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Cacoethes 21-04-2023 05:51 PM

There were 4 Rebeccas in my form alone!
Got rather confusing

Yeah sounds about right

long road 21-04-2023 05:56 PM

Goodness. There must have been a lot of nicknames with 4 Rebecca's! I was Jen and the other one with same name was Jenny so at least that helped.

I also can't remember if someone made it up or just found it as emoji code somewhere. It was just a thing.

Pi.R^2 21-04-2023 05:58 PM

Tamo’s dream from last night might come true if you lot keep this up!!!

Cacoethes 21-04-2023 06:47 PM

We didn't have nicknames. We just got confused a lot XD

*zip mouth emoji*

long road 21-04-2023 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4346956)
Tamo’s dream from last night might come true if you lot keep this up!!!

Sowwy Jenna... :crying:

Is this what a stern PM feels like Beckie?

long road 21-04-2023 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4346958)
We didn't have nicknames. We just got confused a lot XD

Good excuse to ignore the teachers questions XD

I had Ozzy as a nickname for a little while, I looked a bit like Ozzy Osbourne (long straight dark hair, round glasses) and could do an impression of him. Did the impression once or twice and got stuck with the nickname for over a year *facepalms*

Pi.R^2 21-04-2023 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by long road (Post 4346959)
Is this what a stern PM feels like Beckie?


Pi.R^2 21-04-2023 06:58 PM

Also not actually pissed at you talking about it! I have so much to say but don't think it's appropriate for me to go into detail but basically I have Opinions.
One thing I will say is that if you are ever inclined to get a QK ninja tattoo then you should definitely think about whether you want children asking you repeatedly "why does it say OK on your wrist" for the rest of your life.

Cacoethes 21-04-2023 06:59 PM

You only have to do one thing to get a nickname in school!
Greg Davies did a good bit about that in one of his stand ups. Was hilarious!

Stern PMs are worse, because it usually comes with deleted posts which are always embarrassing to read back! And it's also personally directed at you.

Jenna has very kindly sent PMs entitled 'not a stern PM' when just messaging. But the last one was entitled 'a stern PM' which sent me into a panic but she was just being a troll :plain:


Pi.R^2 21-04-2023 07:03 PM

I didn't just put that in the title, I worded it the way that official warnings and points are worded!! Because I had just roasted Jen for trying to give me a joke infraction but she's never had points so didn't know that you have to be like "You have received a Warning at RYL Forums"

long road 21-04-2023 07:36 PM

Stop with the roasting I am already cooked!

I thought you had QK tattooed. Lol at answering all the questions. My teacher had her first name tattooed on her wrist. A rumour went round it was so she didn't forget what it was! Kids can be cruel

Oh no's I am glad I haven't got any then, I couldn't handle it.

And Oh the shame
Thought of changin' my name
And I got so downhearted
Every time that I...
(Beckie not in front of the mods!)

I am now going to meditate Ohmmm

And then to roleplay.


Cacoethes 21-04-2023 07:39 PM

Its actually been a while since I've had a legit one i think!

Pi.R^2 21-04-2023 08:07 PM

It’s just occurred to me that of the current active members I might be the one with the highest total infraction points =S

Cacoethes 21-04-2023 08:13 PM


I remember cam saying that you'd never be a mod
Now she says that about me
I think everyone does tbh

Pi.R^2 21-04-2023 08:20 PM

When she PMed me to offer the mod-ship the PM title was ‘pigs might fly’ lol

Cacoethes 21-04-2023 08:25 PM

Excellent XD

Gives me hope that I may one day be a mod
I pretty much live here anyway!

Ahimsa 21-04-2023 09:01 PM


Cacoethes 21-04-2023 09:12 PM

I should make badges

long road 21-04-2023 09:37 PM

Jenna had a badge maker many years ago!

Though if your ward has crafts maybe you have a project Beckie!

Cacoethes 21-04-2023 09:38 PM

Like they'd let us have anything that's actually fun and worth doing!

long road 21-04-2023 09:47 PM

Well I didnt expect them to but I could have been pleasantly surprised!

We woke up some aliens and they keep trying to sneak up on us.

Cacoethes 21-04-2023 09:50 PM

I was worried for a second then remembered you're doing roleplaying tonight XD

long road 21-04-2023 09:55 PM

XD oops sorry if I made you jump to conclusions. But yes the aliens are all tokens on a virtual tabletop programme. And we are kicking their non existent butts.

I luckily haven't hallucinated anything in over a month

Cacoethes 21-04-2023 10:18 PM

Glad you are winning against the aliens!

That's brilliant!

long road 21-04-2023 10:26 PM

We are continuing to win against aliens but have found a strange alien lab now!

I don't get them often these days last time I got them it was because the steroids I was on for my asthma, were messing with everything. Sorry if that is too serious for this thread btw.

Ahimsa 21-04-2023 10:58 PM

I've invited some friends round tomorrow evening, in an attempt to make me actually tidy up and do the washing up and clear my sofa of junk.

I'm hyper fixated on getting at least one room spotless tonight.

long road 21-04-2023 11:29 PM

I find my parents visiting motivates me to tidy. Friends I care less but will still make an effort. Health professionals I have a minimum standard i.e. make bed, make sure all dirty washing is in hamper, make sure hallway is clear of junk.

But good brain tricking. Plus bonus you get to have fun with friends

Ahimsa 21-04-2023 11:42 PM

Well, they've all been like "I don't really care if your house is a mess?"

I was like "If you're moving my 5 loads of dirty washing off the sofa so you can sit down, you would!!

I've just put some food on because I've realised I've been home 3 hours and been tidying but not eaten!

long road 22-04-2023 12:33 AM

Glad you broke out of your hyper fixation to remember to eat. I get like that with cleaning sometimes. Try and go to bed at a reasonablish hour as well if you can! (She says at half midnight, I however just have teeth to do then bed.

Cacoethes 22-04-2023 09:47 AM

Morning peeps!

Good luck with the tidying!

Did you beat the aliens Jen?

tamobhuuta 22-04-2023 09:54 AM

Morning everyone. How are you Cacoethes?

Cacoethes 22-04-2023 09:59 AM

Morning tamo!

I'm a bit tired.
Everything decided to kick of at 4-5am so was woken up and didn't sleep properly from that time onwards.

How are you?
Any plans for the day?

tamobhuuta 22-04-2023 10:16 AM

That sucks. Would a nap later help? Would that even be possible!

I am ok. Deciding whether to make a pot of tea. If i start making it now it will probably be ready in time for my sister finishing her exercising.
My big sister is visiting this afternoon.

long road 22-04-2023 10:20 AM

Morning. I went to sleep sometime around 4am.and woke up at 9:20am. I too am very tired.

I technically could nap but my brain is currently wired

Tea is nearly always a good decision. I say make tea!

Cacoethes 22-04-2023 10:24 AM

I can't really nap during the day. It wasn't enough to make me tired enough for a nap! I have to literally not sleep all night for a nap to be a thing.

Go for the tea!
I hope you have a nice time with your big sister!

Sorry you didn't sleep too jen!
Hopefully you settle down for a nap at some point

My ribs are currently REALLY hurting :(

tamobhuuta 22-04-2023 10:36 AM

Sorry you had a rough night too long road.

How come your ribs hurt Cacoethes? Can you take painkillers?

I made tea. I think I will do a wordsearch while I drink it. Also I'm in the queue to do laundry.

Cacoethes 22-04-2023 10:47 AM

I have no idea. I've already had cocodamol this morning!


Ahimsa 22-04-2023 10:52 AM

Guyzzzzzzzzzz halp plz.

Cacoethes 22-04-2023 10:52 AM

What's up?

tamobhuuta 22-04-2023 10:53 AM

Maybe it just needs more time to kick in?

I can hear the birds singing!

Ahimsa 22-04-2023 10:54 AM

Today I need to:

Vacuum my room (I found my floor last night)
Vacuum the living room
Go get food for tonight for me and my friends
Go drop stuff at the charity shop (near the food shop)
Change the bedding
Do ALL the washing up
Clean the bathroom
Mop the hallway.
Mop the kitchen

I have until 5:15 when I go pick one of my friends up because she doesn't drive.
Do we reckon, I'm allowed to go to The Works to pick up a new jigsaw, which is near the food and charity shops? Even thought my task list won't be done?

tamobhuuta 22-04-2023 10:54 AM

What's up Ahimsa?

tamobhuuta 22-04-2023 11:00 AM

Gosh! You can do it! I think a jigsaw reward is allowed.

Zurg 22-04-2023 11:12 AM

Honestly Ahimsa, if you manage just half of that list, a jigsaw reward is very much in order!!! Even if it means skipping something else :)

Also, hi everyone :D

tamobhuuta 22-04-2023 11:17 AM

Hi Zurg, how are you?

Cacoethes 22-04-2023 11:28 AM

Definitely get a jigsaw!

Hey zurg!
What's occurring?

not_so_insig 22-04-2023 01:23 PM

Hello all. I am expecting a delivery today and had some post. For some reason I am having post once every 3 days whereas normally I have post every day. Then I am having a **** ton of post when he does come.

one_step_closer 22-04-2023 01:23 PM

YES Ahimsa, definitely get a jigsaw.

Hey Kat, haven't seen you for a while. How are you doing?

Tamo, I hope you have a nice visit from your sister.

*sings lullabies to the tired people*

one_step_closer 22-04-2023 01:24 PM

The post can be all over the place these days, Dawn. At least you're still getting it.

not_so_insig 22-04-2023 01:33 PM

The trouble is that with the post being so unusual these days you don't know if stuff is lost or just really delayed. I am expecting a book and thought I would have it by now but nope.

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