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nonperson 22-05-2020 08:20 PM

Oooh a lickie mat sounds interesting. I've got those cat frube things too, they're a favourite.

The upside down box game doesn't work with Geordi.

chinahorse 22-05-2020 08:24 PM

I've not used it before but it was so hot in my flat I was searching for ways to cool him down and that was suggested. Worked well!

Hes toosmart.

nonperson 22-05-2020 08:48 PM

Nah, not smart. Just hard to entertain with toys.

I put those cat frubes in the fridge in the summer, might get a mat then if it works well!

Cacoethes 22-05-2020 09:19 PM

I don't know why but 'cat frubes' amused me

nonperson 22-05-2020 09:59 PM

It is a perfect description of them!

chinahorse 22-05-2020 10:39 PM

Literally is np

nonperson 23-05-2020 10:06 AM

Aren't they the most disgusting things to squeeze out though?

It's so windy outside today. =/

chinahorse 23-05-2020 10:07 AM

Oh, I find it quite satisfying!

It's certainly wild out today! Intense downpours here!

one_step_closer 23-05-2020 10:18 AM

It's not satisfying when it goes on your fingers, yuck!

Very wild here today too.

nonperson 23-05-2020 10:26 AM

I suppose it is a bit satisfying! But gross at the same time.

Send some of your rain this way please, Lillie. It's windy and sunny here with no rain in sight.

Anyone doing anything exciting this weekend?

chinahorse 23-05-2020 11:05 AM

I opened a wet food pouch the other day and it sprayed in my face. I nearly died.

Its dry right now np. But maybe it will blow your way?

chinahorse 23-05-2020 11:06 AM

Oh no, I'm super sorry. Can I ask you a plant thing?

Cacoethes 23-05-2020 11:09 AM

Morning guys
It was freezing last night!
Why are hospitals always either freezing or boiling??

chinahorse 23-05-2020 11:14 AM

That sucks beckie.

nonperson 23-05-2020 11:22 AM

Of course you can ask a plant thing. =)

chinahorse 23-05-2020 11:27 AM

Thank you ^.^

I have a Tillandsia cyanea 'Anita Pink' Bromeliad (totally googled that) and the bit that's ment to be pink is going green. The leaves are looking unhappy too. Bertie did bite the pink bit so it has a lovely impression of his top teeth on one side,but it flowered after this so I dont think it's that. How do I get it to be a happy plant?

nonperson 23-05-2020 11:50 AM

Very impressed that you gave the full plant name there. =P

So... I also don't think Bertie did any real damage to it. The pink bit won't stay pink forever. Once it's flowered from that pink bract, that whole flowering stalk will die and usually the parent plant will die too, but what it should do is produce loads of new "pups" around the outside that when they're big enough will then form a big clump and also flower. That could explain why the leaves are looking a bit rough.

Or it could be light levels/watering issues.

chinahorse 23-05-2020 11:51 AM

Oh I see. How rude. It didnt tell me it would die and not be pink. That's the reason I bought it!

chinahorse 23-05-2020 11:53 AM

I liked the idea of a houseplant that wasnt green.

nonperson 23-05-2020 11:54 AM

Yeah, they never tell you these things! They're quite often bought as like a one off splash of colour for a bit and then thrown away, kinda like how most people treat orchids. But that doesn't mean it has to be binned, it's always worth seeing what will happen. Bromeliads aren't always the most easy, I've grown a few and never got them to reflower. =(

tamobhuuta 23-05-2020 11:54 AM

Hi everyone, how are you?

nonperson 23-05-2020 11:59 AM

There are others that aren't green! I have a few black/purple leaved ones.

One is a ZZ Plant - Zamioculcus zamiifolia 'Raven' - which takes very little care at all... and there are also purple leaved Tradescantia or Senecio that are nice. My favourite is my spider plant, not the usual variegated skinny leaved type. This one is Chlorophytum orchidastrum 'Green Orange' which looks like a Hosta but with bright orange stalks on the leaves. =)

nonperson 23-05-2020 12:00 PM

Hey Tamo.

I'm ok now that I'm waffling away about plants, hehe. How're you?

tamobhuuta 23-05-2020 12:04 PM

I'm ok but slept really bad. My dad likes gardening, he's forever telling me the names of plants and I just forget.

nonperson 23-05-2020 12:11 PM

Sorry you didn't sleep well.

I forget the names all the time too.

Cacoethes 23-05-2020 12:43 PM

Must be hard remembering all those names!!!

It's just hammered down with rain here but now it's sunny again
Another ryl weather report for you there

one_step_closer 23-05-2020 12:59 PM

I just say 'that red flower' 'that blue flower' etc. It must be a bit like where someone goes to a librarian and says they can't remember the book title but the cover was blue.

Lots of rain and wind here. But I'm planning on at least one more walk I think.

Cacoethes 23-05-2020 01:04 PM

I know some flowers but only like, the main ones that everyone knows

Walks are good
I'm hoping for a walk to the shop today but it's not looking likely because staff today are ****

one_step_closer 23-05-2020 01:11 PM

Can you say that you've been allowed to go to the shop by other staff?

Cacoethes 23-05-2020 01:20 PM

Update: they said maybe, depending on what the weather is doing
It's blue skies and sun now so should be ok!
She said ask again around 3

nonperson 23-05-2020 01:41 PM

I just had a massive hail shower here! =o

one_step_closer 23-05-2020 02:14 PM

Blue skies and sun!!! I hope it lasts and you can get to the shop.

It's still like a storm here.

Cacoethes 23-05-2020 02:18 PM

Weather is weird

one_step_closer 23-05-2020 02:19 PM

Just like humans are!

Cacoethes 23-05-2020 02:55 PM


chinahorse 23-05-2020 04:19 PM

Ooo no I didnt know there were non green house plants! May have to visit an actual garden centre instead of morrisons. That's cheered me up. Hostas are my favourite outdoor plant.

Where I am weather report is grey, windy, on and off rain.

I should go to the shop. I have instead showered and put on clean pj bottoms (and a normal t shirt).

nonperson 23-05-2020 04:51 PM

You might be able to find some interesting ones online too, though it's nicer to see them before you buy.

My orange sort of hosta spider plant:

chinahorse 23-05-2020 06:09 PM

Oh that is very cheerful! I like that a lot.

nonperson 23-05-2020 06:48 PM

It's not as bright in real life but still one of my favourites. Have only seen them a couple of times in garden centres and it needs to be watered with bottled water. =/

chinahorse 23-05-2020 07:03 PM

That's a very fussy plant!!

nonperson 23-05-2020 07:25 PM

Worth it though. =)

chinahorse 23-05-2020 07:30 PM

How come it doesnt do tap water?

nonperson 23-05-2020 07:57 PM

There's something in tap water that makes the leaves go black.

chinahorse 23-05-2020 08:31 PM

Oh I see. It must be very rare in nature.

tamobhuuta 24-05-2020 09:58 AM

Hi. I only woke up once in the night! Now I'm having stollen for breakfast.

one_step_closer 24-05-2020 10:19 AM

Morning Tamo, I'm glad you slept well. I'm not sure what stollen is, although I've heard of it.

chinahorse 24-05-2020 10:26 AM


I thought stollen was christmas ish.

one_step_closer 24-05-2020 10:28 AM

Maybe Tamo has lost all concept of time!

Morning Lillie, how are you doing?

chinahorse 24-05-2020 10:46 AM

I could be mistaken?

I am trying to de stress.

After a poor night sleep I wake up to cat poop everywhere in the bathroom. Clean that up. Clean the rest of the bathroom and litter tray and for obvious reasons bleach mop the floor. Go to get tea finally and hes knocked over a plant and theres soil all over every bloody surface and hes eaten loads of it too. Naughty.
Decide that cleaning that up and cleaning the kitchen and washing up can wait. Put some laundry on and make tea. Put fabric conditioner in my tea instead of milk.

So yeh.

How are you?

whispershadow 24-05-2020 11:09 AM

i'm anxious :-(

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