?

Thank you it is good i saw him and I'm glad i saw him when he was mostly himself

Cacoethes 28-02-2024 07:53 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 28-02-2024 09:26 AM

Yes, it was fun trying out different things.

Good morning! How are you?

Cacoethes 28-02-2024 09:29 AM

Good :)

I'm ok thanks. Tired
How are you?

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