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Pomegranate 18-04-2018 05:35 PM

Not too bad. Met up with friends for catchup and lunch. Really need to tidy my flat! It’s a **** hole!

How are you?

not_so_insig 18-04-2018 05:37 PM

I am ok thanks Beckie. Went to tesco because I had forgotten to get red food colouring for my cakes. Had coffee and a man sat in my seat despite putting my bag on it.

not_so_insig 18-04-2018 05:37 PM

I need to tidy my flat too Pomegranate.

Cacoethes 18-04-2018 05:52 PM

Sounds nice Emma!

Thats annoying dawn.
I wouldnt sit in a seat with someone's bag on it

I most likely need to clean my house too.
I can't remember how clean it was when I left but its probably gathered some dust!

Im ok thanks.

Pomegranate 18-04-2018 06:09 PM

That’s annoying Dawn.

Dust? I have lots of cleaning to do before I get to the point of cleaning the dust :-p

I’m worried Leo has fleas. He’s an indoor cat though and he’s not overly scratching or grooming. He’s just got little black flecks in the fur by his chin.

MunchBox 18-04-2018 06:33 PM

Evening, guys.
Just popping for some company :)

Pomegranate 18-04-2018 06:35 PM

Hi Munchbox! How was your day?

Cacoethes 18-04-2018 06:36 PM

I had cleaners in a week or so before I got admitted so it should just be dust!

Thats strange Emma. Not sure what that could be!

Hey Mary!
Nice to see you!

MunchBox 18-04-2018 06:38 PM

Hi pomergrante and Beckie :)
My day has been alright, it's getting cooler which I prefer. How was yours?

MunchBox 18-04-2018 06:38 PM

Oh and it's Mary.

Pomegranate 18-04-2018 06:50 PM

Sorry, hi Mary :-).

Def nice it’s getting cooler now.

Yeah, I don’t know what it is either. Ordered flea tablets just in case. He’s got the vets Friday anyway for his pre op so they should be able to tell me!

Professional cleaners sound ace! If only I could let people in my flat!

Cacoethes 18-04-2018 06:56 PM

Definitely nicer now it's cooler!

My day has been fine.
Same old!

I only had the cleaners because I kept ending up almost collapsing when cleaning for some reason!
Plan is for them to do like a big clean of the house and then I'll be able to top up clean.

Got to put phone on charge now :(

zombiehunter 18-04-2018 07:14 PM

I finish work on Friday for 9 ****ing days then its my birthday this Saturday too. *boogies* :-D

one_step_closer 18-04-2018 07:29 PM

Sounds good Zombie! Are you doing anything special for your birthday?

Also I keep meaning to ask what name you prefer to be referred to since you're not a zombie but a zombie hunter?

chinahorse 18-04-2018 07:33 PM

Oooo 9 days off sounds lush! Whatre you going to do with it?

MunchBox 18-04-2018 07:35 PM

Mum had a cleaner for a year and then one day she didn't turn up and haven't seen her since. Didn't think The house was that bad!

one_step_closer 18-04-2018 07:36 PM

How are you Lillie?

Mary, maybe the cleaner thought there wasn't enough mess to keep her going for any longer!

chinahorse 18-04-2018 07:38 PM

Haha! The cleaner must have ound a better offer!

I'm beyond exhausted. But I have managed to do things so that's a bonus. Not looking forward to getting up even earlier tomorrow.

one_step_closer 18-04-2018 07:39 PM

Are you able to relax for the rest of the evening? What time do you need to get up tomorrow? I feel for you, early mornings are horrible.

chinahorse 18-04-2018 07:45 PM

I am sort of. Need to make a sarnie for lunch and wait for the washing to finish and hang it up to dry so I have something to wear. I'm washing the new uniforms in the hope they will be less stiff.
And dunno what time. I got an 8am bus but was like 3 mins late this morning. So will move everything forward 15 mins. Meaning I need to get up at 7. At my old job I rolled out of bed as late as 8.30am some mornings.

What're you up to?

MunchBox 18-04-2018 07:45 PM

I think so!

Sucks you have to get up even earlier, Lillie. I feel for you too.

zombiehunter 18-04-2018 07:50 PM

one steo closer, feel free to call me zombie lots of people do on here :-)

the plan is to meet people for a few drinks go for something to eat then more drinks

as far as the 9 days off is concerned I honestly don't effin know whatever happens happens :-D

Serendipity. 18-04-2018 08:00 PM

That sounds good zombie!

Early mornings are horrible Lillie! I hope the new job will be better for you though!

chinahorse 18-04-2018 08:00 PM

Both the plan and non-plan sound good zombie! !

zombiehunter 18-04-2018 08:01 PM


Cacoethes 18-04-2018 08:23 PM

I am back!

Plan sounds good zombie!

zombiehunter 18-04-2018 08:27 PM


one_step_closer 18-04-2018 08:37 PM

Lillie, I wish you sunshine and a feeling of being rested in the morning! Not sure if my wishes will actually work though.

Zombie I hope you have an absolutely amazing time.

Hannah, how are you?

Hi Beckie, I think being in hospital really does show you how much you rely on your phone for entertainment! Only one of the hospitals sort of local to me makes you charge your phone at the nurse's station so I'm lucky that the hospital I usually go to lets you charge your own phone.

I can't decide what book to read next. Going to watch One Born Every Minute soon anyway.

zombiehunter 18-04-2018 08:40 PM

i'm reading the complete Sherlock holmes right now, currently on the last chapter of the sign of four

one_step_closer 18-04-2018 08:42 PM

There are loads of Sherlock Holmes books, right? I think one of my friends said he was listening to the audiobooks and there were so many. Are you liking the books?

zombiehunter 18-04-2018 08:46 PM

there are four main books, a mystery in scarlett the sign of the four the hound of the baskervilles and the valley of fear, the rest is all short stories.

this book is 1408 pages long and i'm 158 pages in

not_so_insig 18-04-2018 08:47 PM

I have made strawberry cupcakes! Who wants one?

Pomegranate 18-04-2018 08:50 PM

Awwww man! I want cupcakes but I’m allergic to strawberries :-(

not_so_insig 18-04-2018 08:51 PM

Sucks to be you :P

chinahorse 18-04-2018 08:52 PM

That is one heck of a book zombie!

Ooo cupcakes! Nom.

Cacoethes 18-04-2018 08:53 PM

Busy in here tonight!

I've only heard of the hound of the baskervilles out of those I think zombie!

Strawberry cupcakes sound awesome!

We have supper in a bit so I'll probably have some toast

Serendipity. 18-04-2018 09:05 PM

I want a cupcake! I'll have Emma's too :P

Cacoethes 18-04-2018 09:28 PM

I just had a hot chocolate
Couldn't be bothered with toast in the end!
There's no peanut butter anyway

Serendipity. 18-04-2018 09:30 PM

Hot chocolate is good! I just had toast with lemon curd but it was rather disappointing!

Cacoethes 18-04-2018 09:32 PM

I've not had lemon curd in years!
Shame it was disappointing

Pomegranate 18-04-2018 09:34 PM

Ducking love lemon curd!

I’ve just quit my job!

Serendipity. 18-04-2018 09:38 PM

I like lemon curd, but this one was not good!

Is that a positive thing for you Emma?

not_so_insig 18-04-2018 10:47 PM

Beckie I used the slimming world recipe so you can have them.

I have eaten 2 and gave away 4 to my neighbours. It only made 10 in the end. Have a load of strawberries now.

Buttons. 19-04-2018 03:30 AM

Sounds good Dawn.

I also love hot chocolate. Have also got some chocolate meal replacement milkshakes which should be nommy.

Pomegranate 19-04-2018 10:23 AM

Morning all!

Serendipity. 19-04-2018 10:33 AM

Morning! How are you all today?

Pomegranate 19-04-2018 10:49 AM

Hot! Already hot and it’s not even 11! How are you?

Serendipity. 19-04-2018 11:04 AM

Not hot! I don't think it's that warm here. I guess I'll find out if I venture outside :P

Pomegranate 19-04-2018 11:17 AM

To be fair my flat is a lot hotter than outside. I think it’s cos I’m top floor.

Eska 19-04-2018 12:08 PM

My boyfriend's flat is like that Emma.

It's warm and sunny and I love it!

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