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nonperson 17-04-2020 09:12 PM

Deathly hallows tattoo = cool

Shirayuki 17-04-2020 09:13 PM

OH! yeah it does

Shirayuki 17-04-2020 09:42 PM

What's the legal age for a tattoo?

Cacoethes 17-04-2020 10:47 PM

I'm in slytherin

It's 18 to get a tattoo

Shirayuki 17-04-2020 10:50 PM

What's your personality type? (Myer-Briggs or yeah)

Darn. *calls out* Someone invent a "go forward in time" machine!

Cacoethes 17-04-2020 11:03 PM

I'm not sure!

I have 10 tattoos. Though I'm in the process of getting one removed because I hate it

Shirayuki 17-04-2020 11:05 PM

Oh, I'm an INFJ ^^"

What does it look like?

Cacoethes 17-04-2020 11:11 PM

It's a crappy infinity symbol that I got when I was manic
So much regret

Shirayuki 17-04-2020 11:18 PM

That sucks

What are the other ones?

Cacoethes 17-04-2020 11:32 PM

I have a multi coloured bar code, the star from super mario, song of healing from legend of zelda, 'hope', a horse, an hourglass and a plane

Shirayuki 18-04-2020 12:20 AM

Oooh pretty!

What colour is the sand in the hourglass and the horse?

Cacoethes 18-04-2020 12:28 AM

They are both just black and white

Shirayuki 18-04-2020 01:44 AM

Wow you're up late-

Still pretty though ^^

Cacoethes 18-04-2020 04:53 AM

Sleep is hard!

Morning everyone
Hope you're all fast asleep still!

chinahorse 18-04-2020 07:34 AM

Sleep is hard! Hope youve managed to nab a few more hours beckie.

I had some very broken sleep despite how tired I was and still am. And furry alarm clock at half 6.

I forgot how noisy heating is! About to have left over dominoes for breakfast. As bread but no toaster or plate. Porridge but no plate in the microwave. And cant do it on the cooker because the cat is eating out the one saucepan I have available and my washing up liquid is still at my old place.

The Worst Witch 18-04-2020 08:01 AM

Sleep is definitely hard, especially in this climate.

I’m going for a food shop today.

chinahorse 18-04-2020 08:07 AM

Hope it isnt too busy!

I'm getting paint and superglue from screwfix. Then going to my old house to deep clean the bathroom and touch up the bedroom paint. I'll do the downstairs tomorrow. Cary a few of the remaining bits back to my new house. And I need to get the bed frame made and the kitchen boxes unpacked.

chinahorse 18-04-2020 08:10 AM

Contemplating going back to bed for a bit though.

The Worst Witch 18-04-2020 08:14 AM

I’m hoping it won’t be, I’m not braving Asdas atm because it is so ridicuously busy. Managed to get everything I needed last week out the small Tesco metro :).

My friend is giving me a lift home so I can get more stuff with her car since I still can’t get a delivery slot. The shops seem to have everything now that people have calmed down.

I hope you have fun painting :). We nearly hired someone to paint our flat when we moved in but its so ridicuously expensive for somwthing that’s relatively easy to do yourself!

chinahorse 18-04-2020 08:22 AM

Yeh the shops are better in terms of having stock now. Apart from anti bacterial wipes which I use to clean the bathroom mostly.

Was going to move but kitty is asleep on me now.

nonperson 18-04-2020 09:12 AM

Morning everyone.

Aww sleeping kitty. Looks like Geordi is having another duvet day.

tamobhuuta 18-04-2020 09:59 AM

Morning everyone, you're all very busy! I slept quite badly, waking up every couple of hours.

The Worst Witch 18-04-2020 10:48 AM

Soot woke me up a half 5 running about the house, and is now perched on top of my bedroom door meowing because he’s so proud of himself. The other two are looking at him warily because he has been known to jump on top if them before!

How is everyone?

tamobhuuta 18-04-2020 10:52 AM

Lol how cute. I am ok, just had muesli with extra sultanas for breakfast - it took me ages to choose. Do you have any plans for today?

The Worst Witch 18-04-2020 10:56 AM

I don’t know, after food shop I promised my flatmate we’d have a gaming day. I’ve been doing an assessment thats due in on Monday all week, so it’ll be nice to chill out a little bit.

How about you?

tamobhuuta 18-04-2020 10:58 AM

What's the assessment? What kind of games?

The Worst Witch 18-04-2020 11:02 AM

We have both a nintendo switch (mine) and a PS4 (hers) so it depends. Might have a tournament on mario kart, although she always beats me!

Its a 3000 word report on various things, but main tooic is children who have additional support needs like ADHD, autism etc and how we as childcare workers can make sure they’re supported. Its based on a real child I worked with.

tamobhuuta 18-04-2020 11:06 AM

That all sounds really cool.

one_step_closer 18-04-2020 11:09 AM

Morning everyone. Just popping in. About to go and make soup.

Cacoethes 18-04-2020 11:16 AM

What kind of soup?

tamobhuuta 18-04-2020 11:18 AM

Hi osc, hi Cacoethes.

Cacoethes 18-04-2020 11:20 AM

Hi tamo

I'm not happy
Got kicked out of bed again this morning

tamobhuuta 18-04-2020 11:23 AM

:( sad times x

Cacoethes 18-04-2020 12:38 PM

Very annoying

What's everyone up to?

tamobhuuta 18-04-2020 12:49 PM

I'm watching Friends.

Cacoethes 18-04-2020 01:03 PM


I'm watching hotel for dogs

tamobhuuta 18-04-2020 01:17 PM

That sounds... fun.

The Worst Witch 18-04-2020 01:38 PM

I’m watching Jeff Dunham, he’s funny.

I should do some of my report later. Its nearly finished

tamobhuuta 18-04-2020 02:34 PM

I hope you make good progress with your report x

Cacoethes 18-04-2020 03:16 PM

I'm watching shrek the third now

Hope the report goes well!

tamobhuuta 18-04-2020 03:49 PM

I was disappointed by Shrek the Third. Loved the first one though.

Shirayuki 18-04-2020 04:25 PM

Hey guys, how are you?

Hope your report goes well!

I can't remember much of Shrek the Third-
I'll have to watch it again later

tamobhuuta 18-04-2020 04:27 PM

I'm ok, how are you?

Shirayuki 18-04-2020 04:28 PM

I'm alive

What're you doing?

tamobhuuta 18-04-2020 04:30 PM

Just watching Big Bang Theory. But might go listen to an audiobook instead. Are you up to much?

Shirayuki 18-04-2020 04:32 PM

Not really

Just finished the kitchen and am hoping my mom'll let me go upstairs to play the flute but right now chances are low

tamobhuuta 18-04-2020 04:33 PM

Is there lots to do around the house?

Shirayuki 18-04-2020 04:36 PM

There was but I finished most of it

Just kinda upset because my mom was mad at my grandomother (dad's side) but she can't say anything to her so she took it out on me...

tamobhuuta 18-04-2020 04:43 PM

That's not fair :( it's horrible when family fall out. Have you been allowed to go play your flute?

Shirayuki 18-04-2020 04:44 PM

So far sadly not

I'm tired

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